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Posts posted by Louie

  1. Decades ago when 'live rock' was sold without any regulations right off Florida and it was LOADED with life , keep in mind different times and no one knew any better as far as protecting reefs ..  They were full of mantis shrimp and you had to get them out.  Easy enough to do with any DIY trap baited with shrimp .


    The slasher mantis were easy to remove, the smasher types (think called Pistol shrimp) could shatter glass traps (never heard of them cracking tanks) but at night they would also kill each other lol (with pistol shrimp winning by maiming the slasher and eating them ) as you cycled the rock and after 6 weeks you remove the winner .

  2. I have seen the Coral crayfish . A friend in another state has several types of crays.


    I know that the place you listed has stopped carrying several types of bigger crays because the regulations vary in state to state and it became a pain.


    I keep marbled , White Alleni and 3 CPO's which mate but never seem to get offspring .


    Either way I inquired about 2 Australian crays in aquabid but they can not be sold to Florida.

  3. I have city water .


    Perhaps it is because I change 10% of tank water every week but do so by only changing 5% every 3 days that I have not had any problems.


    I do have a filter under my kitchen sink but that is for fine particles and chlorine.


    I do agree with everyone here that water can certainly change but in my case years of the same water and never a problem.


    The water here is actually very good water but again it high in PH

  4. It is not a bad look . Why not just let them grow as they see fit?


    In my tanks some plants do not grow as they are expected and will grow side ways, etc but I have no problem with that and find it gives a natural look .


    The stem which you have growing sideways will stop spreading like that and send down roots which will give you several new plants which will shoot upward.

  5. Thanks, I just looked them up .


    The same company no longer carries the Glo-Zebra danios which are the only one's which I have ever seen.


    I guess because as you mentioned , these are hardier.

  6. The initial shrimp whether blue, brown , yellow, orange  are all very pretty and going strong .  Since I mixed them in a large planted tank . They "interbreed" and generations down the line the babies lose much of the color because "hybrids" are breeding with "hybrids".


    You actually told me they would interbreed but I did not listen hee hee .


    However the initial adults who by chance still breed with each other , even if diff colors still put out very pretty shrimps but if those "hybrids" than breed the colors get "weak" and fade away.


    The 29 gallon high will be for the hybrids which lack color . I'll siphon some out here and there as I see them .


    When my daughter and grandkids come to visit in summer for 2 weeks , I will have her take pics and post them.


    It is interesting how several generations without selective breeding as far as keeping one color scheme by itself , how they change .

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