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Everything posted by Louie

  1. High5, You took a fall?
  2. Louie

    Kuhli loaches

    Duff , Thanks . I like them but never kept them. I have been considering some but some say they will escape rather easily , some say they wont.
  3. The jellyfish never did catch on did they? I suspect , round tank and all they died very easily .
  4. Very nice looking shrimp . Never saw them before.
  5. I wanted to ask if anyone has kept star grass . From what I understand it can be tied to driftwood and it will grow without being planted ? Thanks
  6. I have raised them from seeds and very easy . I place the seed or seeds (they can grow side by side) in a clay pot that sits on one of those little pot "dishes" . I use cheap spahgnum moss mixed 50/50 with Zoo-med eco-earth which I have since I keep snakes. Put the seed about 1/2 inch under the mixture but don't press it in the mixture , just cover the seed but keep it loose . Keep the pot out of the sun in the yard till I see it sprouting than I put it in indirect sun and that's it. I keep it damp but not wet but you have make sure that it stays damp until the flytrap is few inches long . At that point very hardy . I keep mine in the gazebo all year long . I had several which I gave away and kept two that were very pretty but after months for some reason they died . Perhaps the sun since it is summer was to much for them but they do grow great in heat but sun is another thing all together. I ordered more seeds of the red hybrids . Will use same method but in bright area but no sun . I did feed mealworms now and than. Initially as the plant was smaller I only feed the soft white mealworms after they shed. I found them inefficient as insect catchers thus didn't feed often while the pitcher plants are very efficient to the point of killing baby geckos . They grew nicely on Cuban treefrog tadpoles which I would net from the pond and put in them .
  7. Louie

    Kuhli loaches

    Duff, Do you see them much or they mostly hide?
  8. I have scuds in all my shrimp tanks. I guess they came in the java fern and/or driftwood but I have never seen them bother adult shrimp nor babies for that matter (not that I have noticed) I siphon out the one's I see when doing water changes and feed them to my sunfish but I don't worry about them one way or another . They are prolific breeders .
  9. Lunar, I am sure that there are several types sold or perhaps for some reason temperament varies from area to are . Poopian has/had them and she did not see aggression. I caught some years ago in a canal and they were incredibly aggressive with each other and the swordtail fish
  10. chibikaie, Wow I cant believe you haven't found anyone who wants it . I mentioned an African cichlid tank because a friend used to have a 75 with just male peacocks . Nothing expensive as far as quality peacocks and pvc pipe with algae that covered it and it was a stunning tank . A 75 is a great size for Africans .
  11. Lunar, You live and learn . I realized many years ago that best not to tell people who live in the immediate area or coworkers that you like and keep pets (regardless of type) because the doorbell rings and when you look outside there is a potbelly pig tied to your porch . People wind up giving you animals if they move, don't want them etc . That is what happened to you . She meant well because to her "shrimps are shrimps" and you keep shrimp but in your case you didn't really want them .
  12. Shaun, Yes they are freshwater prawns but the only difference is that they stay tiny think 1.5 inch max.
  13. Soothing, my case I know plenty of those flies would escape and not only get in the house but the yards mango tree . The next option was termites and no way in Florida of all places am I breeding termites , lol. The dart frogs and mantellas themselves are gorgeous tiny frogs . Shrimpo, Have you kept newts or salamanders in such a set up as you ripariums ?
  14. I don't blame you . They take on a color which looks to be true only to lose it .
  15. Puddles , Thank you . I was thinking of a tank for them but assumed I was not going to get orange rili's like wicca unless I removed some (to put it mildly ) . That seems the rule in the shrimp world.
  16. Soothing , I agree . PETA started out decades ago to prevent animal cruelty and better zoo conditions . Things which we all agree but than they got to the point that they are against owning pets 9even dogs/cats) and many other things I disagree with . There agenda has changed so much since they started that the initial members have all left.
  17. Soothing, Are you breeding the Cajuns for color ? The top pic was actually blue at one time , lol . After 1 molt she is normal color .
  18. Shaun, I am not the most computer savvy person going . These pics are a bit rough but you get the idea how bland looking the dwarf Cajuns are. I fed them blood worms this am so to make Soothing's point their claws look alittle red but it fades within 15 minutes . They are drab brown. Pic 2 is the CPO and the Cajun dwarf .
  19. Soothing, Thanks good to know . I might try them .
  20. These are way to small to eat . I guess someone could but they are about an inch . I am charging up the cell phone now and will get you a pic of how they look . They look like tiny regular drab crays but either way I'll get you a pic.
  21. Shrimpo , Fantastic tanks . Do you still keep dart frogs? Decades ago I looked into them but the tiny food cultures looked like a pain .
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