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Posts posted by Louie

  1. Dwarf puffers are fantastic .



    Pet store I go to had them but sold them out fairly fast .


    Everyone who as had them says they have personality .


    Set yourself up a 10 gallon tank with some plants and get a few .


    They seem easy as far as water goes but unlike endlers you  need a heater .


    I think their only drawback is feeding according to several sites .


    The pet store fed them ghost shrimp and snails .




    The most available member of the genus is the pygmy or dwarf puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus), also sometimes called the pea puffer. A fully grown adult male will top out at about three-fourths of an inch (about 2.2 centimeters). Males exhibit deep green coloration often highlighted with gold, and a golden to orange belly. Females are a bit plain, with lighter colors, no golden highlights and a whitish belly.

    These diminutive blowfish come from Kerala State in Southwestern India and are collected in the River Pamba. They are not picky about water conditions and will adjust to most local water supplies without trouble. They are ravenous eaters, consuming just about any live or frozen food. Unlike many larger puffer species, they don't seem to enjoy frozen mussel and will just pick at it, while their larger cousins will gulp it down whole. They will even eat flake and pellet foods, though they don't seem to respond as well to them and will slowly waste away if that is all you feed them. Their particular favorites are frozen bloodworms, other worms of any kind and newly hatched brine shrimp. They love snails and will quickly depopulate an aquarium of these sometimes annoying gastropods.''




  2. Yeah they're pretty fiesty but no one seems to be physically hurting anyone else just a lot of bothering. Ah cool about the ph, I'm quite happy with my ph it is highish but never varies

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    I read somewhere that guppies and endlers were rather popular in the UK ?

  3. I'm confused lol.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk



    I have had shrimp for couple of years now and I don't know what is what .


    My first tank was assorted colors combined which have given me neat colors and some drab ghost like ''colors''  .  I called some Rili which Soothing pointed out they weren't thus I can see how that would confuse you .


    Some of my whites have clear midsections which Soothing pointed out are called White Skeletons but considering the hodge podge of ''lineage'' these shrimp now have lol , I would not bother separating any to breed them .

  4. I posted this yesterday, but realised my information was wrong, so I am reposting here:


    So I went to the LFS yesterday to test my tap water parameters before I buy anything to start my first shrimp tank. I am going to have yellow neos. I don't have the tank or anything yet. The parameters were:


    PH: 6.2

    GH: between 50 and 75

    KH: 0


    The lady said the only thing to get rid of was the Chlorine. So what should I do from here? Do I need an RO/DI machine? Do I need a certain substrate? The PH is already super low! I’m not sure what to do now that I have these parameters. Help!



    I use tap water but like everyone here has stated I also de-chlorinate it before adding it .


    The tap water here is good but PH is high yet they thrive and breed .


    I use either regular pea size  river gravel in my tanks as they are planted or do not use substrate at all but I use few pieces of driftwood with Java ferns, moss tied to them which took off on their own .


    Bottom of those tanks are painted black on the outside .

  5. I live in Florida the green house is just for my plumerias right now but I have plans to move and when I do I'm going to use the green house just for ponds mainly saltwater corals. The turtle does slow down a bit in the winter but not really dormant.

    Oh than yes the turtle just slows down a bit .


    The temp differences in this state are unreal .


    Its now high 50s in Orlando , high 60s here in Miami and 70 plus in Key west .

  6. A little update on my nano reef tank. Added a few more corals and an anemia. Added a damsel fish now that the tank has been stable for a couple weeks. I put two mangroves into the tank and the nits all went to 0 real fast. I thought this was going to be a bit harder but I'm very happy with it so far and kinda looking forward to a bigger tank in the future.

    Nice .


    People don't care for Condy anemones  but I love them and often find them washed up on shore attached to rock, etc .  I throw them back in the water.


    I  find them very cute .

  7. My blue bolt tank is getting nice and populated im starting to cull now. My oebt are reday to be separated as well. Going to throw the blues into a new tank and keep the higher grades in the 20 gallon that their in. The blues will go into a 55 gallon that I just finished today I'll post pictures tomorrow when the water clears up. My hybrid tank is doing great as well as my prls, baby's all over the walls and moss. Setting up 2 more ten gallons one will be for pbls and the other will be for fancy red tigers. If I can set up more tanks with the left over Ada I will, but I'm also setting up a 55 gallon with Ada that I haven't decided what I'm going to do with it yet. Was thinking another Tibee tank for the tt strains or a black king Kong tank.

    Beautiful shrimp and livestock period .


    I saw the pics of your pond like in a green house so I take it you are in a cold state .


    Does the greenhouse hold temps for your pond , I imagine it keeps it from freezing but yet the turtles do go dormant ?

  8. Next I would like to change it up here is one of my poison dart frog set ups these guys are Phyllobates bicolor 'Green Leg'.

    quick little back ground info, in captivity they are not poisonous but in the wild they eat ants that eat poisonous plants do through the food chain is the only reason they will have poison. I think these guys are the shrimp of reptiles, they love drift wood, moss, and leaf litter. They are super easy to take care of, I have isopods and spring tails in the tank to eat the poop and waste from the frogs the bugs break it down faster so the plants can eat the waste. I feed evert other day and water 3 times a day with a spray bottle and ro water. Here is my breeding tank. should I do a fish tank, shrimp tank, or a pond next? Or maybe you'd like to see more frogs?

    Gorgeous frogs and set up .

    I kept mantellas in the early 90s .

  9. Ok so I definitely only have 4 out of 6 Endlers left. Never found the second one so I guess he's just sort of disintergrated through the filter. Did a decent water change today to get rid of any 'bits' [emoji52]

    The leader of the pack is one of the smallest but also most colourful and he flares a lot and seems to bother the others, especially a bigger paler one who I'm thinking now might be a female?!! They all looked like males but now they're starting to colour up he/she looks much paler than the rest and 'fatter' almost pregnant looking! Lol [emoji16]

    Going to get them some kind of weed tomorrow x

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    I have had endlers for years and I always tell people that they will go after each other and people think I'm crazy till they put several males together .

    Granted they aren't cichlids but they do have a pecking order but thick plants are the key or even other type small fish .Just not the demonic mosquito fish .

  10. I have had alot of bristlenose and they are hardy, easy to keep and you just need to keep up with cleaning waste they produce on the bottom of tank. (the do produce more waste then shrimp or other fish, thats for sure)


    Breeding is simple. All you need is a mature female and male , a cave and they should do the rest!


    They also like to eat veggies like zucchini, french cut canned green beans (salt free and rinsed) , sweet potato...

    Do you males get along ?

  11. Does the horizontal white one have a clear midsection?  If so, that snowball is called "skeleton."  :)


    Does the horizontal white one have a clear midsection?  If so, that snow is called "skeleton."  :)

     He has a clear midsection but the other one isn't actually white but a pinkish/white .  I have several of both .


    Over time I got a few interesting colors from the initial pure CBS,CRS and White shrimp and I have sold the babies are pure Panda shrimp at $50.00 each.


    Lol I'm just kidding I don't know shrimp genetics nor would I ever sell shrimp .  Though in last few batches I no longer mix shrimp and individual tanks .

  12. I mean no disrespect Louie, so please don't take this that way.  :)


    Are you sure those rili/lines aren't neos?


    The neos tend to get racing stripes on the back, and can look just like that rili. 


    An indicator, for instance, is if you look closely on the cheek of the rili, it is not filled in.  This is a common problem with neo rilis, so we often cross rili with fire or pfr to close the "ear hole."


    Other indicators are full red shrimp in the background.  CRS won't be full red.  Even low grades or super reds have some white on them. ;)


    The white ones are cards though.

    ''Are you sure those rili/lines aren't neos?''


    lol oh no disrespect at all . As long as you don't mock root beer floats  (root beer with vanilla Ice cream ) than we don't have a problem .


    I call them Rili because to me they look like Rili .   I don't know what is what as far as neo or not .


    To me they look like Rili so I gave them that name .


    The cherry shrimp are also off springs because I have never put cherry shrimp in that tank .


    Here are also two diff color hues of the Whites.




  13. after i moved to north Carolina u lost alot of my passion for shrimp and aquariums in general because i had alot of really good LFS near me and a few secret spots i knew i could always find wild shrimp and fish. I always had most of the small fish species memorized.

    after i moved its like i had to relearn all the fish species and spots and stores, but i was just researching and found this.


    I'm really excited for spring to go collecting and get a native shrimp tank going.http://www.ncfishes.com/families/aquatic-invertebrates/

    Oh that Arrow Shrimp is unique . Never heard of them.

  14. Collecting is great fun! Good luck. A side note on the snake issue, most bites in the USA are received by young men actively harassing snakes. If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone.



    I agree the snakes want nothing to do with you .


    The beetles aquatic or terrestrial are a different story , lol

  15. yeah, I really want some of the brown shrimp and arrow shrimp.

    I hope I can also get some nice plants and fish.


    N.C is very nice . To cold for me but a nice state .


    They have the nicest looking scarlet kings going because unlike Florida's the N.C type has white bands instead of yellow .




    You also have the fantastic Flying squirrel which you will see at night if you have a bird feeder .


    As far as collecting besides shrimp which you are interested in the darters are great .

  16. I want pics, Louie! :)

    These aren't the best pics because I use an old cell phone and it picks up green hue due to light .  Though the water is very clear but the cell phone seems to pick the green color .


    The initial shrimps were Crystal red, Crystal black and few white ones .  Over the year I have gotten what look like Rili and few with stripes down the back just to mention a few types .


    This tank is a 20 gallon long and perhaps over 100 shrimps by now but the one's without any color I net when I can and put in with guppies and endlers .


    I have gotten very neat colors and even have a few solid blacks which I'll photograph when I see them.












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