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Everything posted by Louie

  1. You can even use hydrogen peroxide .
  2. Not knowing anything about these fish . Why are females so hard to find ? I would think they are found/caught in same areas as males .
  3. The block next to food dish . Perhaps it isn't wood I'm just going by looks .
  4. There was a time when the Post office had a Post Master General and you could call him or write him. There was no internet than but they had an 800 number and someone would actually pick up and no recording , lol . Then the government realized that zero accountability where no one was actually in charge was the best way to go with the postal service , lol.
  5. My local post office is fantastic but the sorting facility is deplorable . Before my wife retired she worked at a store which got lots packages from different delivery systems . Packages '' lost'' or delivered to wrong address ,etc . USPS becomes a massive run around with no accountability and no end in sight as far as compensation or anyone being responsible . They are labyrinth . UPS and Fed-ex aren't angels because it can take weeks but there is an end in sight and they do make amends .
  6. Nice tank. I notice you have a wooden ''block'' in there which I have seen in a couple of pics here . What is it for ?
  7. lol I too have a cull tank . I'm not a breeder but the ugly shrimps I put in a heavy planted 29 gallon tank with male guppies .
  8. Better safe than sorry and as you know you don't have to spray the window . Spray a paper towel, etc than wipe window with that this way nothing gets in your tank.
  9. I love neons which I have never actually kept but they look amazing in planted tanks . What temp are you keeping them at ? I ask because have read lots diff temps for them.
  10. I do not like glass nor acrylic because when you clean it its prone to scratches or worse . I use thin polycarbonate which I have found scratch proof and as clear as any acrylic plus strong as far as putting lights on . http://freckleface.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/polycarbonatesheet.html
  11. I looked at the video and I also use CFL bulbs which I find great for plants BUT the bright white CFL bulbs are much better than the day light bulbs and the soft white are the worse . They work but nothing as well as the bright white bulbs The bright white bulbs make for lousy pics as the cell phone pics up green light which is invisible to the eye while the day light and soft white do not but that green light seems to get those plants to grow much better .
  12. Louie


    Could it be something in the well water such as the copper ? Some types of plecos are bred here in Fish farms and the PH here is high
  13. Nice set up . I have not had luck with DIY CO2 and shrimp thus stopped using it couple years ago.
  14. You could sell, trade, give away extra plants . I have been able to grow a few aquatic plants on soil by accident like ludwiga, water sprite ,anubias, java fern and crypts and they might disappear when its hot and dry for weeks, months but they return when it rains for few days .
  15. Wow those shrimps are stunning. The white/black shrimps at 8/11 are amazing .
  16. I kept Repens and Atlantis outside and bright beautiful red but just like inside I noticed that after few inches they were not red which is why I asked you . When I used DIY C02 in my 55 gallon the Repens certainly had way more red . I'm a fan of ludwigas and actually have repens which I discarded because I had so much growing on lawn without water .
  17. Thanks . I asked because was under impression that you couldn't just lay led on glass, etc without some space in between or it would over heat but noticed that fixture did not have legs .
  18. They recently had your state on Finding Bigfoot . They didn't find him but lots of sightings , lol.
  19. Even if they are planaria and not detritus worms with fish there is no need to do anything . Initially I thought of planaria because I suspected you of over feeding the fish , lol .
  20. Not being an expert on either shrimp or crabs thus could be wrong . I get the feeling that crabs are way more delicate than shrimp as far as wild caught and seems that plenty of crabs sold are wild caught .
  21. You lay them on glass or just open tank/no cover ?
  22. The entire ludwiga Atlantis shows their red color or just near the light ? Ludwiga repens with CFL .
  23. Pet store I go to had them but not the purple type . They had a red type and the woman who owns the pet store who knows fish, inverts inside out said they ship very poorly from country they are collected in . She holds them for a month before selling them and only got them because 2 people wanted them. Think half died first 2 weeks .
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