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Posts posted by Louie

  1. I would think that you could breed them with the correct water temp?


    I had a friend breed the Australian blue ring octopus and he was just using an under gravel filter .


    Very pretty but I found it crazy to keep them due to their venom .


    He wound up destroying the babies because local pet stores did want them, no internet back than to sell online . it was all mail order .

  2. Taylor,

                Your friend made the tank with several sheets of acrylic ?


    I was under the impression that if not made with a mold and one piece , they would warp.


    I am surprised you never had scratches . I had a 30 gallon acrylic when they first came out 9think 80s) and perhaps it was due to astrea and turbo snails but it had its share of scratches .

  3. I am pretty sure that the cuttlefish special you saw are the cold water variety which change colors rather fast and communicate with colors .


    The link that Soothing posted is the pygmy type which I was reading is now CB which is nice because they used to be sold in the 70's and early 80s taken from the wild .


    I have seen the pygmy but never the bigger more active type . The pygmy's seem shyer .



    I am not able to post a link here , not sure why but I will send you the dwarf cuttlefish care site , if you can post the link you can post it in another thread as not to hijack poopians thread , the pics are very nice.



    I think you would like one as would soothing .

  4. Acrylic scratches if you look at it the wrong way but you can certainly keep it scratch free but they always seem to get tiny scratches on the inside .


    freckleface.com has a nice acrylic section with tools .


    If me I would buy it not make it because the ready made tanks are one piece molded together .  Done incorrectly it is prone to warping .

  5. Ctaylor,

                      Yes they are , Get yourself a Florida pygmy octopus and you will be amazed at how smart. A friend had one by accident (came in the live rock he picked up in Key West ) and interesting little creature.


    He would put a ping pong ball in the tank and the octopus seemed to actually play with it as far as pulling it under water than letting it go enjoying this . After awhile the octopus was actually beating my friend at ping pong itself .  I'm just kidding but he did entertain himself with the ball but they are short lived .

  6. Soothing Shrimp,

                                 I have self cloning and agree that different colors would be a big hit .  I picked 2 up last year as use the young which I get in volume for my cichlids who love them.  I found that they will produce more young and with greater frequency in warmer temps.

       Mine are in the backyard patio in a 20 gallon under 24/7 shade .  Perhaps it is due to cloning but big eaters for crays that size.

  7. Poopians ,

                     I feed 'Color' by Bornewild  about once or twice a week but I read that spirulina also helps .  I had spirulina pellets which I feed my cichlids and also give them a few pellets once a week .


        It wont take a drab shrimp and make him an award winning shrimp but I have noticed brighter reds, oranges. I have actually noticed the greatest color increase in my CPO crayfish with the two food items.

  8. Soothing,

                      Thank you very interesting your post, I ran out of "Liked this" or would have given you one .  With my daughters I too had gerbils, 1 hamster, Bushy tail jirds , Duprasi , Southern Flying squirrels and zebra mice .

      I imagine your male mice smelled the worse because regardless of how clean they give off a musky odor .

                        Decades later I find shrimp easier lol but I enjoy the tank hobby and fortunate that the water here is good so easy enough.



                          I remember in the 70s think till early 80s , It was only bare bottom tank for discuss . They had slate bottom tanks than besides the tanks we have now so with slate bottoms it looked nice .  Than Europeans who were more advanced began to keep them in planted tanks and via the only fish mag at the time , everyone learned that it could be done .

                          I never kept discus but friends did and one still does.

  9. Poopians,

                      The fastest way moss grows is either attached to driftwood or some decoration that it can attach itself to (I tie it on with twine) It will grow on the bottom of the tank but I find it grows faster and algae free when attached to something . 

     Perhaps on bottom of tank it gets waste caught in it and more prone to algae .

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