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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Louie

    Diy floating orb

    Do yours glo or you need actinic light? Though hard to tell by looking at your pic, It does look like are glowing.
  2. It is not a bad look . Why not just let them grow as they see fit? In my tanks some plants do not grow as they are expected and will grow side ways, etc but I have no problem with that and find it gives a natural look . The stem which you have growing sideways will stop spreading like that and send down roots which will give you several new plants which will shoot upward.
  3. Springtails can be anywhere but completely harmless and on the surface of a fish tank, they die off . They are found in humid soil, plant areas but short lived without land as they starve and drown.
  4. Louie

    Diy floating orb

    Thanks, I just looked them up . The same company no longer carries the Glo-Zebra danios which are the only one's which I have ever seen. I guess because as you mentioned , these are hardier.
  5. Louie

    Diy floating orb

    Like the fish but not sure what they are?
  6. I think several here keep their shrimp tanks in their basement and come winter the temps are cooler and they do not breed. I do not have a basement so the day temps here are 76 and night 72 . Shrimp breed all year long
  7. I feed three times a week what they will eat in 30 minutes but my tanks are all heavy planted .
  8. featherbue, I use tap water which is dechlorinated prior to water changes and my shrimp which are several different types thrive and breed. The PH here is high and the water is hard .
  9. The males get larger than the females which is unusual for crays . You would not have to simulate drought season .
  10. Attach your moss to your driftwood , It will eventually cover it all and the shrimp enjoy 'hanging out' on it and grazing the bio film.
  11. Thank you very much everyone, Good thing I asked because thought they could not cross breed.
  12. Will Tiger shrimp breed with CRS or bully them ? From what I read , it seems they will not but wanted to make sure . Thank you
  13. Thank you . I looked them up after you mentioned them and does seem that they are safe .
  14. The initial shrimp whether blue, brown , yellow, orange are all very pretty and going strong . Since I mixed them in a large planted tank . They "interbreed" and generations down the line the babies lose much of the color because "hybrids" are breeding with "hybrids". You actually told me they would interbreed but I did not listen hee hee . However the initial adults who by chance still breed with each other , even if diff colors still put out very pretty shrimps but if those "hybrids" than breed the colors get "weak" and fade away. The 29 gallon high will be for the hybrids which lack color . I'll siphon some out here and there as I see them . When my daughter and grandkids come to visit in summer for 2 weeks , I will have her take pics and post them. It is interesting how several generations without selective breeding as far as keeping one color scheme by itself , how they change .
  15. Pinocchio and Rhino shrimps are the same ? The Pinocchio shrimp look very interesting and rather delicate. I have only seen them online .
  16. Soothing, The first and second generations of 'hybrid" shrimp were still pretty but few generations down that line the new one's are not as pretty and they will eventually go in the 29 gallon .
  17. Stef, Yes , The CPO's will be by themselves no fish and looking at the newer smaller fish like chili rasboras or CPD's . As of now the 20 gallon is still not ready for the CPO's . It would be nice if they finally had some babies .
  18. Doc, Yes they will eat invisible micro stuff in uncrowded planted tanks . I only feed mine once a week but do 2 water changes a week and use shield which also got from Will. Are ottos safe with baby shrimp?
  19. Stef, I agree, The 20 gallon long will be just for the CPO's and no fish. The 29 gallon will be for adult shrimp that are 'hybrids' and not concerned about the baby shrimp as far as some getting eaten by small fish. When I first purchased shrimp about a year ago, I purchased several different types from Soothing. The shrimp are fantastic looking but I mixed them and now have some bland hybrids. I am certainly not going to cull them since I am no breeder and do like them so going to put the hybrids in the 29 gallon as adults so they are safe from small fish but again not concerned about the babies. The second batch of shrimp I have purchased from Soothing have all gone in separate tanks .
  20. Doc, The CRS I got from Will have grown up a lot fairly fast , you will love the white and red on them as they get older . Very pretty shrimp.
  21. Subtle, That is true , I decided eventually put the 3 CPO's in a 20 gallon long which I am giving some time till it cycles and the plants take hold. The planted 29 high was wasted upper space and going to use that for extra adult shrimp and looking at the celestial pearl danios or smaller fish.
  22. H4n, I have been to several different countries , never Pakistan and have been shocked by the selection of fish in some countries which you would never suspect would have such a selection and disappointed in other countries which I expected greater selection. The largest selection which I have ever seen was in 1978 in Panama in an outdoor market when we used those old slate bottom metal frame tanks , who would have thought .
  23. Subtle, Years ago I had guppies in a 40 gallon long with no cover and bamboo growing out (room was brightly lit) . You do not need heaters here unless you keep tanks in air conditioned room which my fish room is not (shrimp room is) . The guppies did not jump but their close relatives , endlers , guppy hybrids and assorted danios I have kept are big jumpers . The other fish I have never kept but looking up your half beaks. I would be inclined to think those would but again I have never kept them.
  24. Doc, It is the filter intake which I sent him from an extra penguin bio-wheel 150 which is same size as the smaller 100 model . Thus he made what I needed. I am glad that he posted the pic because I am not good at that .
  25. That is certainly going to beat , having to rinse the sponge close to weekly .
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