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Posts posted by Louie

  1. Having used and continue to use cork I agree about boiling it first just a fast boil will do it because to long and the cork can crack/break up and good luck keeping it down unless it is already water logged .


    I have some cork sheets which I had hope to use lol  outside floating in some Rubbermaid stock tanks with fish for over 2 years .


    I also have some which sunk in 6 months time in tanks with java fern on them and works great .

  2. Soothing,

                         Thanks.  I am not familiar with tree's but I know Florida has Willow tree's so going to try  a branch once I find out what is Willow. If it works will get more because the 'bamboo' looks nice and they enjoy the thick root hiding areas but it is simply to slow growing to truly be effective as aquaponics .


       I used to have tomato plant as aquaponics for outside guppies and that was amazing but it needs more sun that my cray bins get.

  3. In my experience having some drab colored shrimp with them, If the shrimp have plants , etc to avoid them than the shrimp are fine.


    A CPO will take a shrimp if the tank is some bare type set up which forces the shrimp to 'hang out' with the CPO but with plants and or driftwood the shrimp are fine which does not mean that a shrimp could be taken here or there .


    I found the smaller but way more active and faster American dwarf crays to be much worse on shrimp .

  4. Gabor,

                    Years ago they sold every color Pacman, fantasy frog and other large frogs in the area and those frogs looked like they can bite .  I actually had no idea they had fangs . 


    How did you keep yours as far as heat ?   I ask because know frogs don't care for incandescent heat and not to active I imagine?



                      When those frogs first came out in color morphs they were pricey and only serious hobbyist got them than but as the prices dropped much lower , more kids got them or people who pick them up on a whim and their husbandry suffered.


                     Same premise as the $5 baby sliders people buy in those little plastic turtle set ups . Those poor turtles are doomed .

  5. Country, I have grown water sprite and ludwiga emersed but no tank cover just mud and over head light .  The ludwiga grew very interesting like ground cover . You might as well turn one of those tanks into a salamander set up ,lol.


    GA has some nice types .



    I also had some frogbit I got from Han grow directly on soil .  I had some fall out of a stock tank and couple weeks later noticed it was growing in the moist soil but not sure if that is common.

  6. The bins are 30 inches long and 16 wide .


    The older bin in the background which inside is roots covering pvc pipes has 3 adult marbled crays .  The crays do eat roots here and there but not enough so I do wind up trimming the roots but the 'bamboo' could not care less and I often wind up trimming them .


    The pictured bin has a pair of 3 1/2 inch White crays and I have another older well established 'bamboo' bin not pictured with a blue clarcki female and I plan to add an extra white  male who I have inside but to small now .


    The Bamboo is just because crays like hiding in the roots plus the babies do use it but as far as filtration type plants ,though  they do love the crayfish water but IMO grow to slow for actual filtration .

  7. Very interesting fish but lots room and unless the right type tank they don't fair well and develop droopy eye .


    I have only seen the common silver but that Cross back in that pic is stunning .  I just looked them up as never heard of them the red color morphs are striking .

  8. Chibikaie ,

                            The reason that you feel that perhaps the amphibian hobby isn't up to your standards of good behavior is that unlike shrimp hobby , lots of kids are drawn to amphibians and thus not all get the enclosure, care they should be getting.

       Having said that some are also outstanding keepers ,


     I used to keep king and milk snakes, now only have 1 elderly snake but had some for think over 15 years till they passed from old age . The reptile and amphibian hobby has its share of people who keep herps in not the best conditions .


     I remember when the albino pacmans first came out , they were several thousand dollars .  The normal types were all imported and thus not that pricey.



    About 30 years ago I kept Malaysian toads and good thing I had 2 females and no males because at the time I had no idea how loud the males were .

     I kept the females in a 20 gallon long with soil bottom (they would bury 3/4) of their body . VERY messy as big eaters and I would change the soil weekly , best soil in the world for plants .




                 Did you ever get bit ?   They seem like they could deliver a bite.

  9. People have a tendency to skimp on heaters and that is an expensive mistake . 


    I used to buy the Otto-Computherms which were like $50 roughly 20 years ago and to this day they hold temp EXACTLY as set but they no longer sell them.


    Other brands are good but IMO the cheap fish heaters are just that cheaply made and unreliable .


    There are cheap filters even lights which are great but I have not found quality cheap heaters and you cant skimp on heaters or you'll regret it .

  10. This is how I have always bred crays . I keep them outside under gazebo roof in screen area . My dwarfs are inside and they never bred , lol but even impossible to breed crays will breed outside thus it is not like I am an expert at breeding crays .
    In the last pic you notice all the rat traps and that was due to a large male raccoon who would tear my screen and attempt to raid ONLY the Marbled cray bin .  He was not able to but until he was caught and I put in stronger screen , the rat traps stopped him but he came for 5 consecutive nights .
    Either way its a basic set up with silicone in place pvc pipes and I add "bamboo" which send out thick roots and the baby crays hide .  I need to add more 'bamboo' to the new White cray set up.
    Before using the bin , I fill it with water 1/2 way up for a month to leach out any chemicals than change the water and it is ready .
    I keep about 8 inches of water in all the cray bins , no need to use more or they warp .  I don't use filter just siphon out 50% about 2x a week and replace with my pond water .
    I fold the screen so it slides off not lift off and the rear 50% stays put as that is where the
    bamboo" grows .

    white cray 1

    white cray 2a

    New white cray set up with marbled (much older set up in rear)

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