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Everything posted by Louie

  1. Oh yes, snails will encircle that food . You can always remove some with a DIY trap here and there if you find to many .
  2. Oh wow . Can they be trusted ''tamed'' ?
  3. I hear you its a cold spell all over . We are only in high 60s now with low 60s tonight . It's freezing .
  4. $8 for a star that goes over $20 and that pretty is a deal . I would consider getting another in the hopes of babies .
  5. I would file a complaint and though they usually fall on deaf ears I would still go on their site and do it . I wonder if anyone has ever actually gotten back any money as far as packages being delivered after the time span they pay for .
  6. I am also lucky as far as my local post office is great but not the Miami sorting center where the mail must pass through .
  7. Snails do poo a lot but I have them in all my planted tanks and they aren't a bother . The only problem is if you breed fish that lay eggs as I have found snails can eat them . I have mini moth cats and the snails and shrimp eat the eggs when they have spawned . Other than that the snails aren't a pest and I'm pretty sure the shrimp eat the snail eggs .
  8. The tank looks nice . I myself never had luck with plants and sand but seems sand is popular with many here .
  9. Stunning star I never saw red linkia that red in fact most rather faded . Stars in their own right are great inverts .
  10. Beautiful shrimp . Are you using R/O water there or your tap water is good ?
  11. Beautiful star. What type is it ?
  12. Ebay has good sellers for the common nerite snails and good prices but the fancier types I got at Aquatics .
  13. I have bought mini moth catfish, different types of nerite snails and green shrimp from Aquatics and very happy with them. I have another order that should ship this week .
  14. I take it you were Navy or Marines in Japan ? I was Army , artillery .
  15. Get yourself one that glows in the dark . http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2349575/Tron-like-Lamborghini-glows-dark-seized-Qatari-driver-pulled-driving-licence.html
  16. I love Kit Cars which some don't consider real cars , lol. They are popular here and in the Keys . A friend has a Seven280 which is real nice .
  17. Louie

    Purigen reactor?

    Having used Purigen, Chemi-pure and Polyfilter pads by Biomarine I have found that all 3 are great but the Polyfilter pads even placed in a filter corner without any water going through them have absorbed junk very nicely .
  18. Maurice, The new shoots are coming out a nice green. I have only been using it roughly 2 weeks . Thanks
  19. Very pretty shrimp and also love the Bristlenose pleco. Are they safe with baby shrimp ?
  20. Some of the tanks are ridiculous with slot machines inside, etc lol . They are so unnatural and gaudy but some are works of art with imitation piers , etc . Yes .they use fake coral in all the tanks because their lighting is just to show/enhance colors not for corals plus some of those tanks are huge . I read that the celebs get those tanks for FREE because the network pays for all of it . Celebs have it made , lol.
  21. As I understand you can have a whole pile of different cardenia and they will all breed then you can pick out the interesting ones from the herd and put them in another tank? Where as I can only have one variety of neo?'' When I started out I had 6 cherry, chocolate, orange, yellow , red rili and 4 crystals in a 30 gallon . I got amazing babies with the most unusual colors but come 3 generation or so the babies are drab . Some looked like poor quality cherry or even tiny ghost shrimp . Granted I never separated the babies and bred them as you intend to . ''What is expected tank growth rate if I fully get into this hobby? What I mean is how often will I need to add "Just one more tank and this is the last one"?'' Well you need an extra tank for each unique pair of shrimp you want to breed but it can be a small tank . The drab babies you can feed to your puffers but it is interesting they wont touch the cherry shrimp . I do not use RO water but most here do. I use dechlorinated tap water and ph here is high this is ''hard water'' . The shrimp thrive . I have lots driftwood in tanks and all heavy planted so maybe that lowers PH . I don't test the PH so I have no idea . My temps are 76 during day and 72 at night . I do add BorneoWild Shield after water changes . I don't sell anything thus no vested interest if you buy it and others here might suggest better products but I have noticed much better breeding with this supplement and I only use half tiny spoon not full dose and once a week . ''. So basically what am I missing? I plan to get cardenia mainly off CL to keep the cash lost to dying shrimp down (I understand there is a leaning curve with cardenia and everyone loses shrimp at some point).'' I never had any die offs as far as several dying other than an adult here and there since I have had shrimp for 3 years imagine that might be old for some shrimp so adults do disappear in the plants once in awhile . All my shrimp went in old established planted tanks which at one time contained male guppies . This is why IMO ,I never had die offs . I set up a few smaller planted tanks a few months ago and will soon start adding shrimp so perhaps my luck might run out because these aren't old tanks . Just cycled .
  22. Cherry shrimp here range from $2 to $3 each depending if fish farm or pet store and cheaper on craigs list around spring . I guess people try them for outside and get lots babies in spring . The only other shrimp I have seen is crystal reds and they go for about $6 each . The colors of the above are nothing compared to online breeders who breed for color . Ghost shrimp are a like 10 cents each .
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