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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. I Put a xmas moss square, a little bit of moon sand on the bottom. It looks good, water is flowing good. I put a fry proof stainless steel moss between the flow into the tank, so they won't get through, and I have one low grade CBS just hanging out in there to see how it all works.
  2. Doc4PC2


    welcome! You will love it here!
  3. I hooked up a Medium Marina Breeder Box, but do you put substrate on the bottom? or some moss in it with a little substrate in the bottom? I also put a mesh over the overflow, so no fry can get through.
  4. What about collecting rain water, and then just filter it through a sponge type filter. Like collecting rain water in a big new 30 gallon container, and then filter it, through sponges into 5 gallon containers. Would something like that work?
  5. So, it is good to put a few CBS, and CRS in with your TB's?
  6. I do use this in my tanks. H4N turned me on to them, and they seem to help them molt without issues. They molt the entire shell from one end to the other, and it helps with water quality. I have only been using them for about a month now though.
  7. I use the Penguin BioWheel 200 HOB with sponges, mainly because you have extra room for other filter media with the 200. So you can put in some bio balls if you want, or purgen, or ceramic media, or a bag of peat pellets or just extra sponge filters behind the regular Penguin cartridge. I also put a small but larger (lets the water through) piece of filter right where the water comes out, so that it doesn't make noise and splash. The water still flows, and biowheel still spins, and it is a quiet as a mouse.
  8. what is the difference between a TB and what people are calling a Mischling?
  9. What is the difference between a Bloody Mary, and a Red? (WR/RR) Other than price?
  10. I have to use heaters during the night, as it cools down pretty good here in the mountains. During the day, the heaters are off, and I have the fans on, and use the AC when we do get a hot day. So far, I have been able to keep the temp fairly stable at 72.5 - 24/7. So far......
  11. Shrimp would love those. They love to explore, and they would have a ton of fun in those. I would love to have one, they are very cool!
  12. Yeah, my photos were quickie snapshots with a cheap camera, so it is hard to tell in my photos, but trust me, they are nice xmas moss sheets, and all xmas moss, for sure.
  13. I keep mine at 72.5 to 73 degrees, and try to not let it get over 73 degrees ever, or below 71.8 ever. I thought that was the right temps to keep the TB's, CRS, and CBS. So I hope that is right.
  14. The look awesome! Glad they made the trip safe and sound and they are in their new home.
  15. Using Peat Pellets in a filter bag will lower the PH quite bit. It doesn't take too much for the peat pellets to do the job. I had to take out half of the peat pellets because it was lowering the PH fast. Now I use those Kcups that people use for coffee. I use those stainless steel mesh ones, and peat pellets in the cup and let them float in the tank. They do a great job of keeping the ph down to 6.2 to 6.4. - Plus the shrimp seem to like to float around the tank on them and ride them.
  16. From the replacement cartridge, that is about half the price of buying the 5 gallon RO water. You can get 20 gallons for 20 bucks. So add a buck to that for 40 gallons to pay for the unit, and that's not bad, if it is easy, and works like it is supposed to, and you do get RO water out of the unit and cartridge. You would have to know the PH, TDS, check for metals, chlorine, etc, against 4 stage filtered RO water.
  17. that's a good idea too, I could still put some fish in there to keep it cycled, and then put in the breeder box, so the fish can't get to them. Does anyone know of some fish that do great with the same water parameters of the Shrimp? With the low ph - 6.2 to 6.6 max, 72 degrees, KH of 0 to 1, Gh of 4 to 6, TDS of 150, RO water, etc?
  18. It is without a doubt xmas moss. I guarantee it.
  19. u could even put a xmas moss sheet on the bottom of the container for them, so they can hide a little, and feel comfortable, and a air stone. Lid is a good idea.
  20. Good question, I would like to know about this too.
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