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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Hungle, Thanks . Your net is also from Han as is Docs?
  2. Soothing, Thank you very interesting your post, I ran out of "Liked this" or would have given you one . With my daughters I too had gerbils, 1 hamster, Bushy tail jirds , Duprasi , Southern Flying squirrels and zebra mice . I imagine your male mice smelled the worse because regardless of how clean they give off a musky odor . Decades later I find shrimp easier lol but I enjoy the tank hobby and fortunate that the water here is good so easy enough. ctaylor, I remember in the 70s think till early 80s , It was only bare bottom tank for discuss . They had slate bottom tanks than besides the tanks we have now so with slate bottoms it looked nice . Than Europeans who were more advanced began to keep them in planted tanks and via the only fish mag at the time , everyone learned that it could be done . I never kept discus but friends did and one still does.
  3. juancho. Could be diatom. Phosphates are low?
  4. Poopians, The fastest way moss grows is either attached to driftwood or some decoration that it can attach itself to (I tie it on with twine) It will grow on the bottom of the tank but I find it grows faster and algae free when attached to something . Perhaps on bottom of tank it gets waste caught in it and more prone to algae .
  5. Hungle, Yes, I am going to get one .My shrimps have been breeding and I could use it over the small regular nets . I never heard of them till now .
  6. Soothing, You have only kept shrimp, In other words began selectively breeding shrimp never fish?
  7. It is a fairly new fish as far as being in the market . I am surprised such a nice looking danio has only been in the market a couple of years .
  8. They do seem interesting , I might try a couple.
  9. Poopians, Thank you , I asked you if you had them shipped because I have never seen the celestial pearl danios carried in pet stores other than sites . Very nice shrimp.
  10. countryboy. My thoughts exactly . My daughters are married now and I see no reason why we can't have a camel in the yard , which I have always wanted but no reasoning with my wife .
  11. Countryboy, Thanks I have heard of Bobs but never saw their selection. I have the olive nerite , I like the bumblebee .
  12. If you ask the store manager they usually know ahead of time when it is coming.
  13. countryboy, Do they get along? I was under the impression that they were territorial .
  14. wicca, My smallest tanks are 20 gallons, I find the smaller tanks like 10 gallons give or take much more difficult . Same premise as those marine nano-tanks . I always say that if you can keep freshwater shrimp you can keep marine .
  15. I purchased that color from Soothing about a year ago . They look rather drab in that pic but they are actually much nicer . I got some solid black shrimp when I mixed some of their babies with orange shrimp but I never separated the Black shrimp thus never got any babies . Not sure if they would even pass on that color . Since I know close to nothing about shrimp genetics but the 4 adults I have are nice .
  16. countryboy, Could it be that only 3 actually adapt to freshwater ? The pet store lady told me that they sold only 3 types , I just assumed 3 types.
  17. Mine are 76 during the day about 12 hours , 72 at night the other 12 hours. I have not seen any negative affects from the 4 degree temp swing .
  18. Around here they are found in every lake , ponds and the old sandbag wall canals (not the newer cement wall canals) . They prefer grass , weed areas which is why we call them grass shrimp . The commercial places that sell to pet stores catch them right outside the Everglades or the Indian reservations which are full of high grass marsh's . You catch them with a regular net by skimming the high grass or any area that there are weeds, etc . They prefer slow moving water and fairly shallow . Years ago I used to catch them before fishing because other than earthworms , they are one of the best bait .
  19. I am surprised the one's I have caught in canals are very aggressive compared to these fancier shrimps. The shrimps found in canals which have bred there for generations are redder than the lake shrimp which are the one's you find in the pet store but same exact shrimp . Just happens that they eat something in the canal which gives them red hue , they lose it after a couple of months I had them even attack endlers livebearer males and after catching them , a few threatened me (lol kidding) . I have never seen the pet store type but heard same Florida ghost shrimp , harvested by the lakes .
  20. I have been feeding my shrimp a color enhancing food which brings out the reds and oranges but I particularly noticed it in my CPO crayfish which were average looking but after a few molts with this food a very bright orange.
  21. Very nice . Seems the reds vary a little in color. What is their care like?
  22. Pretty color, It is a blue/green look .
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