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Posts posted by Louie

  1. Stef,

             That would be unnerving . I would not want to live by someone who kept big cats .



    I recall my friend sold several lion cubs but again those were different times, people were not as educated as now as far as wild pets .


     I had 2 female fruit bats till they were grey with cataracts, they lived many years and tame as any dog (got them as babies) , They were kept outside in a large aviary with bat houses , perches , etc and we had a pair of keel billed toucans in another aviary right next to them.

    We actually gave away several baby toucans from that pair.


    I am pretty sure that toucans are still sold .

  2. Would like to replace the sponge intake on my eheim 2213 canister filter with pantyhose because the pantyhose just seems easier to clean as far as rinsing under tap water and I can not do the same with the sponge , afraid it will kill lots bacteria and cause problems in the tank .


    I have been squeezing the sponge 'clean' in a bucket of tank water , once every 2 months but it doesn't get completely clean this way.


    Does anyone use regular pantyhose , if so will it protect baby shrimp from being sucked up like sponge filter?



    Thank you

  3. Stef,

              Oh you are in Louisiana .  I have been there .   I have a friend who in the 70s had a turtle, fish farm place there and later until the mid 80s imported exotic animals for the pet trade such as sloths , monkeys , even cheetahs , Those were different times with no regulations , heck no internet .

     People sold with catalogues using money orders or checks .

  4. I do not use FB but know the younger generation likes it . My daughters enjoyed it before getting married .


    I am not the most comp savvy person going and every 3 years when I return my leased car for a new one , I ask for non electric manual roll down windows and the old fashioned dial type non gadget radios . They no longer make cars with either of those features which ticks me off.

  5. ShortGirl,

                     That sounds like them, The pet store I go to knows their stuff and the owner told me these did not grow over 1.5 and were not the Cajun dwarf crays .

     They had a few and pale looking as you stated but 2 were a very nice deep blue .  They stood out .

       I regret not getting them but since they had no idea of their scientific name nor any care info I did not . They sold them all in a few days.

  6. I had a 55 gallon marine tank for 12 years with UG filter and skilter 250 (HOB filter) , using air stones good powerful air pump. It was archaic by todays standards but the fish thrived .


    The carbon inserts are small and exhausted so quickly that not worth it .


    Water changes and vacuuming the substrate is the key with UGF but they work .


    I do find the old style box filters which can also hold carbon besides floss and bio media to be a better option.

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