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Everything posted by Louie

  1. I imagine you have access to some very interesting native fish .
  2. I use the CFL on inside light fixtures but I have some of those 60 watt bright white led bulbs hanging a few inches over a few 20 gallon tanks and fantastic plant growth . I mention that just incase you ever set up smaller tanks .
  3. Zul, How are the pet stores in Pakistan ?
  4. Thank you . I am going to look them up.
  5. Subtle I keep assorted cory's and bristlenose and clown plecos outside and they certainly do not jump .
  6. subtle, I do not know what those are ?
  7. Very nice set up . How did you attach the rear wood , with silicone ?
  8. Soothing, I am probably going to go with endlers . Thank you
  9. Subtle, The cory cats I can not because the CPO's would grab them now and than but the endlers are an idea. Thanks
  10. Doc, I purchased some CRS from Will and I never look at the PH. I use regular tap water for my weekly water change , Prime and shield and the shrimps are thriving. I notice many here look at the PH but I wonder how important that actually is ? It is a heavy planted 20 gallon tank. The CRS are certainly very pretty . I plan to also get CBS for another tank. What are your plans for the other tank?
  11. I did not know there were African and Asian leaf fish just assumed all were from south America .
  12. I have 1 male and 2 female CPO crays in a 29 gallon high tank . The tank has small pvc tubes on the bottom covered with driftwood and anubias which goes half way up the tank. I have had them for 4 months and have seen them mate but as of now no babies . One female is heavily berried . I would like some top swimming fish which would not take the baby CPO's (if I ever get any) . is there such a fish? I was thinking of zebra danios . Thank you
  13. Very nice looking and unusual . Did you buy them online ? Not a fish you see for sale . Can they be fed fortified crickets ,wonder if they can be bred?
  14. Triton, That was very funny . I agree . Fed -ex 2 day guaranteed shipping is $15 while USPS $10 can be a week . Twenty years ago , I used too send Scarlet King snakes through the mail . Granted in a box not an envelope hee hee but a larger box with a heavier wooden box inside took about 2 days . Now the 2 day priority can take a week .
  15. Funny that you would say that because I sent him today an extra intake I have for penguin 150 filter to see if he could make it for that. The 100 model which you have is the same intake size . The penguin 100 and 150 models are popular for shrimp tanks up to 20 gallons . If he is able to make it , I am sure he will sell. I plan on setting up a few 20 gallon tanks for different types of shrimp I want to house by themselves using the penguin 150 filters and if he can make it for those filters that would be better than a sponge or mesh.
  16. Thanks, That is what I would think but read they can be rather territorial . I see the natural color one's by the marsh's and canals here and have seen several here and there in close proximity but in captivity where they can not get away from each other it is different.
  17. That came out very nice .Looks like underwater cave rock. I would have never thought that 'greatstuff' even coated would work under water.
  18. Has anyone successfully kept a M/F pair of Clarkii crays together through out their adult lives? The tank I was considering was a standard 36 inch , 30 gallon long . If it is even possible to keep 2 Clarkii's together .
  19. Doc, That is why I did not get them . There is no info out on them . I am looking now at the white clarkii crays
  20. Stef, There is a show that used to be on Animal planet now it is re-runs which if you haven't seen it, You would enjoy . Called Fatal Attractions. "One of my cats is a bengal" There is a place not far from me that has been breeding caracals, servals , jungle cats and bengals for years .
  21. Thanks Doc4PC2, I am ordering from Han as everyone loves his shrimp guards .
  22. Thank you everyone . I also plan to set up two more tanks and sent h4n a pm. I like his shrimp guards which in truth I did not think they truly prevented baby shrimp from being sucked down since they are so tiny but good to know they do.
  23. Stef, That would be unnerving . I would not want to live by someone who kept big cats . I recall my friend sold several lion cubs but again those were different times, people were not as educated as now as far as wild pets . I had 2 female fruit bats till they were grey with cataracts, they lived many years and tame as any dog (got them as babies) , They were kept outside in a large aviary with bat houses , perches , etc and we had a pair of keel billed toucans in another aviary right next to them. We actually gave away several baby toucans from that pair. I am pretty sure that toucans are still sold .
  24. Would like to replace the sponge intake on my eheim 2213 canister filter with pantyhose because the pantyhose just seems easier to clean as far as rinsing under tap water and I can not do the same with the sponge , afraid it will kill lots bacteria and cause problems in the tank . I have been squeezing the sponge 'clean' in a bucket of tank water , once every 2 months but it doesn't get completely clean this way. Does anyone use regular pantyhose , if so will it protect baby shrimp from being sucked up like sponge filter? Thank you
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