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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Speedie, Very nice catch . country, There are a few lakes in my area and good size canals . I used to go once every 2 weeks till I started "fishing" online in a video game , lol but a few friends and I go about once a month . The night fishing is problematic due to alligators which will come but during the day it is alligator safe but HOT.
  2. That coconut crab in a tree would certainly blend in with coconuts . Scary looking crab.
  3. Yes you can but more so in south Florida than Northern Florida . I keep fish outside . Any pond or stock tank which is buried at least 1 foot will keep temps in the 70s on chilly winter 50 degree nights which are rare to begin with . The north is different because when we have Jan temps of high 70s during the day it can be in the 60s in Orlando. In my case being in Miami and in my area , I have experienced an explosion of baby iguanas which have AGAIN eaten all my frogbit and other plants . They swim like fish and will devour all your floating plants . I wont hurt them so they mock me , lol .
  4. About 2 years ago ,I used to play "Penguin wars" . Penguins throw snowballs at each other and you can get snowballs that explode , etc . It was a free game but if you registered you would play against another player and not the computer , like Emperor Penguins vs Rock hopper penguins (my team) one day they changed it to some type fortress defense and ruined it . The whole game was ruined . Have either one of you played it?
  5. Soothing , I have a friend who was in Miami Vice decades ago which was a series about 2 detectives in Miami . He played a drug dealer on 2 episodes and his son was in the Sopranos as a tree branch cutter who one of the mob guys knocks down . His son is pursuing acting on the side but has his regular job . My friend did it decades ago on a whim . He went for an audition they had by the beach and he got the role because he had the look they wanted .
  6. That copper basket is nice. Just knowing that it copper wire seems so hard to weave . My hobbies are fish and few elderly snakes but no more after this bunch . Shrimpo, Very nice zebras . I had a pair of toucans years ago in a large flight aviary outside . We had several fledglings from them that I gave away but the initial pair we had for about 15 years bit more for the male . I than had 4 female Java Rice sparrows for years .
  7. Lunar , Have you seen the mandarin crabs from Indonesia? They aren't as colorful as vampire crabs . Though I think colors vary for both but they do not tear each other up like vampire crabs . Pet store I go to had them last year together for months .
  8. I have kept the type found in Florida (I don't know if there is more than one type) . I have noticed that almost exactly at 71 degrees they become very lethargic , yet I have read they prefer cooler temps . I have found only the opposite to be the case . What is everyone's opinion on this ?
  9. Ahh that is possible . I have a friend who has shrimp I have given him for his 55 gallon planted (hybrid mixed shrimp ) . He only keeps different colors of the male endlers livebearer not the much bigger females and he has countless babies . I guess a few might be taken esp shrimp as so tiny as babies but he does have considerable amount of babies that grow up.
  10. DET my house temp is 76 during the day and 72 at night . I don't use heaters , The central air is set for those temps . In the cichlid room , I do not use AC but the shrimp temps range 72 to 76 .
  11. That is a great idea and they have come a long way since they came out think like 20 years ago.
  12. Thanks . Mine are at 76 but 2 degrees shouldn't have made the different with crays . I have had them for awhile I have seen them mate but nothing comes of it . As far as keeping fish with them . Many do , In fact most who keep them do . I do not because I know a fish here and there is going to be pinched by one of my females who is bit aggressive but I do keep endlers livebearers with my Cajun dwarfs who are not as pretty as my CPO's but as peaceful as shrimp . I have only had them like a month (4 of them) and they have shown no interest in the fish , if anything they run when the tiny fish eat a pellet near them . Either way I would not hesitate in your case to keep some small fish in there . Perhaps long fins like guppies might not work out but endlers , danios or platies will .
  13. wicca, Florida is the joke of the country and for good reason but on the other hand the right out of the tap water here is the best for shrimp, fish, plants so that is a big plus.
  14. Shrimpo, If you are going to go with a chiller , wouldn't an AC actually be cheaper ?
  15. During Dec it is risky ordering USPS . I had a box from Soothing take over a week once it got to the state of Florida . It seemed just to sit at the sorting place but since the temps were in the 70s it made no difference and the shrimp all arrived fine but if this was a cold state it would have been very different outcome .. Pika, I am lucky that the mail carrier is excellent . The whole area loves him and suspect every house takes care of him for Christmas but the sorting post office which is further north is a horror . I have been lucky that even with delayed packages I never had any losses but than again I do not order late June till late Oct . It is simply to hot during the day .
  16. Poopians, The stagnant water is the smell .
  17. Shrimpo, What temp do you keep them at ? I have 1 M /2 F (pics in gallery) but no babies . They have mated but females never berried , not that I am aware of . Soothing , I have noticed the same thing with my cloning crays . As adults the blue comes and goes . They molt blue but don't stay blue .
  18. The good thing about micro worms is that tiny fish grow faster and they have greater nutrition but the plus with brine shrimp is that they will swim in the water column. Granted it is freshwater so they will die but they last long enough for mid water swimming fish to grab them.
  19. Louie


    Subtle, Oh you are one of those bio-types , lol . I have friends like that . My planted tanks with fish are any types of plants which they find a crime .
  20. Hungle, They were available at the pet store (Exotic fish) for most of the winter but I do not recall the price. I had tried to get reticulated Hillstream loach for an unheated tank with good circulation and interestingly enough those were not available . I should have ordered them but now to hot , might come "winter" . The problem with some loaches is that the adults as far as color look very different than the young . Not all but seems more species than not. A friend had saddleback loaches for a few years . I found lovely as young but at roughly 4 inches they became drab and nothing at all like young.
  21. MABJ, How do you like the azoo's as far as built and filter and light ? I was looking at the Azoo mirror box for a desk tank .
  22. I use Penguin filters on my shrimp 20 gallon tanks but since planted tanks I remove the bio wheel because after a few months it gets stuck plus not needed . I also put a chemi -pure or purigen in each one and changed every 5 months .
  23. I now see one of the fish, I see his head . Panda loaches are very pretty. From what I have seen at pet store , they vary in shades more white , more black while some are drab . In fact they went from amazing to dull as far as differences go.
  24. Have you considered the inexpensive tap water purifier by Aquarium pharmaceutical . I have used when I needed soft RO type water when I kept killies and can tell you that it works great . You just hook it up to your faucet as needed . The key is to run it 50% slower than recommended and on cold water thus cartridge lasts longer . I found it a very underrated product . I also use tapwater but never had problems everything thrives but either way it removes all impurities .
  25. Louie


    I have only seen them in magazines and sites . They seem to be very difficult ?
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