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Posts posted by Louie

  1. I've successfully housed RCS with panda corys and a male betta. He is the sweetest most chill guy though, never nips fins or gets upset when his territory is invaded. Ive moved the RCS to their own tank anyway since I figure shrimplets will get eaten regardless. I kept some big fat ghost shrimp with my other betta but he is sooooo aggressive he would bite off antenna and hunt them down. Those guys have their own home now too. Im surprised how cheap ghost shrimp are in the US, LFS here wants $3 a piece!

    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

    Ghost shrimps are caught in Florida and think 2 other states thus cheaper than Canada .  I have netted them by accident in shallow grassy marsh while trying to catch little fish .


    I find them underrated and fascinating but they will hunt and kill the smaller fancier shrimp babies . I have bred them outside in shaded tubs during hottest part of summer but have never bred them inside .


    They are often listed as cool water shrimps on sites but I disagree with that . They like it warm .


    Have you been able to breed yours ?

  2. Mine went away when I switched to RODI. Well they are there but barely any. I had a piece of driftwood in there and they would all be on that in the morning so I'd take it out and rinse it off. I did that over and over. So I think it was the combination of both.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    They live IN the wood and like termites when you take the wood out which you saw .

    Fish LOVE them .

    Either way surprised your RO/DI worked because copeds thrive and suffer in same conditions as shrimp .

  3. I got some from shrimp ricky. It is very important that they are blue, because I have a blue themed aquarium. My pH is slightly below 7, why are these crays not blue, instead they are more white. They have been in the aquarium for over a week. 


    I'm no expert on dwarf crays and others here might disagree but other than Cambarellus shufeldtii  I find dwarf crays even more delicate than shrimp as far as PH and showing their colors if PH is not to their liking .


    The bigger crays I have found much easier .


    I looked into blue Diminutus and read lots of comments like yours .


    As far as dwarfs ,I keep CPO , Cajun dwarfs and some CPO/Cajun hybrids which happened by accident and surprised me considering my pure CPO's never breed .

  4. I feel the same.  All other crays I have owned have been very aggressive.  These dims run up to each other, wave their claws and then run away. heh


    I can keep lots of adults in a single tenner tank, whereas cpo when adults need their space.



    I keep together and have bred a pair of White Allens outside but 2 years and not one of my Orange CPO's has ever bred inside nor outside .


    Doing well but never an offspring .

  5. I have.. They don't have anything beside a 55 cabinet. I was thinking maybe a kitchen base cabinet from like lowes or Home Depot? Would that work?



    You can always buy a metal stand and put a ''skirt'' on it with black, etc fabric to hide the filter or hide it with thin painted plywood front .



    Some of the stands sold in pet stores other than metal seem to be cheap 'compressed wood/paper' and in time warp .

  6. I love bristleworms.  Predatory creatures though.

    lol you are the only person I know who likes them .


    I used to remove them in a simple bottle trap but my biggest night predators were large serpent stars which I caught trapping and trying to eat one of my yellow gobies so I gave the big green serpent stars away .


    Live rock than was LIVE because there weren't any real regulations yet and it was right from the unprotected Miami reefs . We didn't know any better .



    Keep in mind I'm going back to early 80s when we didn't have the info we have now .

  7. I hear ya.  When I was breeding rats, I obtained a gambian pouched rat.  They are as big as cats and can make good pets, but the one I got was psycho.  So bad in fact, I had to put him in a hands off cage.  One day shortly after, when moving his cage, he decided to do a Kujo on me and attack.  This was not unsuspected since he had tried many times before to get me.  However my middle finger was just on the outside and he bit through the holes in the cage wire and just about bit the top of my finger off. heh  Luckily the wires stopped his mouth from closing entirely.  Just cut the top of my finger in half instead.


    It happened so fast, and did some nerve damage so that it didn't hurt much, although I bled a lot.  I had numbness while it healed for about a year, but now it's fine.  BTW, I no longer have the gambian.  It passed in it's sleep a couple years later.

    I read that Gambians make very good pets did you find that to be the case other than this one Gambian ?

  8. People don't belive me when I tell them lake Okeechobee has a red belly population. Also when I lived in Missouri it wasn't uncommon to hear that some one caught a black Piraha in some unlikely places at first you think o someone released them and realize it's still winter.

    Are you sure they aren't baby Pacu ?

    I have caught small Pacu there which as you know look like piranha .

    I think the state still allows sale of Pacu or did till recently .

  9. Thank you!


    Nope, it's an Allen's Damselfish.

    Oh the ''neon'' damsel .

    I have never actually seen one other than pics .

    I had salt in the late 70s early 80s when UG filters were the norm ,wet/drys were starting to come out and the only protein skimmers were archaic air driven compared to now thus reef tanks weren't the norm , lol plus lighting was just fluorescent tubes .

    We did collect rock and lots livestock right from reefs because regulations weren't put in place till early 80s .

    Rocks would come with tiny octopus , tiny morays and mantis and bristle worms .

  10. So I have an idea, you set up a low tech SW tank, with dry sand, dry rock and nothing else, let it cycle for a week or two, and go to the beachabd get a rock that has nothing on it(but has bacteria stuff on it) and let it sit and see what was on the rock, let it sit for like 8months or something and see.

    Why not just collect several rocks and the sand from the beach .



    Wet sand not dry .


    You will get the most life this way .   I have collected rocks and sunken woof from 4 feet depth of water and it had interesting life such as tiny stars, feather dusters, etc .

  11. You know, I  wouldn't do it but I gave 10 of my shrimp to someone who keeps fish (I'm not good at naming them but there are some small tetras, guppies, endlers, maybe something else). I gave them when they were almost adults. Everytime I visited there I see at least 3-5 shrimp (now all females saddled and today saw one berried). I've never seen the fish interested in the shrimp at all. They swim around and even don't take a look at the shrimp. But that tank has some places where shrimp can hide but I see them mostly on plants, not hiding. Maybe these fish are fed very good?

    I have found female guppies and F endlers simply lethal for small shrimp because they pick them off or nip at them if they catch them swimming mid tank .


    The much smaller males I have found to be completely safe .

  12. I keep tiger, lime green and red males endlers  NOT females with shrimp in a 29 gallon high tank and in a heavy planted 20 gallon long tank of crystals I keep 4 mini moth catfish that aquaticarts sells .


    My shrimp population has only grown plus the mini moth cats ate all the planaria which was nice .


  13. Soothing,

                        Yes , the pet laws as far as lots being banned is the bad thing about Hawaii and it is expensive but it is paradise .




    Subtle ,

                  They have the nicest Jackson chamaleons in Hawaii .  Did you see wild parrots ?

  14. forumsnow ,

                        I can't order anything now as simply to hot here and guaranteed atleast 2 days late due to the sorting place further north in the state but like your old local post office my local post office is fantastic .

                        Most local post office's are fine it is the sorting facilities which delay packages . Some times it is their fault but during Dec even to early Jan they are swamped in packages .

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