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Posts posted by Louie

  1. ^Where is "here"? Both red bellies and pacu will cause havoc on an ecosystem they're not naturally found in so its cause for concern eitherway...people are just more afraid of physical damage to themselves from piranha.

    How big was your friends?

    I have a serrasalmus rhombeus aka black piranha aka red eye piranha in a 55gal growing out right now.. they take forrreeeeeeever to grow but if he gets big enough i may put him in a 120gal for life. Hes probably 3inches now..had him since he was the size of a dime haha.


    Here is Miami .


    My friends seemed to be about 12 inches give or take . It was the only fish in his 125 gallon  with driftwood . I'm going to go on a limb and say he had it for like 15 years . Not sure if I am adding a few years but I know he certainly had it more than 10 years .


    It passed away when old .  I had no idea and imagine he doesn't either lol  that red eye is the Black Piranha .


    He bought it in this state before the ban.

  2. I use the Penguin 100B on my 20 gallon tanks and 150B on a 29 gallon tank .


    I don't use bio wheel because found it got stuck .   I just use it to circulate water and keep either Sea-Chem Purigen or Bio-Marine poly-filter pads in them which I SOAK 24 hours in container of tank water BEFORE placing in filter .


    Like others I highly recommend Hans filter intake guards .


    Easy to attach, they stay on don't fall off and you wont lose baby shrimp.




  3. I don't test for anything .  The reason I do not test is because I'm not going to wait till something is high to do a water change.   I had saltwater fish in the late 70s when the only filtration for salt was under gravel filter or box filters and simply got in the habit of weekly water changes without waiting for anything to spike .


    I simply do a 10 percent water change every week  for shrimp and 20 for fish .


    I love Shield by Borneo Wild which I add with new water and this is coming from someone who finds most products a gimmick .  I found the baby shrimp just seem to grow faster and no losses .

  4. Yepper. Bred lots of them. Ph7+, gh has been anywhere from 7 to 12 and up successfully depending on tank. Temp currently 75F.

    The secret to breeding them for me was a hair algae mass, instead of moss. They dig under it, use it like a cave, hide in it, climb on it, and I *believe* they even eat it as well.

    I also feed flake as a main food.


    Thanks I thought of keeping a pair in a 20 gallon long with 4 Whisker shrimp but suspect the red claws would kill them.


    These Whisker shrimp are killers in their own right and live there by themselves so it was a bad idea every which way .


    I do love the red claw shrimp and intend to get some when the whisker shrimp expire .


    Have your red claw killed any of their own ?

  5. ^ thanks. They do fin nip eachother occasionally but there is a hierarchy within the shoal and they all seem to know their place and stay in line.

    Ive been fortunate to not have lost any to cannibalism yet..especially since mine are much more aggro than your average redbellys.

    However i did lose my 13" pleco yesterday though. He had been in there for 3yrs with em but got too close to the dominant piranha lastnight and fatally paid for it.



    At one time they were popular here but the banned them years ago .  In reality people were catching young pacu and the media went with the Piranha hysteria .  Those who kept them didn't turn them in but you couldn't get any more .


    Well perhaps a few Piranhas were caught , lol .


    A friend had a red-eye Piranha by itself in a 125 gallon .

  6. My mouth dropped when I saw this!




    For those of you that don't have facebook video, here's a still pic:


    attachicon.gifwaterfall fish tank.gif


    Yes, those are two underwater waterfalls.


    kasih tak sampai


    fissiden. creeping bucep. montecarlo

    I am one of those without facebook , lol .


    I would think that regardless of pump the sand would clog it .

  7. it is too long to read it and give a proper answer :P busy with work.


    i can give you a quick answer to your last quesiton about water change.


    i do most of the time a water change of 40 a 50 % with all my shrimp tanks (taiwan bee, prl, fire shrimp, so on.)

    i get told by people 10000000000000000000000000000000000000x times: ooooo watch out you are going to kill your shrimp, they cant handle a big water change............ BULLSH** 


    all big breeders i know in my hometown/country, they do the same as me a relative big water change and never lost a single shrimp!

    it is those small ´just started´ breeders who say a big water change is harmfull.........


    i can tell you i do every week at least 40% water change and have 10+  berried female´s walking with taiwan bee and 40+ with neo shrimps! i have a big baby boom in my tanks.... need to sell some soon :P

    I'm not a breeder per-se but my shrimp breed .  I have had shrimp in heavy planted tanks for roughly 3 years so no expert .


    I have very good water here but I have found that 10 % to 20 % water change to be safe plus shrimp thrive .

    I have had a death here and there with 40 % changes . I find that a big change in water chemistry, temp for them.


    I do de-chlorinate water prior and it comes directly from tap .

  8. The short answer is.... you're over thinking this whole thing. From the years I been keeping shrimp I find that staying simple works wonders in my tanks.

    So I meet the basic needs ph, gh, kh. Then I just stick with a schedule of light feeding and regular top off with RO water.

    Find what works best for YOU and once you do then repeat that process and that's it. We all do things a little different so honestly the best results will come from personal experience over time.

    No water changes ?

  9. Would love to see the cross. :)


    I usually siphon up a few by accident in my white bucket than I put them back as I do weekly water change . I will take a pic of any hybrid .  They aren't as plain as reg Louisiana dwarfs but not nearly as pretty as CPO's .









  10. Not sure if this classifys as a horror film at all but 


    Troll 2


    I HIGHLY recommend this movie. It should be on Netflix if you have that.

    Lol I remember Troll 2 .


    I found it as cheaply made as Pumpkin head and Anaconda .


    The original Krampus which this remake is based on was also rather funny  .

  11. I keep Cambarellus shufeldtii which I think is one of the 2 or 3 true Louisiana dwarfs .


    I keep them outside without a filter in shade but aquaponics method .   They have been outside for 2 years and doing great they breed between high 60s and low 80s .


    They haven't bred outside those temps .  They are hardy but dull color.


    I have not been able to breed CPO's but was able to cross breed one CPO with a Cambarellus. but not nearly as pretty as true CPO.

  12. I am leaning towards a young Macrobrachium red claw but some of these shrimp look rather similar .


    I had Indian whisker shrimp . Their claws were nothing like the one in your pic and they were still killers as far as would actively hunt down guppies at night .


    I'm just guessing that yours might be red claw but even if I am wrong. Shrimps with claws like that are shrimp that kill . lol .

  13. I had one female berried but the adults all died within a few months. Water was fine food was clean of copper just think they weren't kept well that the LFS. I do enjoy them though they really i e to swim around and are much bolder than the little guys!

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    I find ghost shrimp unless directly collected locally way more delicate than lets say cherry shrimp .


    The one's I have collected thrive and still have good size one's which I collected a year ago . The pet store bought one's don't live long .


    I used to have Indian whisker shrimp which were killers . They even killed adult male guppies . They look like bigger ghost shrimp and some color and very active .


    I mention them as very hardy and if you like the active ghost shrimp you'll love them but they cant be kept with other smaller shrimp nor fish other than bigger cories .

  14. This the fixture I want to change and since filter is on side and I am not changing that I need a clip on type led that can light up a 29 gallon high tank .


    The light doesn't look this green to human eye but it does with cell phone pic . GREAT for plants but I don't like the dome on top of tank look .


    It is java fern, moss growing on driftwood bare bottom and lots shrimp and several male guppies and endlers .






  15. All, I will be setting up a new tank soon and want inspiration for my aquascape. All pictures are welcome regardless of tank size!

    Here are some of my other fish/shrimp setups that I've done. I need inspiration!




    And one pic of shrimp


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    Nice . What type led clip on light is that ?


    I have been looking for an led clip on light for my rimmed tank and have only found rimless tank types .  I am using dome cfl bulbs which works great but not the best look on top of tank.

  16. Awesome. Right now and mainly the reason I ask is because I do not use a heater with the neos I have now and will be trying CRS in the coming weeks and wanted to know if a heater is a just in case item or was necessarily needed.

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    Keep in mind my temps are in the neo range .  I don't know what temps you have .


    If my temps were below 70 I would use a heater to stay at 72 .


    The breeders here would know best but I have had great results at these temps and daily fluctuating temps 76 down to 72 .

  17. Hi, I've recently bought a tank and it has been 1 week into its cycle. I'm really thinking of adding other types of neos instead of regular cherry shrimp into the tank. Any suggestions? I have seen some pretty nice Black King Kong's and blue jelly shrimp at my LFS recently but they're a little on the expensive side so I wanna make sure I get things right from the start before I lose any of them.


    (Don't worry about the angel, I'll be removing him after my cycling is done)

    Tanks specs:

    5.6 gallonns

    Ammonia: 0ppm

    Nitrite: 0ppm

    Nitrate: 10ppm

    pH: 6.4

    Temp: 26-28°c

    Plants: Amazon sword, riccia, Java moss, some long stem plants

    Thanks for your help guys!

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    Beautiful angel .

  18. My shrimp tanks range from 72 degrees at night to 76 degrees during day because the house temp fluctuates other than cichlid/tropical fish room which has AC vents closed and they do great . Smallest tank is 20 gallons so change in temp is gradual but it does happen every day .

    Hey guys,

    I am wondering if I should use a heater with CRS. I currently have RCS and don't use a heater and they seem to do fine. My water temperature stays within a few degrees with minimal fluctuations. Thoughts on this?

    Also, I currently have a Collar aPump single output on a 10 gallon. I am in the process of setting up an 11.4 gallon Mr Aqua tank and want to know if that air pump will be enough filtration or have enough power to be okay in this tank.



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