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Posts posted by Louie

  1. Several of us have had and bred them.  :)


    I'm in love with their bright orange color.  I'm actually attempting to breed for the boldest orange I can get.

    It is interesting how the orange varies so much .


    The initial one's I bought are such a dull orange that I mixed them with Louisiana dwarfs and the hybrids are no less colorful .

  2. Awesome I am going to look more into this RODI kit. That may be a while before I can get one of those but we will see. I also sent my Aqueon Pro 100w heater back in exchange for the 50w! Do you think there will be enough circulation in the tank for heat exchange? We tend to keep our house around 74 degrees Fahrenheit. 


    Also, thanks for the heads up on the tank lid. I am gonna check out that polycarbonate sheet and figure out what I can come up with. Is it hard to cut?


    Do those test results look ok? Is 7.6 to high for PH?


    As for the Neons, I do not breed them. I have found that they do best in 76.5 -77.5, but they dont seem to be hard to keep alive.  They are just for me to watch as finish bring a sense of tranquility to the room. One of my Harlequin Rasboras is pregnant though, well so I think. She could just be fat but she has been that way for like 2 months now lol. Also, I would definitely love to breed the Galaxy Rasboras, they are amazing looking! I was thinking about adding some to my 12g but looking at green tetras now. 

    Thank you.


    I asked temps as was thinking of some for a 29 gallon planted and read sites with temps all over the place .

  3. I  agree with you Jomes. I think he's trying to be and funny lighten things up but on a serious note look at the disaster happening in FL. FL is a prime example of the consequences resulting in releasing non-invasive species. Pet owners are to blame to a large extent but customs released hundreds of different species over the decades at the Miami airport.


    Even on the video the guy mentions about the damages of releasing non-native shrimps into the enviroment and the governments concerns in Taiwan.

    Florida is tricky as far as Cuban tree frogs, knight anoles , house geckos ,reef geckos and few others could have easily come here naturally on floating rafts of tree's etc .


    Cuba, Haiti is what I call a ''storm away'' which means after summer storms you see debris from those islands washed up in Key west .


    Now pythons and monitors are a different story .

  4. No kings kongs in those pics I

    It's aura blue tigers or black rose neo. Or are you taking about the black tigers with orange eyes. I'm using my Mobil so I can't sell what photo is on the right

    '' aura blue tigers''


    Okay that would be the pic.


    I don't know what is what as far different types of shrimps . I only know types I keep which are the ''basic'' crystal types so thought they were called King Kongs.

  5. She turned 7 in December of last year.  If gymnastics is on, sometimes she'll watch and sometimes not.  She'd rather be doing than watching. :)

    oh I see .


    I read that this years USA artistic gymnastic team is amazing so she might enjoy it .


    China is always fierce competition .

  6. Right now my life is very hetic I'm very greatful I keep shrimp and more so for healthy tanks. I'm going to go back to my old ways and keep 1 type of shrimp per tank this means I need to set up even more tanks. I have big goals for 2016 and so far I'm right on track. I have a lot of support and I couldn't ask for anything more.



    Are the shrimp up on the right hand side what are called King Kong ?


    Very nice. Like blue darker pastel .

  7. I have snowballs on black substrate and my black diamond shrimps and blue velvets and painted fire reds all of them in white crystal like substrate. (separate tanks of course)


    I added photos just to give you an idea.

    Oh those blue velvets are beauties .

  8. I had some "Blue Lobsters" a while back. They were amazing. So much personality. Unfortunately one of them crawled out of the tank, I found him 20 feet away on my carpet! When I put him back in the tank he was fine, but in his weakened state the other blue lobster attacked and killed him. It was awful :(


    I only have White male but love the blue, red and orange one's .  He killed the female after more than a year .


    I intend to get a female and since like all 3 colors not sure of color yet .  She will be kept separate but I would like to breed two different colors .

  9. It's still warm but we heading into early Autum

    Now, At night the average is around 14-18 and the day around 24-30

    But in winter the evenings are around 5-8 and during the days around 13-20 deg Celsius

    Our winters are quite dry here in Johannesburg but completely the opposite in Cape Town.

    Louie, I see you are from Miami, I am sure our summers are quite the same as yours, tho we don't get tropical storms like you do with the strong winds and so forth.

    Same temps but winter nights here of 9 Celsius are rare .


    Think we had about 7 scatters days of 9 Celsius  this year with average being 16 to 20C at night and going by weather now winter is over .


    Our summer days are 33 Celsius and higher and we will be there in bit over a month .


    I actually thought your summer days were easily hotter than ours .


    I have engulfing hate for the cold , lol  but love the heat .


    '' tho we don't get tropical storms''


    Now that I do hate .

  10. Hi Louie

    Believe me, if I had more space I would have setup a rack, will have a breeding rack setup later this year when I buy my own place

    I have ordered 20 CBS SS, 5 CBS S and another 5 CRS SS grade, they will be here on Wednesday night. Would have loved some SSS but nothing in stock from the supplier

    Will do another update once they in their new home :)

    How is the weather by you as far as average day/night winter temps  ?

  11. I love day geckos. I had some real nice peacock day geckos I used to bred.  Your lucky, most people have pay for the reptiles and amphibians you have running wild.

    Before 9-11 I used to go to an Air Force base and fish the canals .  Sure it had sings which read 'No Trespassing ' but the huge hole in the fence told me 'Come on in' .


    It was a huge area far away from the landing strip , etc which was just palm tree's , grass and canals .  The tegu's were the most beautiful crisp black/white going and not shy about being seen .



    Though they also had some type monitor I never saw any .


    After 9-11 the security changed and that was the end of that .

  12. Technically no, but it's the first reptile I'll have not under parent supervision. I ha a few anoles when I was younger. I don't doubt I'll get the itch for more but I'll suppress it for as long as I can haha


    Yes you'll get more geckos and perhaps other types of reptiles , lol.


    I have never met anyone who started with one gecko, couple of dart frogs or a pair of finches and stopped .


    Since you recently moved out you start slow than your goal is a house with a reptile/fish room and that cant be beat .

  13. They look very similar. Do you see Day Geckos running wild in FL ?

    Yes I have seen them mostly in Key west where in one area they are out and you see them a lot but this is from my yard like 2 years ago but it disappeared after couple months.


    I am about an 45 minutes from Key West .



    I am putting mealworms on gazebo screen to lure it but best pic I was able to get as it came out of canopy .   What I think were 3 were in area for month to 2 months than disappeared .


    I even had one Tokay which was eaten by a corn snake . Adult corns eat knight Anoles and Baby Iguanas and in mid summer when baby Knights and baby Iguanas show up so do the adult corns .


    The most beautiful non Native we had IMO was the giant  Jamaican Anole which had the most amazing green you could fathom but the big cold spell few years ago took them all out .


    The rest took a toll but came back .  I loved the Jamaican anoles never saw such incredible green in my life .



    Day Gecko in yard --





    Jamaican anole -



  14. I love mourning geckos, no males and you dont need them. I love the chirping they make and they are everywhere in the south pacific including the inside of your home,resort rooms. A Cook Islander once told me that geckos know all the secrets in your home so be carefull because when they are chirping they are telling your secrets.


    I have never actually seen a mourning gecko other than pics .


    They look like smaller house geckos  ?


    I have common house geckos in the yard they also chirp when I put mealworms outside window sill but aggressive with each other . In theory there are areas with mourning geckos here but I cant fathom mourning geckos vs house geckos which can even kill each other .


    I love south Pacific herps because they are herps usually not found in the market and they have a few types of tiny tree type skinks which are tiny colony type skinks .


    You may have seen some .


    They were once available but after 80s no more .

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