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Everything posted by Louie

  1. The lake Poso shrimp are the saluwasi shrimp?
  2. I recall when the assassin snail craze began. I did not get any because snails aren't a problem plus I visioned the marine cowry snails which kill small fish and now you are hearing stories of assassin snails killing shrimp.
  3. Soothing, Some of the led units are simply garbage which might be why yours burnt out.
  4. Thank you both. I was looking at the clip on led lights the powerful ones but they do not hang on to regular tank rims and I am not removing the plastic tank rim. The one's I looked at said that they could not be placed directly on glass .
  5. I am looking at led fixture for my 55 gallon as opposed to the CFL fixtures which I use on the glass cover . Not to save money but because I wanted a slimmer neater light cover but after reading the sites, I gather that led can not sit directly on top of glass because it affects the led bulbs? if so will stick with the current set up as do not want open top. Does anyone use led laying directly on glass cover? Thank you
  6. I do not think that there are invert charities per-se but more like wild area conservations.
  7. I find it grows faster 10 - 12 hours light max . That is what I use. Light 24/7 will not help it at all, think will hurt it.
  8. Oh those are nice whites but the yellow isn't bad. I am partial to the head of the bristlenose male as find it very neat.
  9. Soothing . All survived and that was when I was just getting into shrimp but the tank was an aged planted tank which helped They are large now but I mixed them with the Brown shrimp and the yellows. Lol I didn't know any better. I do have black shrimp babies from the combo and other nice colors . They are in a 55 gallon heavy planted (no co2) community shrimp tank . I have set up a few 20 longs since than same planted style but for individual colors . The 55 community is still my favorite but as more babies reproduce the newer babies are not as pretty .
  10. I like snails but to many are no good . What I do is siphon out as any as possible just like you do while doing water changes and I use algae cichlid wafer to get them to accumulate and than suck them out. The shrimp will disband once nodged with the siphon tube . I am picking up nerite end of this week , see how they work out.
  11. Poopians, Why not feed at least once a week , at least this way you can introduce some protein , etc ?
  12. What is the care like on these shrimps?
  13. I have kept large leeches by accident that came in driftwood take from canals in an unheated 10 gallon tank. They were interesting in their own right and lived for years eating dead earthworms and a dead fish here and there taken from my pond . They hid if lights were on in the driftwood but came out at night and were active . I never had any young but had the 4 leeches a few yrs , imagine 4 inches long about 1/2 inch wide .
  14. Soothing , I actually have a couple from you that border on blue/purple , think you sold them as carbon blue (don't recall) . They are not like the pic because not as dark but are a blue/purple look. The rest of the bunch are blue .
  15. It will be quit striking as a White adult . I recall seeing white for sale for like $100 few yrs ago in bristlenoseworld.com . I did not keep them but the forum at the time had a marine section .
  16. Thank you everyone . They certainly are a nice green , well I can only tell by looking at them online as have never seen any but if they turn black and lose that vibrant green to bad.
  17. Soothing, Oh I do not have any . I saw them for the first time as I was reading about breeding crystal reds with crystal blacks . In the picture they looked rather large and pretty but either way this is why I asked if called "Hulk" due to their abnormal size but reading the replies , I see that they are not larger than average shrimp nor any more aggressive . Thanks
  18. Poopians, I love the BorneoWild Shield . I have noticed that with my orange CPO crayfish which I keep separate it has made their orange much prettier . I feed the shrimp every other day and use the Shield twice a week with water changes .
  19. Soothing, I was thinking the same thing because if that pleco stayed such a crisp white as an adult it would look amazing
  20. wicca, Both very pretty but I have to say the White pleco is a nice crisp white and that one I like a lot . You got them locally or on line?
  21. ctaylor, I said the discus keepers were like a cult as had friends through out the years who kept them, they were rather anal on their care and remember they used to get into arguments over aspects of discus care , lol .One still has them. I don't know how they are kept now but my friends were make food for them beefheart, worm ,etc combos . In the 70s the only discus were the wild color but by think early to mid 80s , if not later a few colors began to appear in the hobby . The prices were insane , lol . The die off was absurd , We used to call them 'freshwater marine fish" because they were than harder than marine fish . They were kept with angelfish back than because the theory was that they were found in same vicinity but later people realized that adult angels were too aggressive and think it turned out that angels were found in cooler water but of course same river. They are very pretty and I do like the different type strains.
  22. How do you like your micro crab as far as active, you see him , doesn't bother the shrimp ? I read about them some time ago in TFH magazine . They seemed rather delicate.
  23. Recently while looking at shrimp pics I saw Hulk shrimps . They are bigger than regular size shrimp? They also seem to sell them as individuals as opposed to 6 or more together . More aggressive shrimp? Thanks
  24. Wicca, Do you need to buy new wood every few months ?
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