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Everything posted by Louie

  1. I don't blame you for being excited . He is good looking. I know acreptiles because they were first place to carry CB mourning geckos . They were big years ago . Their ball pythons are stunning .
  2. Great looking dogs . They became illegal here years ago . Is one of these dogs what they call a ''Merle PB'' ? I had a male AB and female Cane Corso in the late 70s before they became in vogue . The AB for a breed that in theory is a southern breeds certainly hated the heat .
  3. I love garters . Have you seen any unusual color morphs ? Got this pic yesterday of little guy . There are couple adult corns which I sometimes see in gazebo ceiling.
  4. Very nice . Did you just get him or the seller sent you his pic before shipment ? Where did you buy him from ?
  5. '' I buy at the local China market for R80 which is around $6'' lol oh wow . Heck you might as well set up more tanks because that is beyond a great price for such lighting .
  6. Oh it came out nice . You could add air some Tillandsia air plants which I have found indestructible .
  7. Watermelon and sunflower are plants from seeds but other seeds they sell aren't seed type plants in the real sense . I have several elephant ears and they are bulb plants though I often see them as seeds for sale from over-seas vendors . I guess before the bulb comes the ''seed'' but I don't anyone who grew them from seeds . I bought fairy shrimp from 3 over-seas vendors which never panned out than I found a place in Arizona and got lots of fairy shrimp.
  8. Looks great . You hang your lights fairly high over the tank ?
  9. I have found seeds to be the biggest con on ebay . Though buyer beware is applicable everywhere. Seeds are the biggest scam.
  10. I'm no expert but I do have lots succulents scattered all over the property and I agree with Soothing . I myself have never had luck with succulent seeds but every tiny succulent I have bought or given as a tiny plant has grown great but the seeds have been zilch . In your case I would grow them bit longer and see but they don't look like succulents .
  11. You should get one . I have a White P. Clarkii and find him full of personality .
  12. lol oh I remember when these open front gecko tanks came out . Think from zoo-med and exo-terrarrium . They were a big hit with the arboreal gecko bunch . At the time the famous little blue neon geckos which I cant recall the name was a fraction of the cost it is now . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just looked it up - Lygodactylus williamsi
  13. Do the macrostoma males always look as nice as on sites or that is just mating color ? Never heard of these fish , was looking at a gallery and very pretty with varied colors .
  14. Could be red or what some call neon red P. Clarkii but your pet store calls them red lobster . I guess they can be called anything , lol . They come in several red morphs and some as adults are as stunning and may lean orange more so than red which is still nice and some fade .
  15. I just looked up macrostoma and very nice . Have never heard of them . Why in a closet , they breed in darkness ? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yXis1Jg38sE/UWAWwyb7kwI/AAAAAAAAAx4/5wXXDVJa5ao/s1600/betta_macrostoma_1.jpg
  16. I didn't want to say anything because it sounds crazy but every tank I have had with black gravel has been the best and plants thrived like no other . I have read sites that say black gravel is the best but they didn't say why and scientifically it doesn't make sense . I now like river gravel as like that pond look but might be doing a black gravel planted neon tank . Sand I hate .
  17. Oh I see but would still think some wise dealer would get some females as they seem in demand . At least you can buy female bettas . I looked them up and seems some say they only take live food but others have luck with non live .
  18. Oh those are nice . Its interesting how leopards have been bred in so many colors but I don't think Oreo like the fat tails . The fat tail breeders must enjoy sweets because they also have chocolate morphs and this Caramel morph , lol . http://www.theurbangecko.com/african-fat-tailed-geckos/caramel-albino
  19. Yes indeed and one has not lived until they have had a Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard and/or an Oreo Blizzard ice cream cake . There was a show which is still around in re-runs from the UK called 'Two Fat Ladies' . Youtube has some episodes . They cooked in butter, fat, etc . It wasn't a PC cooking show as far as they were not shy about frying things up , lol . One show they made their own large Oreos which they fried in pancake batter and served it hot with real creamy vanilla over it . Boy those ladies could cook .
  20. You could keep it simple with regular gravel. I like the natural river gravel but black gravel also looks nice just not GLASS gravel . Fast growing plants and no C02. I use CFL bulbs because I put the filter on tank side thus led isn't an option but I would use led if not for that . I only use about an inch of gravel which isn't recommended but I don't like to much gravel , lol . For types of plants I used it works well . There are countless ways of doing it .
  21. Oh that is interesting . I thought they were extremely rare .
  22. Great shrimp but LOVE that deer . Not often if ever you see a deer like that .
  23. Oh that wood with moss growing on top looks like a tree stump with ferns . Nice
  24. I always wondered why fat tails never caught on like leo's . I never kept either type but read fat tails are easier going ? I was looking at 'Oreo' fat tails some time ago and pricey .
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