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Everything posted by Louie

  1. From the album: My 55 gallon shrimp tank

    The rat traps are because I had a large raccoon tear my gazebo screen and try to get the crays (it never did to) . The raccoon was caught in Hava-Heart trap and relocated to EverGlades . I have since changed all the screen to much tougher screens but keeping the traps . The Raccoon was only fixated on my marbled crays but thankfully it could not remove the sliding screen.
  2. From the album: My 55 gallon shrimp tank

    Outside White cray enclosure , about size of 20 gallon long . I still need to add much more bamboo on rear end . I don't use filter. I change 50% of water twice a week . I keep outside only in shade and find any type cray will breed outside . My dwarf crays I keep inside .
  3. Louie

    white cray 1

    From the album: My 55 gallon shrimp tank

    Male white cray still rather young
  4. Thanks , certainly has a huge selection of tanks .
  5. That is the consensus behind Roswell that it was a secret military aircraft that crashed with test dummy of some sort or perhaps an actual pilot .
  6. colorfan, Sorry to hear about the fire . Wow 6 reef tanks . Its hard not to go back to salt once you have had .
  7. country , Putting aside the cost its bad for your health . I used to be addicted to Root beer floats (Vanilla ice cream with root beer ) . I was having it for breakfast with my lunch and dinner in 30 ounce glass . I had to stop because of my wife nagging me about it and calling my daughters and my doctor . While back she went to CA to visit one of my daughters and her family and I went back to it for a week . Close to a gallon of root beer or cream soda daily and as much vanilla ice cream . What a lovely week it was . I don't have a weight problem as fairly active so I allow myself such luxuries but my blood sugar is another story and when you get older you cant push it like before . She leaves again this Sun to visit my other daughter and I'll probably have a relapse within 10 minutes of her plane taking off but in your case stopping cold turkey is the best way .
  8. Hungle, As we all know shrimp are much more delicate than fish . I am not sure if Purigen messes up the ph or something in the water when you first use it but I know that they don't act normal when you first add it but if you let it soak in water 24 hours than add it, they don't notice a thing and you get the pros of purigen or chemi-pure. I find both products to be outstanding from top notch companies but they do require 24 hour soaking before placing them with shrimps or its a big risk. Doc, You ordered the aquaclear tank online? I would be afraid to risk it . I looked it up and nice tank about 3 feet long . Where did you order it from?
  9. Soothing , That is true as far as gigantopithecus and perhaps decades ago one or two remained , that is the theory which anthropologist subscribe too, considering several tribes in only certain regions claimed to have seen them. High5, Yes, I remember years ago about that , Some scientist went to the Congo but nothing . Doesn't mean that it wasn't there at one time or they simply didn't run into it . I am of the pessimistic nature as far as these things go but I realize that some are possible. For example Roswell is one of those mysteries which I am still not sure about .
  10. nixona, Your tank wasn't cycled and that is why the carbons died. Than again they lived for a month but it takes a tank a bit to stabilize . My water PH is also very high and the shrimp thrive and breed. I use regular tap water (de-chlorinated)
  11. Country, The black panther you saw could easily be a black native cougar . The black panther is actually a black leopard but cougars though not nearly as common also come in black . We had a melanistic bobcat in the area years ago but unfortunately a car got him and the raccoon population exploded . Subtle, Lol oh you believe in the Chupacabra . I think Miami might be the only place where there is a Chupacabra club . Soothing, Bigfoot I enjoyed and who knows maybe it did exist at one time but I'm inclined to think that all the footprints , etc are bogus . Some time ago a tall fellow said that he was the one who wore the Bigfoot costume which Patterson filmed and it was provided by Disney .
  12. Puddles, Oh I see . I have the White Clarkis but might add a blue female.
  13. High5 , Thanks that is what I use now but wanted a nicer look and more even light distribution. Surprised that no one makes them for regular tank frames. Shrimpo, Thanks . I found such lights with suction cups but I don't trust them and wanted regular solid clip ons . Guess for now I'll stick with what I have.
  14. Well in Florida , Its a given that there could at min be large gators in a river . I wouldn't swim in them . The bull sharks I have seen in freshwater canals were small 2 feet . In theory all Bull sharks can stand fresh and I know that adults have been caught in the Amazon and African rivers but I have never heard of any of the older time fishermen ever say that they have seen adults in canals here only babies .
  15. Doc , I use it either one in all my tanks . I find they keep them algae free or help a lot and the water stays crystal clear (of course I do water changes) . The only thing I disagree with everyone here is that I rinse them but let them sit 24 hours in a container of water before using them in shrimp tanks or I'll plop them in my fish tank filter for 24 hours prior. In other words I never add them directly after a rinse to my shrimp tanks as find shrimps don't like it but after 24 hours they are great. I change them every 5 months on my fish and shrimp tanks . I don't recharge the purigen I use new one . evodrgn, Yes that is the problem with canisters as far as you wont see the purigen changing colors but like chemi-pure which doesn't change colors. I just change it on a certain schedule .
  16. I also watch River Monsters . One of my favorites was the episode on the giant snakeheads with their black/white markings and the bull sharks in the Amazon. I have seen small bull sharks in freshwater canals some distance from saltwater in Key west .
  17. I remember when the guy who took that pic of the lochness monster admitted on his death bed that it was a hoax as did the British sisters who faked those fairy pics . Don't get me started on Roger Pattersons Bigfoot and later that actor came out and said that he wore the costume . Though I must say I do watch the searching for Bigfoot show , lol.
  18. Chibikaie, I have the exact opposite experience with CPO's . I had 1 mean female out of several females and she is outside now but the others get along rather well . I only have 1 male so that is important even though the females in CPO's can be the most aggressive . I picked up 3 more from Will not long ago and all 3 are in a planted 10 gallon (growing very fast) and though unsexed they get along very well. They all look great and active but I have never been able to breed my adult CPO's . They have mated but no young ever . Puddles, You had a pair of Blues imagine Clarki and they never bred?
  19. Duff, If you have hiding areas like the small pvc tubes they sell at home depot or fancier stuff like shrimp has and or driftwood . I would keep 1 male and 3 females no problem as that is what I have in my 20. My tank is uncovered but water is 1 inch lower than rim and never had a problem . Never had one even try to climb out . If you have driftwood or thick leafed plants that reach the top rims than that is another issue.
  20. Anyone know of any led clip lights that can be used on a regular standard tank frame ? I am not going to cut nor file the frame but I think they don't make such a clip on , thought I'd ask. Thanks
  21. High5, Why tear it down at all just do a good gravel siphoning .
  22. aquaprawn. In your case I would not feed the shrimp for now . What type shrimp do you currently have ? Remember faster growing plants are great when it comes to combating algae . If your tank is new as far as not cycled I would not add anymore shrimp. I have and like nerite snails a lot for algae
  23. The Eheim 2211 will probably last year a min of a year before rinsing out if you put a sponge on the intake but I know you rather not see that .. I would throw in one chemi-pure or purigen.
  24. Country, but that cold ? They are thriving here a bit further north but we are talking about canals which stay in 70s at coldest during winter , would think NJ temps would kill them.
  25. I never go to the doctor when I get sick I sleep for 2 days if I can . In my case sleep is the best thing . The doctor gives me meds but they take 2 - 3 days to work so why bother. For some strange reason when I get a cold which might be once a year the most my lower back "gives out" and that isn't fun so I stay in bed and try to sleep.
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