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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. They look awesome! It is tough to get things stable. I am still working on it, and now doing a new tank on top of it.

    I know what I want the water parameters to be, it's just trying to get them to be stable all of the time, and then not

    to panic when anything changes.

  2. Does anyone know why your KH would spike all of a sudden?


    Yet the PH is still low, and the GH is the same too?


    Temp - 72.5 F

    Gh - 4

    PH - 6.2 - 6.4

    TDS - 150


    KH - 5 - 6 / usually it is 0 - 1


    No ammonia, no nitrites, just a touch of nitrates


    I did a 50% water change, using just RO water and Bee Shrimp Minerals GH+, and some Borneo Wild Shrimp Shield Supplement, same temp, I ticked up the air stones and sponge filter to agitate the water some more


    I had two shrimp deaths. one CRS, and one CBS, both about middle size. The first two deaths that have I have had since I started, and the only reason I can see is because the KH spiked up, yet the PH stayed the same?


    I rinsed out my filters in aquarium water, did the water change, but it still says my KH is is around 4 to 5? When it normally is around 0 to 1?


    This is in my 10 gallon tank that is almost 3 months old now, and my shrimp have been in there for around 2 months. I even have two shrimp that are berried, and they have seemed to be doing just fine.


    I did have what I thought was planaria worms, but it was not, it was just some detritus worms that are not harmful to shrimp, and while there are still a few around, there are very few. I did a three day dosing of Fenben, which did not effect them at all, because I thought they were planaria, and turned off the lights for about 30 hours. I then changed about 30% of the water after that. The Fenben didn't seem to bother the shrimp at all, and I didn't have any deaths during this.


    But, really, the only thing I can think of is the KH is raised somehow. If a water change doesn't lower the KH, what would?


    Thanks for the help. 


    I haven't put anything new into the tank at all. Everything has been the same, nothing introduced within the past couple of weeks.

  3. Another question.


    I an using the Penguin BioWheel 200 HOB in the middle section.  This middle section won't house any animals.

    It will also have a UV sterilizer, heater, etc.


    I can put a Penguin BioWheel 100 HOB on each end section, but I was thinking it may be to much, or I can put

    one the small filters like the Tom's small internal filter on each end. Plus there will be dual sponges each each

    section. Am I going overkill? Do I even need the end filters, because of the sponges being in each section?


    Will the 200 HOB be plenty for it.


    It is 48" Long, but it is only 48" X 8" X 8"  Total. Holds about 14 gallons total.


    each section is 9" x 8" - there are four of them, and then the one middle section where all the media will be is 9 3/4" X 8" X 8"


    I also have a Aqua Clear 50 Reverse Flow Powerhead with the water polisher unit at my disposable too, if I need it.


    I have stainless steel mesh that I got from Han, that is the same "keep out the fry mesh" that is used to make intakes that is

    at the end of each section over the dividers so, the fry can't get into another tank section. There are 1/8" slits on the top

    and bottom of each divider, and then the ss mesh over the divider. So water will be restricted some, and I will have to keep

    them clean as the water will flow to the middle because of the 200 HOB in the middle section.


    But, I was thinking, if I put like a small powerhead of small internal whisper, or tom's internal nano filter in each end section,

    then the water will flow back and forth a little better, that along with the sponges in each section, and an air stone running

    in each section too.


    What do you think?

  4. HI,

     Does anyone have any suggestion on a water circulation pump. A small one that I can

    put on one end of a 48" Long Tank?


    The middle section will have a Penguin BioWheel 200 HOB, and each section will have

    a dual sponge filter.


    The sections will have stainless steel mesh between the 1'8" slits in the dividers on top and bottom of each divider.


    But I am wondering if I need to put a small water circulation pump on one end of the tank. It can't be too powerful,

    just enough to keep the water flowing back and forth at the top of the long tank. I don't want to create a powerful

    current, but would like to just keep the water moving, and that something that won't bother the shrimp.


    Maybe I don't need it at all. I am not sure.


    The smallest I could find is Hydor Koralia Nano 240 GPH water circulation pump, but I am thinking, even that

    would be too powerful, unless I can adjust the flow.

  5. In my 10 gallon with a few fish, I keep getting this hair line algae. Where does it come from?

    How do I get rid of it? I cut it all out, but it comes back. I don't have other algae, or algae on the glass.

    There are lots of plants in the tank, and a UV sterilizer, biowheel 200 hob, sponge filter. The water is clear, and water quality is great. Just keep getting this hair line algae on everything, plants, moss, moss balls, decorations, etc.

    Thanks for help to help me get rid of it, and where it comes from.

    I only run the light for 6 hours a day right now, but still no changes.

  6. Does anyone know how to get a hold of the person that owns the archived ShrimpKeeping.com information.

    I would love to ask them for permission to use some of their information on my new site that I am building.


    It will have a drop down menu of each species and all of the information I can build and categorize for each one.

    It will be awhile though while I am building the site.

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