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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. I sold TheEcigStop and The Vapor Trail Magazine a few months ago. The new guy is doing a redesign right now, I think.

    but it has a ton of information on it. What the new owners are going to do with it, I don't know though.


    I have been out sick the past couple of weeks, and still am, so I haven't been online much at all. Hopefully, I will get well

    and be back online in a couple more weeks.

  2. I have a setup like what you are talking about for my TB's, and I have quite a few that are berried right now,
    and I have a lot of fry in the tank. I use cholla wood, alder cones, bee balls, and Indian almond leaves, Bio-Digest,

    Mulberry Leaves, Oak Leaves, stinging needle leaves, etc like you are using.


    See my Gallery on my Mr. Aqua 12 Gallon setup. But yes, I think you will succeed with what you want to do.


    Use RO Water, 6.4 to 6.8 PH, 0 to 1 KH, 6 GH, 72 degrees temp, 150 TDS, Malaysia Drift wood, and plenty

    of places for them to hide out. I also just started using the LowKey Absorption Board. I change my Bio Ball,

    Cappa wood, and Bio Digest on the first of each month, and change 15 to 25% of water every two weeks.


    I have plants on the right side of the tank, but I don't know if you plan on putting in plants or not.


    I wish you Good Luck. I have had to learn some lessons the hard way, but so far, so good on this new

    tank setup that I have with a Mr Aqua 12 gallon low iron tank and I made a sliding glass top for it.

  3. Sometimes you just have to say. "Lord, you take care of this, because I can't deal with it anymore"

    You would be surprised just how much stress, and worry goes off you when you do that.

  4. I am a Nikon and Cannon Fan. I have a Nikon D3200 and love it. But without a macro lens and a good macro lens,

    you just can't get good close up sharp shrimp photos. You also have to consider a good, heavy duty tripod, and if

    you shoot a lot indoors, you would want a plug in adapter, so you don't have to worry about batteries. You want a

    backup battery or two for sure, and some basic filters. Case, and two good lenses. So you might look at a package

    type of deal. Cannon T5's are great cameras too.


    Once you have a good basic setup in place, then you can add to it as you go along. But a good macro lens will

    cost you at least 300 to 400, and a great macro lens will cost even more.


    The Nikon and Cannon cameras shoot extremely well on automatic if you don't know much about photography or

    just have basic knowledge. It is best to get an off camera flash too. If you have the photography knowledge the Nikon

    and Cannon will also do what you want too with a ton of features and setting and ability to set everything manual.


    Just my opinion here too. There are some good photos on this forum, so I am sure there are some good helpful

    opinions on helping steer you in the right direction.

  5. Your Ravens are on fire. Flacco already threw 5 TD's in the first quarter. It's 48 to 17 right now.

    I am a Bronco Fan and #18 Fan, and they are up on the Jets, Peyton's thrown 3 TD's, but Rex's

    defense has always played Manning well. Jet's D is way better than their record is.

  6. i have a bit of a different perspective on these things. first off they are not moss they are a type of clado algae. and when conditions are right they wreak havoc on a tank. i had it happen saddly. they can send out spores and you cant get rid of it without taking the tank down and bleaching every thing. yes bleaching. for 3 years i fought the stuff. my moss balls were pretty but man did they make a mess. never again will i own one. 



    That makes me want to take them out of my tank Wicca, the last thing I want is to have to bleach my entire tank because of some Marino balls. Even though I do have them in a small container. I think I will take them out and put them in a one gallon tank and watch them and see what happens. But I don't want them causing me issues in my main tank that I built specifically to be easier to take care of.

  7. I was always told, you can have never have enough filtration, and that there is no such a thing as too much filtration.

    But so far, it seem to be great, even with the over kill on the filtration.


    The Penn Plax Cascade 500 for a Mr Aqua 12 gallon tank all by itself should be more than enough. Combined with

    the HMF is plenty. I could probably take out the others no problem, but so far it all seems to be working great, but

    we will see as I get to the 6 month mark and so on to be sure that it is still all working out the way I want.


    I think I am going to switch out the inert substrate in the substrate containers and go with the new Marfied Controsoil

    for shrimp. So both substrate containers will have the Marfied Controsoil, and the plants will still have the Fluval

    Shrimp Stratum and some inert substrate on the top.

    Marfied Controsoil 10L

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