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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Asian pears are delicious . When I said I had them in Korea but not since than ,I got them confused with kumquats. My wife is going to pick up some Asian pears tomorrow because now I have a hankering for them , lol .
  2. I tried blanched Kale since my post and they ate it up . I froze it in little pieces for future use . Guess I'll use it twice a week as feed other food other 3 days .
  3. Ebay has a wealth of tea from all over the world . I enjoy tea while watching Anthony Bourdain or Andrew Zimmern . It makes me feel worldly and cultured .
  4. Lol oh I see . Either way looked it up on Amazon and high ratings and good price. I'm thinking of 20 gallon long for two Picasso clowns , feather dusters , 10lbs live rock and mushrooms . As you know the mushrooms are only one's that need special light so the orbit looks great . I was looking at led and know nothing about them but did not come across the Orbit before . BTW, I read on the link that you listed that you had a clown which passed when you went away and your friend took care of the tank. Did you add any other fish in his place ?
  5. I just looked up the Orbit and it got high ratings . Are you happy with it ? I ask as you say your lighting is CURRENTLY Orbit Marine thus it seems you plan to change it or perhaps I'm reading to much into it . I am considering a 20 long with mushroom and the Orbit looks good . I know nothing about led .
  6. Louie

    a few of my Piranhas. .

    That is interesting. For some reason I always thought two males in a tank would kill each other . I now see they don't .
  7. Lots keep parrots here and I have learned over the years that the larger parrots can be very possessive and stubborn . They are intelligent birds and thus the problem . They bond with one person more than others and can be jealous . There is a female Peacock that has been coming to the yard for over 10 years . She hangs out with me, I can pet her and I feed her whole wheat bread every day but she will lunge at my wife if she is with me . Just as well as I don't want her bothering me in the yard , lol My neighbor has an English bullterrier and she and the peacock are like sisters which is unusual as that dog hates other animals . The dog goes in and out of the house the whole day and barks when the peacock arrives so that I throw bread over the wall for the bird to eat .
  8. Salt is stunning be it full blown reef of a fowler set up which I had in 70s, early 80s . Now its so much easier but live stock is so much more expensive as no regulations back in those days and we would collect our own live rock, etc . I think Boston and the NY Aquarium club are supposed to be the best . '' Lol Going to the lfs for buckets of rodi water lugging them to the basement'' That is a pain and why you had enough .
  9. Beautiful tank , What type filter and lighting ?
  10. I can see you with a 10 or 20 gallon long with a garden of feather dusters and easy mushroom corals plus a few interesting shrimp . I'm contemplating it myself .
  11. I do not vacuum the gravel in tanks where plants cover the entire bottom of tank as no need to clean it . However in that set up with only 2 slow growing plants I would vacuum the gravel because waste accumulates in the gravel and not enough plants to ''eat it''. I wouldn't vacuum immediately near the plants as not to disrupt roots . I do a 10 percent water change every week plants or not .
  12. Louie

    a few of my Piranhas. .

    Did they spawn in the school or you separated the pair , do they guard the eggs ?
  13. Louie

    a few of my Piranhas. .

    I have never been there . I have only seen it on nature shows , esp River Monsters . I love the tea cup rays from there . I think the rays you are referring to are bigger ? ''are very superstitious'' Lol so is much of Miami .
  14. This was very informative . I read that some foods will change shrimp colors for better or worse .
  15. If you ever want the headache of a banana tree , The Musa mini super dwarf banana tree puts out real bananas and only gets to 3 feet max . Does great under flourescent light . A neighbor has dwarf banana and dwarf pineapple , very sweet but small fruit .
  16. Thanks my wife eats Kale but I wont go near it , lol . I am going to try blanched kale .
  17. I've never seen Asian pears here I did eat when I was stationed on Korea and they were good but going to try bit of regular pear .
  18. Thanks it was very good reading with lots good ideas . I particularly liked what Soothing said about shrimp changing color due to food as heard that before .
  19. Louie

    a few of my Piranhas. .

    The videos are from d3r . Those are his piranhas I was quoting him thus I can see how you would think they are my videos . I have never kept piranhas but I have a friend here in Miami who had a black piranha for years when they were legal . First he had it with a tiger fish in a 55 gallon when they were both small . The piranha killed the tiger fish and my friend put him in a 125 gallon by himself . I Know that they are legal in many states because a friends son in another state recently bought some online . http://www.aquascapeonline.com/prodlist.asp?idcategory=22
  20. What fruit and vegetables do you feed your shrimp? I have tried rinsed peas and corn from the can and sliced tomato . Other things I have tried which they ignored was tiny bit of raw yam and avocado. thanks
  21. Louie

    a few of my Piranhas. .

    Oh that must have been fantastic . The pink dolphins must have been some sight .
  22. Wow 86 degrees ,certainly is a warm water shrimp . I find those rabbit snails lovely in their own right .
  23. Thanks . I find the King Kong and Hulk shrimps confusing as they come in different colors which resemble other shrimp . For example I saw King Kongs in black/white whch to me looked like Black crystal.
  24. I'm not a breeder per-se as far as my shrimp are just a hobby and I don't breed anything fancy but IMO there is something wrong with that picture . If anything I find an old tank to be the best . Granted my tanks are planted .
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