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Posts posted by Louie

  1. High5

                 BRILLIANT idea . The 5 inch landscaping edge they sell is PERFECT .  I read this yesterday and did not sign on but I called the gardening place I go to . They had brown in stock but getting black this Tue .

                   This is exactly what I needed but I never thought of it .   I am going to silicone it as that will serve my purpose but I have to wait a bit since it is rainy (pure humidity season) .  I am picking it up next week and it will certainly keep the soil out of it .



  2. Chibikaie,

                    Insurance will cover it but because the guy who hit him had no license and no insurance , the owners of the damaged vehicles will wind up paying out of their pocket as far as higher premiums .

                  Miami is the #1 city for uninsured drivers and though I have never been hit , everyone I know who has been hit by uninsured drivers had to absorb the cost of being hit . 





                 What S. Florida are you in ?  Lol  .  This place is the top 5 for uninsured and hit and run .

  3. Thanks everyone . I should have noted that I wanted to increase its height because when it pours , Mud, etc winds up in that "pond" (I siphon it out) and was looking to increase the border height to prevent this .


    Acrylic or some type plastic looks to be my only option and silicon it on the border .


    I am going to look online and see if such a thing as curved pieces like High5's pic as that would be ideal.

  4. I have this on the side of the house . It is two 40 gallon pvc "pond" frames stacked on top of each other .  It serves its purpose as a little place to add extra hybrid shrimp and some unusual colored platys .


    I would like to increase the height by about 6 inches .  I was thinking of searching for some type hard black flat PVC I could silicone on the 1 inch frame border .


    Could this work or forget about it?



    How Can I increase height


  5. Colorfan.

                     Hard to see in the pic but you use regular potting soil?




                             I'll take a pic this week in what I planted my new sundew plants in .

  6. maypfly,

                      Thanks they certainly are nice looking . I cant wait (hope) my seeds take . I had larger green types before not this type. I did not want anything large this time but more so with color.




                             I planted two different small pots with them , sun all year long is no problem here .  I am going to put one in sun once they sprout and get going .Thanks

  7. Taylor,

                 The seeds take some time to get going .  Can take 12 weeks .

                  I planted some like 3 weeks ago and nothing yet but I recall last time it took awhile.




                      I just planted pitcher plants from seeds . Do they take as long as VFT ?

                      Your jar has no draining holes?



                              Do you keep them out of direct sunlight ?   I had a thriving bunch which died but have read that some keep inn sunlight , some don't.

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