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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Before and After

    Here is what I started with after dry wall, and older window, and heating that is now changed. I put in a new window, took out the old heating, finished the room.
  2. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Before and After

    the main shrimp tank and side of the room
  3. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Before and After

    48" long shrimp tank
  4. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Before and After

    Here is what the side of the room looks like today.
  5. Well you could look at mine. It is a 48" long tank with permanent dividers, with 1/8" slits on the top and bottom of the dividers for water flow, and fry proof stainless steel mesh over the dividers. It is custom Acrylic, and I made a glass top for it, as the acrylic one kept bowing on me. But the glass top works great.
  6. I too would also love to see something like this. There are so many microscopic things in the tanks, and every time I see something, I freak out. But if I knew what they were and how to handle them, and what is okay, and what is not, it would make a huge, HUGE, difference in my stress level. lol
  7. Yeah, I agree High5's, they will at some point. Shrimp Keeping as a whole will continue to grow in the US. We just have to keep getting more and more interested, and getting into The Shrimp Life.
  8. Maybe you could have everyone send the money to one person through the family and friends way, and that person holds all of the money until the end, then pays, so then the fee is paid just one time?
  9. I did age it and test it every day for a week, and I did not collect from the rain gutter, but I will filter it going in, and coming out. I'll have to try the activted carbon. The ammonia was very insignificent at .5, and I can use a good prduct to get rid of even the .5. and use Bee Shrimp Mineral to get the TDS to 135.
  10. I ran tests on rain water over a one week period. The rain water was run through a sponge filter and that was all. I also let some set and tested it each day for a week. I get all tests exactly the same as my RO water except, the TDS is 20, and my RO TDS is 4, and there is .5 ammonia in the rain water. Other than those two differences, the water is exactly the same all across the board as RO water. I feel like I could use the rain water instead of RO water in my tanks no problem. I live in the mountains, so as long as I run it and colllect it through a filter or two coming in and going out, it is just as good as RO water. What do you think?
  11. Yeah, but do they work. My PH meter is never accurate, no matter how many times I calibrate it. It is always wrong.
  12. I use the API Master Kit as well, and also API's Copper, GH, KH, and Phosphate tests. Plus I use the six test - Test strips, ammonia test strips, and TDS Meter and a PH meter. Seems like the test strips matches the API liquid test every time though.
  13. I use dual sponge filters in all tanks, and two of them in my fish tanks. Plus a Penguin BioWheel 200 HOB on all tanks too. I use a stainless steel intake cover on my intakes that were made by Han, and they are fry proof. Plus with the BioWheel 200, there is plenty of room for extra media behind the Penguin Filter, like BioBalls, K1, xtra filter, peat pellet filters, etc. I have gotten them so that are all super quiet. The water level has to be just right, but once you get it, then they are very quiet. My air pump make more noise than the HOB, and my air pumps are pretty quiet. I also use a Aqua 50 Powerhead with a water polisher filter on it and a small UV Sterilizer. I run both of those for two or three days a couple times a month in all of my tanks. I keep my light raised 5" above the tank, and so far like that, plants and moss are doing just fine, and I don't seem to combat algae as much as I used to. I also have one small otto in each tank and a few Malaysian Trumpet Snails to keep the substrate clean.
  14. Does anyone know where I could get a couple of Panda Loaches that won't cost a fortune? Some places want 80 bucks to ship to me in Montana. I would love to get a pair of Panda Loaches, for my freshwater fish tank, but not at that cost. Anybody know of a place? Thanks!
  15. You can't keep just one by itself? Why can't you keep just one?
  16. I was just saying on another post, I wish someone would breed a dwarf Discus. You would make a fortune! I love Discus, but you have to keep a large enough tank for even one, or start with a Julie, and sell it when It out grows the tank and get another young one, but they grow fairly fast. So a dwarf Discus would be Awesome! I would love a couple of dwarf Tourquois Discus.
  17. Yeah I thought 10 to15 minutes seemed a little excessive too. I usually boil for three minutes for Everything, spinich, zuccinni, oak leaves, etc, then let them cool and put them in.
  18. You might think about blue bolts.
  19. I just ordered some Tantora Mulberry leaves that are dried, organic and raw, and it said to boil them 10 to 15 minutes first before putting them in the tank.
  20. Loved that page! Thanks for doing that. I have been looking for what I want to put in my 10 gallon tank. I want it to be freshwater fish, not shrimp. Just maybe four of them max in the tank. I love those Panda Loaches, they are very cool. The Zebra Pleco is too. I wish they made dwarf discus. You would think someone would have breed them by now.
  21. Wow, sorry to hear that, that is a bummer for sure.
  22. U just found a whole new world filled with information, great people, photos, vidoes, and the place to be for everything shrimps, and aquatics! Welcome!
  23. I haven't a clue one yet. I just have the tank, and wanted to look at different designs ideas. It is a regular Marineland 10 gallon Glass Tank. I made a sliding glass top for it, and I have a nice light for it, but that is as far as I have gotten. I am starting from scratch on the design of the inside of the tank, and was just wanting to know if anyone has some great ideas on how to landscape it and design the inside of the tank. The link that Pika left was good, but I was wondering if there was a place with lots of different ideas to look at?
  24. Okay, I will have to try that for sure. Where do you get these Mulberry leaves from Ebita Breed?
  25. Nope. Even with the cheap white led strip, you still get the hair algae. Sorry, but I have the cheap white led strip light, and I still get hair algae. I got rid of the light, and went to a different LED Light with night and day lights.
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