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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Anyone keep Cajun dwarf crays? I initially purchased a blue female who after a molt is no longer blue but regular drab color and a few regular types. I find them bit more active than CPO's , 100% harmless with moss , a bit more active , a bit more aggressive even though I have read the they are not and they crayfish "swim" much more than CPO's.
  2. Soothing, Keep in mind the increase in the fish population only went up after regulations as far as collecting were put in place . I subscribe to regulations and certain types of fish not being sold at all . If not for regulations the marine hobby would still be importing fish from areas were cyanide was used to catch them. I lived when there was no regulations and saw areas wiped out of sea horses and other easy to catch fish . "I lived" . I'm still alive lol .
  3. I ordered red fly hybrids seeds on ebay from FLOWERCAVE . I have ordered from him before . For $2 or $4 you get unusual venus fly traps which you will not find in stores but he mostly sells seeds (they grow easy) . I used to have very pretty pitcher plants but I gave them away because house geckos were laying eggs in them which were dissolved and eaten and baby geckos were being eaten by them so I didn't want them outside . I have never had any lizard go in the fly traps .
  4. Puddles, I agree because even in my area there seems to be 2 types which are caught and listed as ghost shrimp . One is slightly bigger and more aggressive , other smaller and not as aggressive . I find both prefer warm temps .
  5. Chris , Over the years I stopped using fertilizer and use fish tank or shrimp tank water. If you vacuum the bottom you are getting great fertilizer which will never burn your orchids and the plants love it . I use tank water once a week when I water them and if you ever happen to set up a turtle tank , That water is like steroids for plants . You might also like a Fly trap . Very neat plants that require same conditions as orchids . I had two large plants that were doing great but for some reason in a week they died . I cant figure out why . I will be getting more. High, Yes they grow outside here all year long in shaded areas . I don't know what area you are in but Tropical Park on Bird road for months had orchid flea markets . They stopped now due to the heat but come fall they start again.
  6. Very nice orange rili, I have never seen them. They will breed "true" or throw out solid orange, etc?
  7. The Sulawesi shrimp will not breed with Neo's?
  8. shrimp, I have to say that I have never checked either . My shrimp which get the same exact water breed very well as do my cloning crays though imagine they would clone in any water but never a berried CPO. They have mated but no babies . I think I will take a water sample to the pet store and find out . I have never checked anything I just do my 2 weekly water changes .
  9. Subtle, Why do you prefer open top tanks ? I actually prefer glass top because I have had fish jump. memery, Start yourself an African cichlid tank in that 75 . That would be perfect .
  10. The stuffed dog or dog like replica does work but only for so long but it will give you a month without iguanas and imagine raccoons . I picked up a stuffed bear that someone threw away and had it in the yard last year . It worked for a month . My neighbor has an English bull terrier and they do not enter his yard .
  11. Louie


    country, Lol well I guess you could put it that way .
  12. shrimpo, They seem a bit more particular than other crays but in your case they bred at temps, ph you keep them at so she dropped her eggs this time but imagine you will get more soon enough . I have not got one to carry eggs but reading about them it seems once they start other than a mishap now and than they continue .
  13. People do eat them but I like them. They can be a pain because they prefer aquatic type floating vegetation and devour frogbit, ludwiga, etc but if you have a medium size or larger dog which I do not . They wont enter your yard and at night they sleep up in tree's and wont go in your yard .
  14. evilguppy, If you look at it the last hurricane where people lost power was years ago not a common thing . I have air pumps that use battery and a generator that will only power one AC in the den where shrimp are kept and we will sleep (wife and I) and a small refrig . The cichlids, etc will get daily water changes so I am not worried have been through it before , other than having shrimp and again very rare to have it happen as far as losing power . If you I would go ahead and get the shrimp you want.
  15. I'm not familiar with supernova but think it is the bigger Australian cray? I like crays as far as find them to have personality , If you don't mind small crays you might like the CPO's very active and interesting . My bigger crays are White Clarcki and the marbled . The electric pink do look nice but I have only seen them on sites .
  16. wicca, There are a few slightly brackish marsh's like an hour from me . You find mollies there and though the areas are perfect with fallen tree's and high grass for plecos your correct not a one can be found there. Interestingly enough you do find Mayan cichlids but never other cichlids but I have never seen Mayans spawn in those waters but adults do thrive .
  17. How nice it must be to have a basement in the summer .
  18. kcosia, Have you ever tried tapwater ? I have been keeping shrimp a bit over a year now and several types of shrimps. I use regular tapwater (dechlorinated) . I lost 1 shrimp two weeks ago out of a couple of hundred that breed rather nicely . I find tapwater to be great . I do 5% water changes 2 - 3 times a week. I have no idea what my KH nor PH are (tapwater here is high ph) nor do I care but maybe trying to maintain PH with your RO water which seems to swing might be the problem.
  19. Lunar, How did yours escape, the water level was to high? Unfortunately the electric pinks are not common like the White's and reds . They are around now and than but as you know not easy to find .
  20. Lunar at 3 inches they can be sexed . rfitropicalfish.com used to sell them sexed pair at 3 inches . They used to carry the pink .
  21. That is a good point because those are the only movies which I have gone to the theatre to see in the last few years . My wife goes with a neighbor because her husband and I rather eat glass than see the movies they enjoy . I am eagerly waiting for the Smaug PT 2 (Hobbit to come out) Country , Most people do not know that Tolkien who wrote the trilogy was in WW2 and that was where he got his idea for his books as far as clearly defined good vs evil . The last one as you know was not written by him but still great . You would be surprised how many of us older folks enjoy these movies . Even HP was good .
  22. Lol you folks are a tough crowd . I did enjoy the Lord of Rings/Hobbit movies and last time I was in CA visiting my daughter I took the grandkids to see the last Harry Potter which was very good and later saw the others .
  23. Louie


    Wicca , I agree about their food , I buy their earthworm flakes and a few other types in 5 lbs . My fish love the earthworm flakes . I have never had any any problems. They had a sale on purigen some time ago . I picked up a lot . Poopians, in your case I would see which government agency you could contact . I had a friend contact/file a complaint with state attorney over something he purchased which arrived broken and the company ignored him . I think he contacted state attorney general and postal police . It was resolved by the company . This same friend spent about $50 in the 80's because a pay phone took his quarter and did not work . Between certified letters , small claims court which judge threw out and other courses he spent about $50 but in the end the phone company did return his quarter in the form of credit . To this day we laugh but in your case there are free agencies you can email .
  24. Camaro, Fly fishing is very popular around here , People fly fish for peacock bass and the tarpon bunch in Key west prefer fly fishing . I have never tried it but I like the simplistic look of the rod/reel . I know as a rule the rods and reels are way more expensive than the non fly fishing gear . Soothing, I recall those ping pong or tennis games which first came out . You could play one set forever with no one scoring , lol . It just went back and forth but for those days it was high tech
  25. It is legal but iguanas make the worse pets . Putting aside their size as adults they can be very aggressive , esp the males once they are adults . They are not aggressive as wild but pets are another story . They are simply to smart for captivity and they seem to suffer . They do great in large outdoor cages or indoor for that matter if people provide the correct lighting but most do not. I think that in the pet industry ,albino and red iguanas have replaced these greens . Adult iguanas actually look both ways before crossing the street as funny as that might sound . I had a large male iguana eat all my frogbit about a year ago than he was chased out of the area by another male who never enters yards which is great . I purchased frogbit from Han only to have several babies eat it up in the course of this week . They love frogbit . If not for my screened in gazebo they would eat my wifes orchids . I like them but prefer they leave my floating plants alone . They are non native and the record breaking cold spell Florida had years ago killed most of them but those who survived have reproduced and their numbers are coming back but slowly due to feral cats and natural predators .
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