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Everything posted by Louie

  1. It should be finished by 2015 . Think the first bulk of the money is $105 million to start which we are paying. We are building it for Brazil which I found unusual to say the least but there is controversy there as far as some do not want it. They plan Orca shows which are banned in Florida because they are simply to dangerous . They also plan to have a large freshwater shrimp tank with all types of shrimp like a "Swim with the shrimp" exhibit . lol I'm kidding about the shrimp.
  2. I mentioned the Anaconda as it was on news that there is one in that lake The pacus would die come winter as will this anaconda . Would think the snakeheads would also because NJ gets freezing.
  3. Well as long as you gents aren't releasing 14 feet anacondas in lake Hopatcong , NJ
  4. Subtle, You had Kangaroo and python jerky in the states or over-seas ?
  5. Soothing, If you breed the white out of them wont you wind up with cherry shrimp?
  6. Thanks for mentioning those plants I am going to pick up some angustifolia and attach it to some driftwood . Give it a try.
  7. Subtle, Frog legs are delicious and farm raised not taken from the wild . There is frog farm like 20 minutes from here which is simply fenced in ponds . I tried Bison and found it very tough and Kangaroo is out of the question, lol Country, I don't but some catch these snails by the abandoned Every glades sugar plantations and keep them . Same thing with the illegal Giant Gambian rats found by Key west. Snails aren't my idea of pets but Sponge Bob's snail is like a pet dog.
  8. Country, It is interesting and their colors are nicer as they spawn . You will enjoy it but the problem is they spawn so much and incredibly aggressive guarding their spawning area. In my case it was the entire 30 inch tank and thus they were the only fish in it . Subtle will know if you could add other fish to your 36 inch long tank but I would not even think of adding another convict . I used to give the fry to the pet store and since this was decades ago they were an okay seller but by the 4th batch they sold them as feeders . Than I gave a couple of interesting patterned to a friend who had fire mouths in a 400 gallon oval "pond" in his front yard with fire mouths . They turned out to lose that interesting pattern and bred with one of his fire mouth . We didn't know any better at the time (late 70's) since no internet . The hybrids were the ugliest fish you could fathom . My friend would release them in the canal (again at the time no one knew better) . The fish were so ugly that I never went near that canal again , lol. Subtle , Have you ever seen the Honduran red point convicts ? That is one cichlid which I have not seen .
  9. Country, Whatever you do don't ever put one with fire mouths they will breed and truly the ugliest fish you will ever see.
  10. I had cons decades ago in a 20 gallon long. I remember they spawned young . They did great for several spawns and than the male killed the female . I think when I removed the fry at smaller size than I normally did he took it out on the female. I found her beat up and dead. I kept him in that 20 for years but never got him a mate. They are interesting but the breeding all the time gets to be a pain.
  11. Chris, I have used box filters back in the dark ages when Marine tanks were UG filter and Box filter with Carbon and floss. They do work and work well but take up room in the tank and look unslightly . DET, Eheims canisters are the best . I remember when they came out with their HOB filters and they were okay but not like the canisters. I still have an Eheim 2217 model which works great. High5, I find that for the amount of bio that an UG gives you, You are better off with HOB . Plus UG you have to siphon the junk in the gravel or after awhile the junk becomes to much for the bacteria
  12. Looks, JBL is also sold in the US. I am inclined to think that not all their stuff is but if you look around some things are. Ebay for one but other sites might have it.
  13. I love the White crays . So far my pair has been getting along well. I have never had the dwarfs even attempt to climb out but bigger crays when they get to about 4 inches will try it . The marbled crays have not but I have had clarki try it before . The bigger crays initially do not like walking on bare bottom but after awhile they could not care less , Do you have PVC tubes for them?
  14. This tank had 1 white Clarki . Now it has a pair and bit more driftwood. I find with messy crays bare bottom works best . I do not use a filter for this tank because I have had crays climb filter tubes etc . I just do 20% water change every other day. The bottom is painted black or the crays feel nervous . I might put in a filter but not sure .
  15. I like bare bottom with dwarf crays but I did not like it with shrimp because the tiny babies do get siphoned up as you siphon the bottom. They seem to prefer tank bottom . Using a white bucket it isn't bad as I see them but it got to be a pain as they bred more and went with gravel and plants .
  16. Soothing , What do you mean by head is covered ?
  17. We have the giant snails here . They have been here for years but only about 3 years ago did authorities notice . They are very pretty golden shelled snails . I have only seen 2 but found them very pretty as far as shell . They are no threat to Everglades because everything from birds, raccoons , gators find them easy snacks but they are a threat to citrus farm tree saplings and other plants . subtle, You have never eaten snails ? Rather good .
  18. Doc, I saw that pic in gallery thought it was yours. Soothing , Are your guppies breeding fry as nice? Gabor, What color bettas do you have? I have never kept bettas but love the look. lunar, Nice link. The guy is in Miami and he is known for nice bettas . I have gotten killie eggs and seeds from Thailand but the shipping took 10 days from start to finish with no delays .
  19. Soothing , Thank you . It is a good link as it specifies the glass breaking mantis which IMO should be avoided because even in an acrylic tank they scratch it to shreds and mess up the view. Chris, Your area pet store carries the yellow mantis? I have seen them all but never the yellow which looks very nice .
  20. Louie


    lol I thought it was real and was going to send it to a friend who has discuss and angels . Than I put on my glasses
  21. From the album: My 55 gallon shrimp tank

    There are a pair of CPO crays and 4 dwarf crays in this tank . They get along incredibly well . Might add a pair of Cajuns dwarfs .
  22. Thanks and yes that was plenty of filtration to say the least.
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