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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. u need to watch a show called "Tanked" They make the most amazing tanks in the world! The end of the show is the best, they show off the finished product.
  2. I don't think you can overkill when it comes to filters.
  3. That's a great idea, with all of the portable electric devices now, you could use that portable device pretty much anywhere for awhile, at least.
  4. Louie, that's a good idea, so I could keep a some plants in the tank and nothing else, and with the water parameters that I keep for shrimp, the plants will keep the tank cycled? Like moss, anacharis, and cabomba? Will those keep the tank cycled with no animals? I do have a section setup for the baby shrimp, and I keep a small otto in each section where the shrimp are, but that is only fish I allow with the shrimp is the otto, because everything I know, says, that the otto is the only fish that is 100% safe with shrimp, even fry. But this extra 10 gallon, I want it to have the same water parameters as the main shrimp tank, so that I have it incase of an emergency. So, it's there, if all of a sudden I have to transfer them all to the emergency tank, it is ready, and they will be alright in the 10 gallon temporarily.
  5. Hi, I have a 10 gallon cycled tank that I want to use as a backup system for my shrimp. Just in case of emergencies, so I have a tank all ready for the shrimp, if something were to happen to my main shrimp tank. What is the best way to keep it cycled? Is there some tropical fish that would do fine with shrimp water parameters? Should I just put in some ottos and plecos, and use them to keep it cycled? Water is: RO Water with Bee Shrimp Minerals GH+ TDS - 135 to 150 Temp 72 to 73 degrees F PH - 6.4 to 6.6 KH - 0 to 2 GH - 4 to 6 Had dual sponge filter, penguin BioWheel 200 HOB, air stones, Malaysia Drift Wood, 1/2 Xmas moss floor, and Xmas moss on one side of the wall, two peat pellet cups, some decorations. Anyone have some advice on how to keep it cycled and going, so it is always ready for shrimp, in an emergency?
  6. There is several grades there on the CRS, and some nice SSS grades too.
  7. I don't boil mine, but I know they are good. I do let them sit overnight in some RO water, then I put them in the tank. You can boil them first for three minutes in boiled water, let them cool, and put them in, but I was told, that would take away some of the reason for using them. So, hopefully, a seasoned shrimp vet will give us their opinion on them. I use the miniature alder cones that are all natural, and no sprays or pesticides used.
  8. Might just be the way it looks in the photo, but no way, Han would sell me Java moss instead of xmas moss.
  9. Sorry Poopians, but this is xmas moss for sure. 100%, and all of it. I get it from Han,(h4N), so I know for sure that all of it is xmas moss, and xmas moss is the only moss I use in my tanks. I don't have any other kinds of moss at all. I love the xmas moss the best. The other kinds of moss is good, but I am partial to the xmas moss.
  10. Well, I can tell u, don't panic, think they are planria worms, then over dose the tank with Fenben, which doesn't even bother the detritus worms, but too much fenben is harmful to shrimp. It was a very hard lesson to learn, not to mention, expensive, heart breaking, and a bummer. A lot of praying though. lol Clean the substrate, and catch the big ones with a shrimp net, and in a few days, they will be gone. Slow down on the feeding some for a few days.
  11. Welcome Nick! Great to see u on the forum!
  12. Welcome to the Jungle, Louie.....lol The tank was actually supposed to be sized different, and have 7 sections, 3 each side, and a middle media area, but they kind of goofed it up, and it was custom made, so I went with the sections this way, instead of starting all over again. I had nitrite and nitratre readings today, so I am almost cycled. I'll give it another day before I change 90% of the water and set the parameters for the shrimp, and let them go to their new home and watch them close for a few days.
  13. The xmas moss looks like a flatten Christmas Tree, and tends to be a brighter green color versus the Java moss is a darker green color and the java moss usually grows faster than the xmas moss, but the xmas moss tends to fill in deeper, and is more like a plush type of carpet. You can usually do more design type of work with xmas moss than Java moss. Both are good though. I also have two 10 gallon led lights for a Marineland 10 gallon tank for sale too. One new, one about two weeks used.
  14. That is one pure white shrimp. Truly amazing.
  15. So I have the exact measurement of the xmas moss sheets that I have for sale. I have (4) four sheets that are 6.5" X 8" and (3) three sheets that are 4" X 8" and (1) one sheet that is 3.5" X 8" All are xmas moss on stainless steel mesh and made by H4N, and they are excellent quality. I keep them in a tank under a grow light. In the photos I have one (last photo) that is a triangle xmas moss sheet that I have had for three weeks now, so you know what these will look like in 3 weeks to a month. They grow out very nice and look like a nice lawn on the floor of the tank or you can use them for a xmas moss wall too. They grow in nice and thick, and are easy to trim. After a couple of months, they are full and gorgeous. I paid good money for these, and everyone knows that Han's work is quality. They look excellent, nice straight lines, filled in nice, and will grow out really well. I will give someone a really nice deal if they want to take them all, or anyone can buy one or two of them. Just message me, and Thanks!
  16. Living in a small town up in the sticks, you either get personal mail delivery from your mail person, who everyone knows, and is usually a friend, or you have to go get it anyway. Ours is so strange, all of our mail goes to Great Falls, Montana, first before it goes to Butte. Even mail from Butte, goes to Great Falls and then gets routed back to Butte. Seems like they could save some money by NOT doing that, but what do I know. lol
  17. Louie, I could add more plants, but I feel like the xmas moss on the bottom and sides is good, and the one plant that I combined will be a good strong plant, and I want to be able to see them more often. The moon sand on the top layer of substrate is really Black, black, and shiny, and the shrimp will just pop on the substrate. They will stand out when they are on the substrate, so with the plant, wood, sponge, filter, air stone, feeder dish, oak leaf, and Indian almond leaf, I wanted to leave some of the nice substrate space too. The moss floor is half of the floor, and will look like a lawn when it is grown in nice. On my Leopard Discus tank, it will have a brick road, white picket fence, bridge, street lights, and picnic area, with trees round it to look like a nice park. It's going to look cool!.....
  18. I like it, looks great. I do think a fry could get caught, but it would probably be rare, and only with new borns.
  19. Ahh..... the TB's I like are the BKK / Panda, but I like all of the TB's u are talking about too.
  20. This helps us newbies get a better grasp on what a TB can be too. So, post on........
  21. I agree, I think it's looks great the way you have it. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  22. Here is the photos of what I have for trade or sale. Email me if you are interested or message me. And Thanks!
  23. From the album: For Sale or Trade

    same, photo of both sizes of xmas moss sheets Gone
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