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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Yeah, me too. I just can't get decent photos without it. The close up filters I have are garbage.
  2. Okay, I tested the Tap Water today after letting it sit for two and half days. All test results are the same. See my first post. The PH did not go up after sitting for over two days, all tests were exactly the same readings. So, If I can lower the KH with Peat, Malaysian Drift Wood, Indian Almond Leaves, Fallen Oak Leaves, plants, and moss, which will lower the PH some too, Do you think I could get away with using just tap water for my Shrimp tanks? Or maybe half Tap Water and half RO Water? I would really like to get some opinions on this, and it is appreciated. I am also going to run some tests on rain water as soon as I can. But I would like to cut down on my RO costs, if possible, but not at the expensive of my shrimp. But it they are going to be okay with the Tap Water because it seems like the readings are all okay, and I can lower the KH and PH some, then it should be okay for them. I think. So opinions are appreciated. Thanks, Doc
  3. I have finally seen the Momma today, I call her Eve for being my first berried shrimp. But I have not seen any fry. They are hiding pretty good. I saw three yesterday when she had them, but none today so far. Man are they small. I was happy to see Eve today though, alive and well. It is funny, but she molted completely right before she had her babies. I mean completely. You can see the molt is from one end to the other, and this happened right before she had her fry. I wonder if all shrimp do that right before they have their fry, if they molt first?
  4. lol, I use the miniature alder cones from a good source that says they are clean, no pesticides, natural, and I haven't had any issues with them, and the shrimp love them. I use fallen Oak leaves. They actually fall in the Spring, and they are all natural too.
  5. I have both two Orange Eyed Blue Tigers, one is very deep, deep Blue, almost turquoise, and really orange eyes, the other the eyes aren't as orange and his blue is not as blue as the other one. It would be interesting to see what you get with that cross. The really nice OEBT thought is pretty stunning all by itself. I can't wait to see what it will look like when it is gets bigger. It is very small right now.
  6. Yeah, I have only seem three so far. I do have Indian Almond leaves, a fallen oak leaf, and lots of xmas moss, and xmas moss on the Malaysia drift wood. Plus a plant, so they have plenty of hiding places. I put in a little powder baby food, and hopefully by tomorrow, I will be able to see some more. I can't find the Momma right now, little own the fry. lol
  7. Yeah, buying shrimp will cost you a few bucks, for sure. Depending on what you kind you want. lol
  8. She is having her babies right now. I see two of them so far, but I can't find Eve, she picked a very good hiding place to have them, because I can't find her. But I see two, tiny, tiny, tiny, CRS right now as I post. I'll let you know as I see more. How many do they have? Don't ask for pictures, you would have to have a very good camera, with a close up lens to get photos of these, and the tank is surrounded by Photo Day Lights on both sides, but I don't have a good enough close up lens to get pics of these fry. They are way smaller than I thought. I knew they would be tiny, but wow, are they tiny........
  9. She molted completely today? Should she have molted before having here fry?
  10. so I keep my tank between 72.5 and 73 degrees. I try to never let it go below 72, amd never get higher than 73 degrees, so it must be any time now. I am going to have to go on fry watch......lol Should I take her out of that section after she has them, so only fry would be in that section, or should I keep her in there with her fry?
  11. I first discovered my first berried shrimp. A CRS that I named "Eve" I discovered that she was berried right around the first of May. She gets larger every day I see her. I was wondering how much longer will it be before I see fry? I know it's been at least 30 days since I discovered her. She is in her own section by herself in my 48" long tank, that is fry proof, and that I set up for the babies. Her pics are in my gallery when I first saw that she was berried.
  12. I can tell you from personal experience, that Dukendabears Shrimp are healthy, quality, super fast shipping, acclimate nicely, and I got a couple of deep blue oebt's that are amazing out of a batch I bought a awhile back. His prices are very competitive, and you won't be dissappointed. I have ordered from him a few times, and every order was amazing! I just got a new order and as soon as I have time, I will get some pics up, but WOW! is what I've got to say!
  13. I filled a container and will let it sit for another day or two, and do the test over again. I will probably redo the tests again this Wednesday, the 4th. I am going to run some rain water test too. It is supposed to rain a lot this week, so I'll see what I get and post the results here.
  14. Yep, those are the same nets I use, and I use them for all kinds of things. They are great for not only the shrimp, but fishing out all kinds of stuff of our your tanks. The other nets I have tried, I never even use them anymore. I only use the white one like Han's. They make a pretty big difference. You wouldn't think something like a net would make such a difference, but it does.
  15. Love the moss bridge, they probably love that.
  16. We have 3 water sources here. I just got the water report on our tap water in a ton of details. I will run the test again, and let it sit in a container for two days, and check quality again. Thanks for the tip. Still have the question though, do you think I could use my Tap Water instead of RO, or a mix of the two and still give the shrimp the parameters they want? Thanks! Doc
  17. Yesterday, I did a experiment with my Tap Water. I use all RO water in my tanks, but I wanted to see if I could use my Tap Water, and just how different it was from the RO water, and also to cut down on the expense. I used API test Strips, and the API Master Kit, a TDS Meter, and a PH Meter to get all readings. I used the test tubes with the API Master Kit, with API GH, KH, Phosphate, Copper, and Ammonia tests. I only used Colony, and Tetra Safe Start, and Bee Shrimp Minerals GH+ in water after tests. I wrote everything in my journal. With just straight Tap Water - all tests at 72.5 degrees F. TDS: - 61 PH: - 6.8 GH- 4 to 6 KH: - 6 to 8 Zero Ammonia Zero Phosphate Zero Copper Zero Chlorine - which really surprised me Tap Water: - After adding Colony, and Tetra Safe Start TDS: was 130 All other water parameters the same. So, my question is, would I be able to get away with using just Tap Water with Tetra Safe Start Plus, and Bee Shrimp Minerals GH+? I would need to lower the KH using peat pellets, Malaysia drift wood, the xmas moss in the tanks, and plants, air stone, fallen oak leaf, Indian Almond leaf, sponge filters, with the media area I have with the HOB, moving water filter, small UV Sterilizer, and each section has a nano filter. My substrate is Fluval Shrimp Stratum on the bottom layer, and a top layer of Black Moon Sand. I think I could get the (KH down to 1 to 2), and lower the (PH to 6.4 to 6.6) and keep the (GH around 4 to 6) - Or I could use a 50 / 50 mix of RO water and my Tap water? I would like to lower my RO costs, but not at the expense of any of my Shrimp. But my Tap Water Tested way better than I thought. I have a one gallon tanks set up with a nano filter, xmas moss square, Fluval Shrimp Stratum for substrate, and I used only Tap Water and treated it with Colony, and Tetra Safe Start, and the TDS is 130, and the Temp is 72.5 degrees, and I put one gold fish in the one gallon tank with a small led light on top. With the Colony, it usually takes about 10 days to cycle, and then I will see what the water reading are. Using the Colony, the gold fish does not seem stressed and is eating, and seems to be fine.
  18. Doc4PC2


    True, once they are good and soaked, they will sink on their own. If you put a few together and make a small bunch, and soak them for a day for so, you can put a small clear rubber band around the stem and they will sink just fine.
  19. That's good, because I don't have any Bloody Mary's. I like though.
  20. Looks great! Love the open space to see your shrimp when you want to see them.
  21. Yeah, lots of great info!
  22. Doc4PC2


    if there are miniature alder cones, I just put a punch together and wrap a plant anchor around the bottom. I haven't tried the Cholla wood yet.
  23. nice color, really sunshine for sure. Awesome!
  24. I would love to, but will have to wait until I have some dollars.....
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