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Posts posted by Louie

  1. Tried the kava kava tea packets I bought from ebay.  Has kinda a taste like clove, but overall not fond of the taste...  If anyone wants to try a bag, I can mail it out to you.

    Ebay has a wealth of tea from all over the world .


    I enjoy tea while watching Anthony Bourdain or Andrew Zimmern  .  It makes me feel worldly and cultured .

  2. The name of the light is Current Orbit Marine. I am really happy it keeps lps, softies, and my anemone alive and healthy. The orbit could totally grow mushrooms.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Lol oh I see .


    Either way looked it up on Amazon and high ratings and good price.


    I'm thinking of 20 gallon long for two Picasso clowns , feather dusters , 10lbs live rock and mushrooms .  As you know the mushrooms are only one's that need special light so the orbit looks great .


    I was looking at led and know nothing about them but did not come across the Orbit before .


    BTW, I read on the link that you listed that you had a clown which passed when you went away and your friend took care of the tank.


    Did you add any other fish in his place ?

  3. First Reef Tank


    I run an aqua clear 20 with carbon and rock rubble. My lighting is a current orbit marine led. Thanks!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I just looked up the Orbit and it got high ratings .


    Are you happy with it ?


    I ask as you say your lighting is CURRENTLY Orbit Marine thus it seems you plan to change it or perhaps I'm reading to much into it .


    I am considering a 20 long with mushroom and the Orbit looks good .


    I know nothing about led .

  4. Louie- they spawned in the school...i have 2.5 pairs...

    I say the .5 because i have 2 that always do the spawning behavior but no eggs ever come of it..i often wonder if they're both male hahah.

    They do protect the eggs. One (usually the male) hovers over top and fans them and the other (usually the female) will patrol 1-2feet away stopping any other fish from coming near. Its kinda funny considering they eat their own babies when they hatch though xD so protective over the eggs but eat the fry. I haven't grown any babies out in a while but the last time they attacked my siphon n put a bunch of holes in it when i was sucking the eggs out hahah.

    Shrimpworks, ill try to get a video of my little black piranha eating and post it up soon.

    N yep piranha and car guy! I have a 1979 Camaro with a little rumpity-rump, a 1975 Nova with a lot of rumpity-rump and a 1957 chevy to cruise in haha.

      That is interesting. For some reason I always thought two males in a tank would kill each other . I now see they don't .

  5. What timing! I was just reading this as we were relaxing in the living room and our conure startled, flew around the entire house, flew past the grey who snapped at her. He is getting possessive of me with her and territorial about his cage area. He is fine with the dogs although the conure tries to bite their noses. It is never boring aroud here. :)

    Lots keep parrots here and I have learned over the years that the larger parrots can be very possessive and stubborn .


    They are intelligent birds and thus the problem .  They bond with one person more than others and can be jealous .


    There is a female Peacock that has been coming to the yard for over 10 years .  She hangs out with me, I can pet her and I feed her whole wheat bread every day but she will lunge at my wife if she is with me .


    Just as well as I don't want her bothering me in the yard , lol


    My neighbor has an English bullterrier and she and the peacock are like sisters which is unusual as that dog hates other animals  . The dog goes in and out of the house the whole day and barks when the peacock arrives so that I throw bread over the wall for the bird to eat .






  6. I was running a reef tank before I came over to the shrimp world. It was alot of work though and became too much every night for me so I shut it down and went freshwater. I was sick of going to the lfs to get buckets of rodi water and lugging them down to my basement to mix the salt. Of course what am i doing today? Lol Going to the lfs for buckets of rodi water lugging them to the basement and mixing with salty shrimp gh+. Lol I think it is time to buy my own rodi.

    Reef tanks are beautiful and i will be back some day but everything was a bit more expensive and time consuming. There is an amazing local reef community though, boston reefers, that reminds me of this forum. Lots of folks sharing info and it was always cheaper to buy frags from the locals that were tank bred.

    Soothing shrimp- i beg you not to venture into reef tanks. You will get hooked and we NEED you here! I still need some of your chocolate diamonds. LOL

    Salt is stunning be it full blown reef of a fowler set up which I had in 70s, early 80s .


    Now its so much easier but live stock is so much more expensive as no regulations back in those days and we would collect our own live rock, etc .


    I think Boston and the NY Aquarium club are supposed to be the best .


    '' Lol Going to the lfs for buckets of rodi water lugging them to the basement''


    That is a pain and why you had enough . 

  7. I do not vacuum the gravel in tanks where plants cover the entire bottom of tank as no need to clean it .  However in that set up with only 2 slow growing plants I would vacuum the gravel because waste accumulates in the gravel and not enough plants to ''eat it''.


    I wouldn't vacuum immediately near the plants as not to disrupt roots .


    I do a 10 percent water change every week plants or not .

  8. Been there a few times and yes its amazing. The pink dolphins are cool but the tribes that are farther away from real civilization are very superstitious and do not like the dolphins. They are considered somewhat evil but very respected... The thing that locals fear the most are the freshwater stingrays. They hurt and kill more people than anything else. The infection the barbs cause is deadly and hard to cure. You cant see the stingrays, people step on them all the time. They say its like getting shot and with a bullet on fire.



    I have never been there . I have only seen it on nature shows , esp River Monsters .


    I love the tea cup rays from there .   I think the rays you are referring to are bigger ?


    ''are very superstitious''


    Lol so is much of Miami .

  9. Wish I could have outdoor bananas but we're in a zone 3b :( Only one oak tree in my area and it dropped its leaves a few weeks before I knew we could give them to shrimp! Coffee grounds shouldn't contain much if any caffeine so long as its been brewed as caffeine is water soluble.

    Had no idea you could give them cinnamon sticks, always just composted them after simmering, especially useful during the holiday season!

    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk


    If you ever want the headache of a banana tree , The Musa mini super dwarf banana tree puts out real bananas and only gets to 3 feet max . Does great under flourescent light .


    A neighbor has dwarf banana and dwarf pineapple , very sweet but small fruit .

  10. I use simple, cheap & affordable thawed out mushy peas.  High nutrient value, easy to feed & absorb medication or supplements.

    By the way, Pokeshrimp started this informative thread also.  :thumbsu:


    Thanks it was very good reading with lots good ideas .


    I particularly liked what Soothing said about shrimp changing color due to food as heard that before .

  11. Hey Louie, would you do some more cool Piranha videos?  Also, can you guys clarify whats up w/the black Piranhas?  More specifically, do people still have them?  Also, your saying it takes forever for them to grow?  Finally, can folks in the US still get them in the US or are they banned here completely? 


    I remember a way long time ago seeing theses as babies for sale & even then they were really aggressive..

    The videos are from d3r . Those are his piranhas I was quoting him thus I can see how you would think they are my videos .


    I have never kept piranhas but I have a friend here in Miami who had a black piranha for years when they were legal .  First he had it with a tiger fish in a 55 gallon when they were both small .


    The piranha killed the tiger fish and my friend put him in a 125 gallon by himself .


    I Know that they are legal in many states because a friends son in another state recently bought some online .



  12. I was near the Peruvian/Colombian border and swam with them. Also did some diving in some back water lakes after the river levels dropped and saw discus and large schools schools of cardinal tetras...  We also saw the pink dolphins and the locals are terrified of them, claim they steal the children.

    Oh that must have been fantastic .   The pink dolphins must have been some sight .

  13. kept them for over 18 months and bred them successfully.

    Parameters were as follows:


    PH 8.6  Sulawesi like very warm water and high PH

    Temp 86F

    Straight tap water with just Kordon Aqua Plus as conditioner, nothing else added.

    Substrate was crushed coral from LFS  used for cichlid tanks.

    Stones were lava rock/slate    Sulawesi like to hang upside down under stones so make lots of caves for them (very much like cichlid tanks)

    Food was algae wafer   They didn't eat a lot of specialty foods as they graze off the stones, so make sure your tank is cycled for at least 4 weeks to let the biofilm develop on the rocks.

    Yellow Rabbit snails.....these Cardinals have a symbiotic relationship with these snail...I believe they eat the snail poop!   Seem to do much better when kept with these snails than without.


    You can keep neos with Cardinals and they won't interbreed.  I accidentally had a yellow neo get into the sulawesi tank from some moss I had added to the tank, after that they all lived happily together for the whole 18 months till I shut the tank down.


    Ive kept several Sulawesi species including the yellow dot, starlight, blue nose posos etc, but the cardinals were always the nicest to keep.

    Good luck.

    Wow 86 degrees ,certainly is a warm water shrimp .


    I find those rabbit snails lovely in their own right .

  14. Yes they are Caridina shrimp, you can keep them in the same water parameters as Crystal red shrimp, lower temperature and soft acidic water.

    Thanks . I find the King Kong and Hulk shrimps confusing as they come in different colors which resemble other shrimp  .  For example I saw King Kongs in black/white whch to me looked like Black crystal.

  15. Over the past two years or so I've just started keeping cards.  If this helps any, lots of big breeders in Asia will tear down their tanks every 6 months and set up again... sounds expensive to me...

    I'm not a breeder per-se as far as my shrimp are just a hobby and I don't breed anything fancy but IMO there is something wrong with that picture .


    If anything I find an old tank to be the best . 


    Granted my tanks are planted .

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