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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Yes, that is what I was thinking, is the ph issue. With just bare bottom with some moss and then some sponges for bacteria, I would

    think it would be hard to keep the ph steady.  I was thinking about this more for fish than shrimp though. But I would love to come

    up with something that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and a way to keep a tank clean, or easier to keep clean.


    I suppose using RO water and salty shrimp mineral. If I put a sponge filter on the bottom that covered the whole bottom and then

    put moss on top of it, but the sponge would have to be so that you don't have the same problem with shrimp getting down the

    sides of the sponge, etc. It couldn't be very porous.


    If I put a large sponge on the side with a bare bottom, and used RO Water and Salty shrimp minerals, I wonder if I could keep the

    ph steady?

  2. Hypothetical question?


    What if you were to take the substrate and put it in a large media bag and put it on the bottom

    of a tank, and then put a large stainless steel mesh of moss on top it?


    Then when you wanted to clean it, you could just take the bag of substrate out, rinse it in aquarium water

    and put it back in?  I am just trying to think of a way to make it easy to clean the substrate and a tank

    versus vacuuming the substrate which is a pain and you can never really get it clean or be able to

    clean the sides of glass inside.


    I'm talking about a large media bag, say 20" X 10" for like a 10 gallon tank. It would still fill the bottom

    of the tank, and then put whatever on top. Drift wood, moss sheets, etc.  Keep it really simple. Then

    pull it to clean it. This way the whole tank can be cleaned easier and put back together.


    If you use aquarium water to rinse the bag of substrate, then it should be okay and not kill all of the

    good bacteria? just rinse the gunk out.  You could still use a little colony when you put it back in the tank

    after cleaning. ATM's Colony does not raise the TDS.


    What do you thing? This would not necessarily be for shrimp. It could be for fish too.

  3. Sbarbee54, I know Blue Velvets are not TB's. I was just saying what kinds of shrimp I keep.

    I do keep TB's, but I have some Blue Velvets (neos) too. And yes, I have all of the shrimp that

    I say I have. Not sure why you would question that? Although, I can be confused easily, as I am still learning.  lol

    Take a look at my photo gallery.  All of my TB's, BV's, Tigers, Oebt's, I got from Eric, as well as my

    SSS CBS. I got my CRS, and some Tigers from Will.


    I use the Salty Shrimp GH+ by using a TDS meter. I don't go by using the measuring spoon. I go by the TDS meter.

    I usually keep it around 130, as I know it will go up in the tank a little to be right around 140 to 150 TDS. Since I

    use only RO water. I don't let it sit. I make sure the temp of the RO water is 72, same as my tank, and then I put

    in the Salty Shrimp GH+, I mix the water, measure it with my TDS meter to 130 - 135, and put in in the tank.

    Usually after, with Indian Almond Leaves, Mulberry Leaves, Malaysia drift wood, xmas moss in the tank, etc,

    it stays fairly steady under 150 TDS. I don't let it get over 150 TDS. That is the advice I got from Will and Han.

  4. I use the Bee Salty Shrimp GH+ minerals with RO Water to get a (TDS of about 135 to 150), but my (PH is a lot lower at 6.4) with

    a (0 KH), and a (GH of 6), (Temp at 72).


    I haven't really tried any other mineral formulas, as everyone recommended the Salty Shrimp GH+ over the Fluval Shrimp liquid supplement mineral formula.

    I would say, 98% of the people I talked to recommended the Salty Shrimp GH+ over anything else, so that has been what I have stayed with.


    I keep, Tigers, Oebt, CRS, CBS, (TB's, BV, BB, KK, WR), and Royal Blue Tigers

  5. If you took a one gallon tank with nothing in it, and used the water from

    the tank the shrimp are normally in, and put the shrimp in the tank with a little moss,

    and a little powder food. Would the shrimp be okay in something like

    that for two days? Maybe put in an air stone and made sure the temp stayed consistent.


    Would a temp setup like this be okay for the shrimp for two days? Just a small holding

    tank with no substrate, or anything?  How long could they temporarily be okay in something like



    They are shipped in breather bags in just tank water, food, and a little moss normally, so I am

    assuming they would be okay for two to three days, maybe five at the longest?


    I am asking this for a friend that is moving.

  6. The Ph is 6.4

    The tank is 48" long X 8" X 8" and is about 14 gallons.

    each section is 9" X 8" X 8" and there is a middle section

    that is all media, filters, etc where there are no shrimp or animals.


    The dividers are stainless steel fry proof mesh. The water flows back to front across

    the entire tank, and they all seem fine with the water flow. It is not too much. Plus

    each section has a nano filter and sponge filter in it.


    Yes, they are all TB's in that section except the Blue Velvets.


    The light hangs five inches above, but I just raised it a little. Plants and moss are growing and doing good.

  7. I have four sections in my main shrimp tank.


    One section - has 19 SSS Crystal Black Shrimp


    Section Two - has Two Blue Bolts, Two Wine Reds, six Pandas, six TB's, two King Kongs, four Blue Velvets


    Section Three - has four Orange Eyed Tigers,  Two Blue Orange Eyed Tigers, and Two Tigers in it.


    Section Four  - has CRS fry that is about a month old. I still only see a couple of them. Hopefully there is more in there.


    I have a 2.5 gallon that has six low grade Crystal Black Shrimp in it. They are huge and grow really fast in that small tank for some reason.


    But, what I don't see is any berried shrimp? Is there something I need to do to get them to get busy....here? 


    Water parameters are good:

    Temp - 72

    TDS - 135 - 150

    KH - 0

    GH - 6

    RO Water with bee shrimp Gh+ minerals, Borneo Wild Bee Ball


    Tanks have xmas moss, Malaysia drift wood, Malaysia Trumpet snails, couple of plants, sponge filters, nano filter, floating moss island,

    oak leaf, Indian Almond leaf, Mulberry leaf, drift sticks that they can climb on and move around the tank on tank on, plenty of hiding places

    for any fry. Each section has one small otto in it, except the fry section.


    I change about 15 to 20% of water every other week. Temp is steady. They are in a room with AC, so they don't get hot or cold, temp stays

    right around 72 degrees consistently.


    I don't feed very much. They don't seem to be interested in food much. They seem to like the leaves, and bio. I put in a piece of blanched

    zucchini, or organic spinach, or organic bean, and I don't leave any food in the tank for more than three hours. I feed the fry baby power

    food. I have a variety of good quality shrimp food of all types, and I try to vary their diet, but they still don't seem that interested in what

    food I put in the tank, once every three days. They really love the Mulberry leaves, and Indian Almond Leaves a lot.


    But, I don't seem to see any berried shrimp? It's been a couple of months now, and no berried shrimp? Is there something else I should

    be doing to get them to breed? They all seem fine. I haven't had any deaths since I put all the shrimp into the main shrimp tank. Although

    I am worried about the section where the CRS fry are, as I have not seen them very often. Usually just one or two out at a time. I haven't

    seen more than two fry at any given time. I hope there are more than two in there.


    Any help would be appreciated and Thanks!  Doc


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