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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Put your money on the crusher/smasher .
  2. Has anyone ever seen the yellow mantis ? For some reason I am not able to copy/paste in the forum but I can on PM's so sent soothing the link. Asking him to post it. It shows the commonly available mantis . Country, There is a 3 inch mantis which is sometimes for sale , pretty little green might be perfect for smaller tank .The link I asked soothing to post has it . It says they are often found in live rock but I have never seen one . The mantis I had in rock were different looking .
  3. MABJ, I sent you the information as not sure what the rules are here as far as posting other sites which sell .
  4. hyoushoku, What type filtration did you use for your 6L ?
  5. Conures are birds of personality . I had toucans outside in aviary for years but they are straight forward birds not personality type birds like hookbills .
  6. Oh the sattelite plus led's are supposed to be very good . I was looking at them in Amazon . Sand as substrate has never worked out for me but for you its works very well. The plants just didn't take with sane and seemed to have problems " rooting ".
  7. That guy was lucky that he wasn't hurt worse . I don't know why he would complain considering he was looking to get hit. Gabor, I sent you his name/link. High5, I saw a youtube video on one killing a blue ring octopus which I would have never thought could happen. Though blue rings are small , this was not an adult blue ring perhaps that is why but either way interesting I don't know how to post the link but there is one which Chris might enjoy called "Mantis shrimp destroyed my filter" . The guys mantis took it upon himself to destroy the filter and he smashed it up .
  8. Gabor, I'll pm soothing shrimp see if he remembers the person.
  9. High5, As you know in the wild they are killed by trigger fish, puffers , octopus and imagine few other animals so they are skittish . In captivity they realize that there are no predators and become "arrogant". Several in a tank with uncured live rock which is cycling will kill each other if you put a piece of shrimp in a baby food jar and secure it so they cant steal it but it takes too long for only 1 to remain . Though you do see some amazing fights . When the smasher (dull color) killed the much more colorful slasher . He than looked at me like saying 'you are next" and that was when I knew I was dealing with evil , lol. I wonder in the wild how much territory one mantis holds because they don't like company . Has anyone ever seen the bright yellow mantis ? I have never seen them other than youtube but they certainly are very pretty. Imagine from the Pacific but not sure .
  10. Shrimpo, That reminds me of Madagascar which in the last 10 years put in place strict export laws which is great except their deforestation is destroying their wild lands .
  11. Very nice tank , Love the plants. What type substrate, lights ? Take it no C02?
  12. Oh wow never saw one . Does he get along with your sun conure ?
  13. Oh wow never saw one. They remind me of parrotlets . We have wild love birds in the area (sadly no conures) .
  14. How did you finally opt to filter the tank? In time you might decide to set up a bigger marine fish set up . I suspect you will because the fish and other inverts are very intriguing .
  15. country, lol yes . High5 would disagree but those things are evil.
  16. Country, I do too but it is the same species .
  17. Bugman , Nice tree frogs . S . Africa certainly has a nice selection of tree frogs and toads .
  18. Spialz, Great sun conure . Conures are big birds in small bodies. My neighbors had half moon conures . We had toucans . Love the sun conures but not familiar with green cheek conure. Pika, The lady down the road has macaws and you can hear them every afternoon when she lets them out for several blocks radius .
  19. Country, Yes in the 80s much of Miami was built up due to incredible revenue that hit Miami (Drug lords) and some spectacular areas for nature were destroyed. The beach hotels did not expand into the water itself but the areas was made beach goer friendly thus what I call 'marsh areas' were destroyed and turned into sand only beach . Thankfully Key West did not allow this and sea horses oasis (protected) thrive there . The marsh area was not only a place for sea horses but tiny octopus and lots interesting small marine fish. Miami still has that but 80% are gone. Like the song goes "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot" . Chris, That is yours you just got him? Looks like a trouble maker , lol.
  20. Louie

    Guppy feeding

    Chibikaie, I keep them outside and at this point have quit a few . They are very hardy and great mosquito eaters without being vicious like mosquito fish . I lose some here and there to ringneck snakes and garters but losses are minor . I added bumble bee platies couple years ago and imagine the ugliest hybrids ever but the whole lot is happy and that is what counts.
  21. Gabor, There is someone in the forum who breeds sexy shrimp . Let me see if I can look them up , perhaps others here might remember the thread . I kept harlequin but as you know starfish eaters . Shrimpo, Oh yea the refugium type set up is perfect for sea horses. I used to find sea horses in the late 70s in marsh areas just like that by the beach . The 80s and the beach front hotel constructions destroyed the grass marsh areas .
  22. BugMan. I did not know that . Years ago I kept and bred (very easy) African reed frogs . I imagine you have to buy your shrimp online no local pet stores carry any ? country, As the saying goes "People only find out what you keep if you tell them".
  23. Louie

    Guppy feeding

    Soothing, Thanks. I always thought that since their mouths were positioned up they only ate off the top. Chib, I imagine most of your fry are less and less fancy as time goes on? I mixed my wild guppies with some very pretty endlers (going back 3 years) the fry are fairly uninteresting after a couple of generations but not nearly as drab as my guppy/platy hybrids , lol.
  24. Louie

    Kuhli loaches

    Thanks . I am going to the fish farm this week going to pick up a few . Every time I go there I want to get some but I did not want to seal the back of my tank . The water level is 1/2 inch from the top so now think it should be fine . The tank bottom has lots driftwood so they will be able to hide . Its a 29 gallon high where I had my CPO crays but switched them to a 30 gallon planted long . ## I picked up 3 - two days ago .
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