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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Seemed to me that I got shrimp from my mixture of CRS/CBS which looked like Rili's . They had that saddle color but not full cbs nor crs.
  2. Lol you know they do look like Amel Kings . I never thought of that .
  3. This was interesting reading I would have never thought you could keep more than a pair of Procambarus clarkii in anything smaller than more or less 30 inches/20 gallon long and any more than 2 would be war . From what I hear the Alleni's killing each other is common . I am going to keep the male by himself but I do want to breed him with an orange female so will try that come Spring but after they mate I'll separate them. He wont mate now as it has been high 50s at night and only low 70s during day but come warmer temps the crays outside breed like crazy . I would have never thought that after mating , producing young and getting alone with her over a year ,he would kill the female . I must say the Procambarus Clarkii ghost might be the prettiest of North American crays . I saw one on ebay some time ago , pricey . http://wordpress.crustahunter.com/wp-content/gallery/procambarus-clarkii-ghost/p-clarkii-ghost-1.jpg What temps did you keep your Procambarus clarkii?
  4. What I find hard to fathom is going to Indonesia and than leaving , lol. I have not been there but have a friend who retired few years ago and he and his wife moved there . The pictures look beautiful .
  5. You can get good things on Craigslist but I would not risk a tank . It is only after filling the tank up and putting the lights on will you see scratches that you wont notice buying the tank empty . kuhlis are fantastic very underrated and thrive in a planted tank . The albinos which I saw couple years ago are neat looking . http://www.loaches.com/species-index/photos/p/Pangio_myersi_09.jpg/image_medium
  6. CBS are my favorite as like the contrast between white/black . You do get interesting colors and rili's if you put a few CRS/CBS together so maybe a third tank might also be an idea .
  7. Your friends tank is stunning . Its like a public aquarium display .
  8. From what I understand the Ninja Shrimps pattern/colors are all over the place and they can be kept as warm water freshwater shrimp but only breed in brackish ?
  9. I had no idea who Chris Lukhaup was till after you mentioned him because as I was looking up crays you mentioned I saw his name on several pics . I could be mistaken but think when CPO's first came out he also gave a lecture on them in a fish club which I saw in passing on youtube .
  10. Endlers have a pecking order which sounds strange but having had just males in a 20 gallon tank I noticed that however good plants are the key . By far I find pure endlers or endler/ guppy crosses much more aggressive than just pure male guppies .
  11. oh I see like a square ''bowl'' but bigger .
  12. Craiglist for tanks is a gamble which IMO is not worth taking . Better off just buying a new tank with guarantee . I say this not based on leaking tanks but on scratches on glass which you only see when tank is full of water .
  13. I love Kuhli loaches . Those are interesting little fish which I have never heard of anyone breeding . As they get fat they remind me of swimming crayons .
  14. Lots are against taking animals from the wild and I see their point but taking some from the wild is the only way that endangered animals will be saved . I was recently watching Anthony Bourdain in Madagascar and much of the wildlife is running out of wild areas so either captive breeding or they will be gone .
  15. Yes that's them. I saw a couple at a place I go to but they were sold on hold . They had shiny blue bodies and great pattern . I emailed Adrian to see if he had them but no reply .
  16. I wasn't a snail person till I got nerites . I love the zebra's and horned . ''The snail's name is Sam - like the sidekick/bff in Lord of the Rings'' Plenty of room also for a Frodo .
  17. The males would harass the female non stop but 7 males isn't a bad number as they chase each other around instead of just one . It just so happens that that one particular male may have had 1 or 2 nip him all the time but thick plants help a lot . I have found Cobra strain and the tiny Tiger endlers which are my favorite the most aggressive . The new Blue tiger peacock endlers are stunning . I have only seen them but don't have them but trying.
  18. Adrian had amazing endlers . His yard was tanks, tubs, etc . I have a few of his strain and than he simply disappeared as far as he no longer sells endlers . I and couple others tried contacting him looking for a certain strain but no reply .
  19. ''They better improve their service with this high rate increase.'' Lol that was good . I have seen several increases in the USPS over the years and never have I seen improvement .
  20. Interestingly enough Fed-ex and UPS also just went up . ''On Dec. 28, for example, UPS Ground Services saw a 4.9 percent hike while UPS Air and International Service went up 5.2 percent Also, on Jan. 4 FedEx implemented a 4.9 percent increase and its new “dimensional weight” pricing model which will in many cases also translate to higher costs. Meanwhile, FedEx also raised its Home Delivery service from $2.85 to $3.00 and Ground Home Delivery from $2.90 to $3.10.'' http://smallbiztrends.com/2016/01/usps-shipping-rates-increasing-2016.html
  21. This was very informative . Thank you The Indonesian Cherax with color is the Coral cray , I believe that is the most colorful readily available type ?
  22. To quote a line from the movie 'The Postman' with Kevin Costner . "RIDE POSTMAN RIDE .YOU HEAR ME ?!! I SAID RIDE''
  23. If you like endlers and hybrids- http://www.swampriveraquatics.com/ I saw his place years ago but he stopped selling them . I don't know why .
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