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Everything posted by danielt

  1. I accidentally made something similar to what these flakes do. Put some mulberry leaves tea bought from the nature shop in a jar, added some bacterial starter (sera nitrivec) into the mix and after one week i got some large fungus colonies growing on the surface. Took the white stuff out and fed it to my red rili shrimp. In 20 minutes the whole tank was munching on this stuff.
  2. Hi everyone! Just stumbled on this fine forum looking for a diy recipe of RO remineralizer and decided to register. I've been keeping f/w shrimp for the past year or so with things intensifying recently when I started my shrimp only shelves. Got an opportunity to buy some special shrimps and products from someone who tried to open a shrimp business in my country. Currently keeping lots of neos in the form of Red/Blue Rili, Sakura, Yellow Neon, RCS. Caridinas like CRS/CBS, Hinomaru, Snow, Smilie, Amanos and some BKK Panda and Red Wine. I also got like 6 pink ramshorns and 5 Cambarellus. Looking to expand my knowledge of keeping shrimp and also share what I learned from mistakes in the past year.
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