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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Soothing, That is a lot for a shrimp , I draw the line at $500 per shrimp . I'm just kidding but like everything else in a few years the prices come down . I remember when albino pythons came out in the late 70's . They were $25,000 each and now you can find them in Flamingo park by the Everglades , lol.
  2. In truth I highly doubt it will end but I know that in Florida and few other southern states ,they might stop mail pick up at our houses which I understand because there are a heck of a lot more houses now than 20 years ago and it has to be heavy to carry .
  3. 00Camaro, I have seen the fugeray as local pet store has it and very nice . It the marine version on a 20 gallon long . I would have ordered one (planted tank version) but they can not be laid directly on glass and my filter is on the side of tank not rear thus not possible.
  4. When I used to use CO2 , I would silicone the air line on the bottom of the cap bottle and the top. I would also make the line hole (with a hot nail) slightly smaller than the width of the air line .
  5. I never heard of that size tank. Was it a display pet store tank and they ordered you a model? Very unusual size . I mentioned more plants only because I like plants lol but you set it up the way you like it . It does look nice I just happen to like jungles ,lol.
  6. That is a nice shrimp, looks like a piece of ivory.
  7. Ctaylor, There are countless ways to do salt but if I was doing a 55, I would only buy 25 lbs of live rock because too much rock displaces that much water and if anything you get dead spots instead of water circulating by the rocks . You can always add more if you want . Gobies love the rock because they enjoy crevices to hide in or around and it becomes their territory . I would place the rock on pieces of egg crate (only under the immediate rock not the whole tank) never in direct contact with the glass than add an inch of reef sand and after it cycled due to the rock . I would add a couple of Atlantic cucumbers and or the little white sand stars . They sift through the sand and keep it clean . The colorful cucumbers can poison the water if they die . A skimmer be it in the sump or hang like CPR backpack or the Remora are great skimmers but there are countless now. The most expensive part is the initial set up because the rock isn't cheap at 25 lbs and the skimmer isn't cheap. There are several goby and shrimp combos . I myself like the Dracula goby or the orange stripe prawn goby but there are several others . There are other fish you could add which would get along well with goby/shrimp teams which stay on the bottom while other fish stay mid tank . Nano-reef is a great site but most of them go full blown reef with hard coral which I never liked plus when I had tank the only lighting we had was flourescent . You can have a great tank without difficult coral because even feather dusters all over look great. I never had the goby/shrimp combo , I did have a yellow watchman goby but again nano-reef is very good .
  8. From the album: My 55 gallon shrimp tank

    I have 1 male, 2 female CPO and ordered a female dwarf blue cpo . They live in a 20 gallon long .
  9. From the album: My 55 gallon shrimp tank

    This is my 55 gallon shrimp tank . I took this picture with my wife's cell phone after I trimmed many of the plants . It has lots shrimp but I do not see them . I will give it another shot to get shrimp pics .
  10. Shrimp. I pick up the nerites at the pet store later today , they came in yesterday .
  11. Is the tank for shrimp or fish?
  12. I commented on this but think I commented in the photo section by accident . Is the tank a 40 gallon long ? 40 longs used to be common but now some places do not carry them .
  13. The snails from that lake are also very pretty but plant eaters which rules them out in my case.
  14. Thanks a lot everyone . I was hoping that I would get white, red and black shrimp. Since not the case will keep them separate .
  15. Louie

    Thai Micro Crabs

    Why wont they breed if they are freshwater?
  16. Louie


    It looks good , I myself would add more plants but that is because I just happen to like planted tanks and since you have the led , why not.
  17. I do 5% of tank volume , every 3 days . I use the water to water my plants and it certainly beats regular water . I no longer test anything , I just do those water changes on schedule .
  18. I am thinking of placing a few crystal red with black crystals . Has anyone done this, if so what did you get? Thanks
  19. I love the 3 shrimp on the bottom of the list.
  20. The site I was looking at was that place that you "design " your own led (lol forgot the sites name) , either way they had them all on open top tanks and did not recommend glass (I emailed them). I still might get one and just prop it up with small wooden 'legs' as Chris has done .
  21. Wicca, I remember when Miami had a freak long lasting cold spell some years ago . Think it was Jan . You would see floating common plecos in most canals and one person found a large gold nugget pleco in a golf course pond not far from here . , They common plecos have rebounded in the last few years but the nugget was the only unusual pleco I have ever seen in any body of water here.
  22. I actually found the blue legged poso on ebay while looking them up . Inexpensive but they look delicate.
  23. If you have the room like in a garage, etc , It is a good idea to have an extra tank stored . I keep an extra 20 gallon in a garage closet which I got at one of those chain pet stores for a $1 a gallon .
  24. Looking at that link, They keep some very rare catfish in that forum.
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