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Everything posted by Louie

  1. High5 BRILLIANT idea . The 5 inch landscaping edge they sell is PERFECT . I read this yesterday and did not sign on but I called the gardening place I go to . They had brown in stock but getting black this Tue . This is exactly what I needed but I never thought of it . I am going to silicone it as that will serve my purpose but I have to wait a bit since it is rainy (pure humidity season) . I am picking it up next week and it will certainly keep the soil out of it . Thanks
  2. Louie


    Chibikaie, Insurance will cover it but because the guy who hit him had no license and no insurance , the owners of the damaged vehicles will wind up paying out of their pocket as far as higher premiums . Miami is the #1 city for uninsured drivers and though I have never been hit , everyone I know who has been hit by uninsured drivers had to absorb the cost of being hit . High5, What S. Florida are you in ? Lol . This place is the top 5 for uninsured and hit and run .
  3. color, Thanks . I would have thought that bit to cold in your parts to keep them out all year . I think you get frost now and than?
  4. Louie


    Was he drunk or he thought he was in Miami ?
  5. How many clip ons would you get for a 20 long (30 inches long) , imagine 3 since each is 10 inches ? The mounts work well but my filter prevents one side from being used as the filter sits on one side of tank thus couldn't use even with mount.
  6. Thanks everyone . I should have noted that I wanted to increase its height because when it pours , Mud, etc winds up in that "pond" (I siphon it out) and was looking to increase the border height to prevent this . Acrylic or some type plastic looks to be my only option and silicon it on the border . I am going to look online and see if such a thing as curved pieces like High5's pic as that would be ideal.
  7. I have this on the side of the house . It is two 40 gallon pvc "pond" frames stacked on top of each other . It serves its purpose as a little place to add extra hybrid shrimp and some unusual colored platys . I would like to increase the height by about 6 inches . I was thinking of searching for some type hard black flat PVC I could silicone on the 1 inch frame border . Could this work or forget about it?
  8. Louie

    My 55 gallon shrimp tank

    This is my 55 gallon shrimp tank after I trimmed many of the plants as it was too over grown. It has about 150 shrimp but I do not see any in this picture . I will try to get shrimp pictures but posting it takes me some time .
  9. Colorfan. Hard to see in the pic but you use regular potting soil? Poormanisme, I'll take a pic this week in what I planted my new sundew plants in .
  10. Mikey , I take it you use a pro-system not DIY?
  11. maypfly, Thanks they certainly are nice looking . I cant wait (hope) my seeds take . I had larger green types before not this type. I did not want anything large this time but more so with color. poormanisme, I planted two different small pots with them , sun all year long is no problem here . I am going to put one in sun once they sprout and get going .Thanks
  12. Thanks the lay on top wont work because my filter is on the side and I wont change that but this looks like something that will work. I emailed the company a question yesterday .
  13. Buddha , They have been using them in Europe for fish food for awhile now an invasive species which seems to breed rather nicely in captivity . Too bad impossible to find in a culture .
  14. wicca, I also keep anubias but yours is a very nice one . What type lighting ?
  15. Taylor, The seeds take some time to get going . Can take 12 weeks . I planted some like 3 weeks ago and nothing yet but I recall last time it took awhile. mayphly, I just planted pitcher plants from seeds . Do they take as long as VFT ? Your jar has no draining holes? poormanisme, Do you keep them out of direct sunlight ? I had a thriving bunch which died but have read that some keep inn sunlight , some don't.
  16. Doc, Lots use dry bamboo uncoated and yes it will slowly decay but I think we are talking years .
  17. Shaun, Oh that is scary how did it get in?
  18. Thanks . I heard of the company but did not think their clip-ons would work on rimmed tanks . I would need 2 for a 20 gallon long but that's not bad if they clip on . Going to research them .
  19. I love purigen or chemi-pure but I NEVER add them to my shrimp tank filters after I rinse them out. I have found that inverts do not take this well . I place them in a container of water for 24 hours prior or better yet run them in one of my fish tanks 24 hours before putting them in shrimp tank.
  20. s4.postimg.org/x9bsmrsql/037.jpg Doc is this what you want to do ? I know dry bamboo uncoated works. This is not my tank just a pic of dead bamboo in a tank .
  21. Subtle, lol yes they are . Good size one's wash on shore after heavy rains and winds . I like them but once they beach , they die.
  22. Bamboo is often used in tanks with fish and shrimp and harmless UNLESS it is treated . Worse case it might leach a little but with any type of media in the filter it is no worse than driftwood . Several pet places sell real bamboo type "walls' that separate substrate , bamboo bridges , etc .
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