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Everything posted by Louie

  1. I'm not a snail person but those rabbit snails by themselves are beautiful . I have only seen 1 type in person but looking at the others on sites they are real nice . What type/s do you plan to get ?
  2. ''Yes the lovely rabbit snails will eat your plants'' While back I saw the yellow spotted and lovely they are .
  3. ''So 4 tanks to feed 1 tiny puffer. Imagine if I got 3 puffers.'' lol . They had the tiny puffers at pet store I go to with cherry shrimp and the puffers one day killed/ate them but I have heard others say that their little puffers only eat snails . Going back couple of decades a friend had one of those big freshwater puffers think from Brazil but I cant recall the name . It initially only are crayfish but he was able to wean it to take feeder fish , earthworms and other food but not common fish food .
  4. Your worms are planaria . http://www.planarians.org/
  5. What I like about those bowls is that they are acrylic which I did not know till looked them up and the light . It makes for a pretty little set up . You might consider adding regular male guppies which are less aggressive than cobra endlers.
  6. I like the BorneoWild brand which seems to have fallen out of favor with most in the shrimp world . Though not a food per-se but a supplement I love BorneoShield . I use it about once a week with my water change and I have noticed way more babies in the tanks which I use it as opposed to the tank which has ''culls'' and I don't use it .
  7. Oh those are nice . For me crabs are to violent, to territorial but some like those are certainly very pretty.
  8. Oh that is nice . I watch Animal shows and China has amazing landscape .
  9. Those are real or photo-shopped ?
  10. The Day geckos are more of 'look at' because you're correct that they are nervous . If I was going to get a 'hold type' gecko I would get a crested . If you feed wild anoles, house geckos and even skinks for awhile they come right next to you and I'm convinced can tell difference between people but wild day geckos even after couple years remain very aloof and stay semi hidden .
  11. The Giant Days can be stunning and they come in different color hues . http://www.giantdaygecko.com/gallery.html I don't know much about Cresteds other than they are like ''pets'' as far as very tame and always out in the open . The Geckos are smarter than most think but I would never get WC again only CB .
  12. You could in the future just use tiny pots with plants placed on your rocks . Ludwiga , water sprite are only a couple which thrive in tiny bit of gravel and grow lush .
  13. The Philodendron sp.and Pothos you can buy at any garden place even Home depot . You can probably find Neoregelia on ebay, http://www.blackjungleterrariumsupply.com/Terrarium-Plants_c_16.html and garden stores. What type Geckos are you going to keep ? I had a pair of Madagascar type small Geckos in a 40 gallon which were caught in Key west and hid behind corkbark every time I went in room for like 5 years , lol . I have also kept Dwarf Yellow-headed Geckos.
  14. oh I see the filter has to be removed thus you need to remove the plants, etc . That is a pain . I like the round look of the tank itself and was eyeing the bigger model for some pygmy everglade sunfish but I now see that I couldn't have it as planted tank .
  15. Nerites do not handle it well at all. Surprised you didn't lose them all .
  16. I would not add an air stone . The filter and water changes are plenty . I keep endlers outside but in an old 55 gallon I had a snake in years ago I also keep about 200 endlers and some platies without a filter . I do siphon out bottom and change about 20 gallons a week . They are my ''back up'' because come summer I get countless Cuban treefrogs in the outside endlers stock tanks which look like ponds and though you wouldn't think treefrogs eat fish, the toll they consume is staggering so I use the back ups which breed all year long after the treefrogs leave .
  17. Thanks that is what I suspected . I do like it and area pet store has it so since tank I want it for is well lit going to try a bit of it and see how it fares .
  18. I wanted to ask you what type filter your BIORB uses because it looks like undergravel but looking at pics it seems to be some type removable insert ? I saw the 28 gallon with salt on some video but it had no sound .
  19. Thanks I just looked it up . Are you using C02 with it ? It seems it requires CO2 , If not going to try it .
  20. Very pretty. Are those bottom dwelling plants what are called Baby tears ?
  21. Chances are they are harmless scuds . They came with your plants . You soaked them but they still survived . Male endlers will eat baby scuds but perhaps not adults . They are harmless . http://www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/scud.htm
  22. Louie


    I never had bristlenose but they are certainly interesting looking . I don't know much about plecos but suspected that males would not get along because in area canals it seems like they are territorial .
  23. You could always add a few snails and/or cherry shrimp to your endlers tank and harvest them for your dwarf puffer tank .
  24. I'm surprised only 3 water changes in roughly 10 months because its not a planted tank . By that I mean I could see few water changes in planted tank as plants take care of the gravel.
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