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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Does anyone know of a good site that shows off different tank designs? I have a Marine 10 Gallon tank that I am starting from scratch, and am trying to decide how to design it. So I want to get some good ideas, and maybe see some other tanks and what they look like.
  2. Han gave me a sample called Cheeseburger with one of my orders. I don't know if it is the Kukki you are talking about though. But the Shrimp didn't seem interested, and you have to be very careful when you take it out of the tank, or it will fall apart and spread uneaten food all over. It won't stay in one piece when you take out the uneaten food. I always take the uneaten food out, if it is not eaten within three hours, four, max. So, you have to have tweezers and a net right next to it to get the Cheeseburger out, or it will break apart and spread all over the tank. It also may not have been the Cheeseburger food too, as they don't seem to be interested in eating much of anything I put into the tank right now. They seem content to eat the biofilm, and Indian Almond Leaves. They love the Indian Almond Leaves. They will eat it until there is nothing left except the skeleton. They don't like the fallen Oak Leaves as much as the Indian Almond Leaves, but they eat it, but not like they eat the Indian Almond Leaves. I wonder what other kinds of leaves they would love that as much as the Indian Almond Leaves? I have only tried the Oak Leaf and IAL.
  3. Saw five fry today. They are six days old now, and are starting to move around a little more. The Momma was a SSS CRS, and I notice, I have a couple of SSS fry, and some lower grade fry too. The color isn't very red on some, and on others, it is very red?
  4. Yeah, for freshwater, I would have to say Discus. Their are some with some pretty impressive colors. Same water parameters as some shrimp, only the temp has to be a lot warmer for Discus.
  5. Even thought they are two sections over with dividers, and fry proof stainless steel mesh over the dividers in each section? Do I still need to have sponges on the intakes? They would have to suck up the fry from two sections over? Would they be powerful enough to do that? Thanks for your help.
  6. I have a small UV Sterlizer, and a Aqua Powerhead 50 with the water polisher Filter in the middle media section of my main 48" long shrimp tank. I usually will run them for a couple a of days to three days max, at least once every two to three weeks. But I have fry in the left end section, which is two sections down from where the media and filters run. So, I was wondering what others think, if it is still okay to run the UV sterilizer and water polisher filter like normal with the fry being down at the end? Or should I not use them at all with the fry being in the end the section? The tank sections have dividers and fry proof stainless steel mesh over the dividers to separate each section ( see my main tank journal in my gallery). But, I am just unsure if I should use the power head and UV sterilizers at all in the tank? Thanks, Doc
  7. I'll have to look that up.
  8. I have a few Whispers, but it is the luck of the draw with those. Some are quiet, some are not, and it you put towels and things like that over them and under them to quiet them down, they will burn out fast, because they are not getting any air flow. A couple of the quiet Whispers that I have are not so quiet, but then a couple others that I have are perfectly quiet. So you got me....
  9. Thanks everyone, great info! I am redoing a 10 gallon tank completely. I used white distilled vinegar and water to clean the glass inside and out, and rinsed it really well, with RO water, and let it dry. The tank looks new. I think I will try the peroxide and RO water to clean the Malaysia drift wood.
  10. I use the Danner AP - 8 It has four outlets, and it can go from loud to quiet. But I have found a setting that gives me the power to run all that I want, and it is very quiet. I do have it sitting on a couple of small cloths with the nothing on the top of it, and air flow going under it too. I think you can see in my main tank journal gallery. On the lower settings, it is super quiet.
  11. Tons of great info. The life span really took me by surprise. I had no idea they could live as long as 10 years or more.
  12. Yeah, I am not sure what kind it is, I will have to take a photo of it.
  13. Cool! Thanks Soothing Shrimp. I will give that a try.
  14. Yeah, I have my intakes covered with Han's stainless steel mesh covers that he makes. They are fry proof, and work great!
  15. Thanks! The site is not up yet, I am working on it, it will probably be done in about a month. I want to fill it with some great info and photos. But, I really need a nice macro lens for my camera, and that costs at least 300 bucks or more for a decent Nikon macro lens. I finished the Glass Top and put it on today, and it looks great, fits good. Now I don't have to worry about that bowing anymore. The only thing I don't like, is the acrylic hinges keep squeaking whenever I open the top. I have it divided, so I can open the first half of the top. It just flips up, so I can get into the tank and any section whenever I want. I have no idea how I could make those acrylic hinges quit squeaking? I don't think you would want to use WD 40 on them. lol Maybe some Pam might work? lol
  16. I never vacuum my substrate, because of the top layer of moon sand on top of the bottom layer of Fluval Shrimp Stratum. In the middle of the tank is my media section and I also have a small UV Sterilizer. I usually only run it for three days, once every couple of weeks. It is two sections overs from the fry, but I am not sure I should run it for awhile now? Same with, I have a Aqua Power Filter, and use the water polisher filter, and usually run that for two days, every other week. I am not sure I should use that with the fry either. Both the main HOB, and filters are in the middle section of the tank (see my main tank journal), which is where I run the UV, and Power Filter. The sections have dividers with 1/8" wide slits on the top and bottom about 2" long, and fry proof stainless steel mesh over the dividers, so nothing can get through to the other sections, and each section has their own sponge filter and nano filter and air stone, but I am unsure if I should run the UV and Power Filters with the fry in the left end section. There are in that section by themselves.
  17. I did clean it with some light bleach water, rinsed it really well, then let it soak in prime, and let it air dry. How about, how would you get algae off a piece of Malaysia Drift Wood. It seem to spread on this piece of drift wood. Use some prime and clean it with a toothbrush? or some Excel, or soak it in some Excel? or maybe clean it with a toothbrush and some peroxide water? Then soak it in prime and put in back in the tank? Also I don't want to necessarily kill all the good bacteria on it? Thanks for the help. Doc
  18. Nice! Great look, it will be a great home for your shrimp!
  19. There is a new Petco opening up this summer here. Finally! The only pet / aquatic store here is this tiny shop. The owner is a great guy, and you like giving local stores your business, but he has to order everything, that you want, and it always takes a couple of weeks to come it. I do buy some of the things he carries, but I will be interested to see what Petco will carry here.
  20. I was wondering what the best thing is to use to clean like a decoration, that you are going to maybe reuse another time. Would it best to clean it in some water and peroxide, and then rinse it really good, then store it in a baggie, so that it can be reused at another point, or in another tank?
  21. This is just doing reading on my Tap Water, and it was over two and half days, of letting it sit. I am not using any peat. This is the reading I get straight from the tap, (see the first post) Right now I use all RO water in all of my tanks, and my water parameters are where I want them to be and are stable. But I wanted to see if I could get away with using my Tap Water, or maybe a mix of my Tap and RO to cut down on costs. I am also going to run tests on rain water too soon, since I live in the mountains.
  22. This is some photos of some of my new shrimp that is in my 48" Long main shrimp tank - see my gallery and other journal on the tank build. I am just finishing the new glass top for the tank. I have a plexiglass lid now, but I it bows, so I am making a glass lid for the tank, and it will be finished today. All except two of these came from Eric at BuyPetShrimp.com - Dukendabears. I got to say, I have ordered from him several times, and he has never disappointed me. All arrive safe, and healthy, and excellent quality, plus his prices are very competitive and affordable. Considering the quality of the shrimp you get, and they get to me within two days, you just can't beat it. On top of it, he is a good guy, and is great at communication and help. I need to get a macro lens for my camera. The photos are not very good, but best I can do with what I have.
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