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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. It is 4 to 6 on GH, one reading was 4, one was 5, one was six, one was four, and the last one was 4. So that is why I said 4 to six.
  2. Doc4PC2

    Wr Rr 2

    From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    One of the new Red's - WR / RR Shrimp
  3. Doc4PC2

    New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    Some of the Shrimp in the 48" Long Main Shrimp Tank.
  4. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    Two New SSS Grade Crystal Black Shrimp
  5. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    Montage of some of the shrimp for the new website I am building.
  6. Doc4PC2

    TB 2

    From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    One of the New TB's - area that looks white is actually Blue
  7. Doc4PC2

    Sss Cbs 2

    From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    SSS Grade Crystal Black Shrimp
  8. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    New Red - WR / RR Shrimp
  9. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    New SSS Grade Crystal Black Shrimp
  10. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    One of the new Blue Blots, and a new Red off to the right hand side
  11. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    One of the New Reds - WR / RR Shrimp
  12. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    One of the New TB's
  13. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    SSS Crystal Red Shrimp, This was taken one day after her fry was born.
  14. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    Low Grade Crystal Black Shrimp
  15. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    SSS Grade Crystal Black Shrimp
  16. From the album: New Shrimp in the New 48" Long Tank

    Low Grade Crystal Black Shrimp
  17. From the album: My First Berried CRS

    This is the CRS - one day after her fry are born.
  18. Doc4PC2

    My First Berried CRS

    My first Crystal Red Shrimp, and my first berried shrimp.
  19. I was wondering how often to you feed your new borns? They were just born two days ago. I do have lots of different food and I have lot of different powders, including Shrimp King Baby Powder food. I also usually feed a small blanched organic Zucchini slice, or some organic spinach too once a week. But, I was wanted to know how often do everyone feed their new born shrimp, that the powdered food looks as big as they are? lol
  20. I found 4 of them today. I still can't get over, how small they are.
  21. The GH on the Tap water is 4 to 6, on all three test. Even after adding the salt to get to a TDS of 130, the GH is still 4 to 6.
  22. Oh, okay, yeah, I can use the Bee shrimp minerals GH+, with the straight Tap Water and get 130 TDS just fine. It comes out with a TDS of 64, and after two and half days, the TDS stayed at 64, But I can add the salt and get a TDS of 130, no problem. I usually keep my TDS between 135 and 150.
  23. Yeah, makes sense to me too. She probably had her fry first, then molted right after. I know she is eating like crazy today, all day and night, just eating Indian Almond Leaf, and Oak Leaf. Before her fry was born, it seemed like she didn't eat very much, or she ate at night when I was sleeping. But now, she has been eating continuously.
  24. Temps were the same. I don't have Salt water tanks, is there a reason to use salt to check the quality? Yes, I buy my RO water right now. Investing in a RO filter system is something I am checking into versus cost, versus using Tap Water, versus using a 50 / 50 mix of Tap and RO, and I am also checking out water quality of rain water next. But do either of you think it would be okay to use my Tap Water?
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