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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Not,all are large. And you can have one in as small as a 55g. You can keep 6-8 in a 55. I have 20 in a 90 and do fine lol. Only thing you can't really do is have one or 2. They get aggressive best to,have a min of 4-6 the same age.-Chris

    You can't keep just one by itself? Why can't you keep just one?

  2. I was just saying on another post, I wish someone would breed a dwarf Discus. You would make a fortune!

    I love Discus, but you have to keep a large enough tank for even one, or start with a Julie, and sell it when

    It out grows the tank and get another young one, but they grow fairly fast. So a dwarf Discus would be

    Awesome! I would love a couple of dwarf Tourquois Discus.

  3. Loved that page! Thanks for doing that. I have been looking for what I want to put in my 10 gallon tank. I

    want it to be freshwater fish, not shrimp. Just maybe four of them max in the tank. I love those Panda Loaches,

    they are very cool. The Zebra Pleco is too.


    I wish they made dwarf discus. You would think someone would have breed them by now.

  4. I haven't a clue one yet. I just have the tank, and wanted to look at different designs ideas. It is a regular Marineland 10 gallon Glass Tank.

    I made a sliding glass top for it, and I have a nice light for it, but that is as far as I have gotten. I am starting from scratch on the design

    of the inside of the tank, and was just wanting to know if anyone has some great ideas on how to landscape it and design the inside

    of the tank.  The link that Pika left was good, but I was wondering if there was a place with lots of different ideas to look at?

  5. Nope. Even with the cheap white led strip, you still get the hair algae. Sorry, but I

    have the cheap white led strip light, and I still get hair algae. I got rid of the light,

    and went to a different LED Light with night and day lights.

  6. Han gave me a sample called Cheeseburger with one of my orders. I don't know if it is the Kukki you are talking about though.

    But the Shrimp didn't seem interested, and you have to be very careful when you take it out of the tank, or it will fall apart

    and spread uneaten food all over. It won't stay in one piece when you take out the uneaten food. I always take the uneaten

    food out, if it is not eaten within three hours, four, max.  So, you have to have tweezers and a net right next to it to get the

    Cheeseburger out, or it will break apart and spread all over the tank.


    It also may not have been the Cheeseburger food too, as they don't seem to be interested in eating much of anything I put

    into the tank right now. They seem content to eat the biofilm, and Indian Almond Leaves. They love the Indian Almond Leaves.

    They will eat it until there is nothing left except the skeleton. They don't like the fallen Oak Leaves as much as the Indian Almond

    Leaves, but they eat it, but not like they eat the Indian Almond Leaves. I wonder what other kinds of leaves they would love that

    as much as the Indian Almond Leaves? I have only tried the Oak Leaf and IAL.

  7. I have a small UV Sterlizer, and a Aqua Powerhead 50 with the water polisher Filter in the middle media section of my main 48" long shrimp tank.


    I usually will run them for a couple a of days to three days max, at least once every two to three weeks.


    But I have fry in the left end section, which is two sections down from where the media and filters run.


    So, I was wondering what others think, if it is still okay to run the UV sterilizer and water polisher filter like normal with the fry being down at the end?


    Or should I not use them at all with the fry being in the end the section?



    The tank sections have dividers and fry proof stainless steel mesh over the dividers to separate each section ( see my main tank journal in my gallery).


    But, I am just unsure if I should use the power head and UV sterilizers at all in the tank?


    Thanks, Doc

  8. I have a few Whispers, but it is the luck of the draw with those. Some are quiet, some are not, and

    it you put towels and things like that over them and under them to quiet them down, they will burn

    out fast, because they are not getting any air flow. A couple of the quiet Whispers that I have are not

    so quiet, but then a couple others that I have are perfectly quiet.  So you got me....

  9. I use the Danner AP - 8

    It has four outlets, and it can go from loud to quiet. But I have found a setting that

    gives me the power to run all that I want, and it is very quiet. I do have it sitting on

    a couple of small cloths with the nothing on the top of it, and air flow going under

    it too. I think you can see in my main tank journal gallery. On the lower settings,

    it is super quiet.

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