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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Should the water be different to get your shrimp to breed?


    Right now I keep:


    Temp - 73 F

    TDS - 165

    PH - 6.4 - 6.6

    RO Water and Bee Shrimp Minerals, and nothing else


    One Indian Almond Leaf

    One small bunch of miniature Alder Cones

    Xmas moss only in the tank, no other plants or moss, but there is plenty of xmas moss - xmas moss wall, and half of the floor is xmas moss.

    Couple of organic fallen Oak leaves

    One Malaysia Driftwood piece in the 10 gallon tank

    Small peat cup floating on top

    BorneoWild Bee Balls in the tank


    Food is a mix of veggies, protein, minerals, and only good quality food. I feed them every other day. Whatever they can eat in three hours, if there is anything left, I take it out.


    Have a dual sponge filter and a Penguin BioWheel 200 HOB with bioballs for second media, and

    moving bed filter with K1 media in it.


    They all seem fine. I haven't had a single death, that I know of. I change 15% of the water every other Saturday.


    So, is there anything different I should be doing? or something I should change?  Maybe play some Barry White music. lol


    Shrimp types in the next post.



  2. I went with a bottom layer of Fluval Shrimp Stratum, and a top layer of Black Moon Sand, so far, I can keep the PH at 6.4 to 6.6.

    But I also have some miniature alder cones in the tank, and one Indian Almond Leaf, and a couple of Peat Pellet cups that

    float on top of the water. They are in the kcup filter that people use for coffee. I just fill it with peat pellets, close the top

    and let it float on top of the water.

  3. When the shrimp shed their shell, it really freaks me out, every time I see one, I think, oh, no, I

    have a dead shrimp, until I check further and find out it is just the molted shell.


    It seems like they are all shedding their shells in the same place, on the Indian Almond Leaf, then

    eating it. But that is place where I see 90% of the molted shells, is on the leaf.

  4. Sort of and thank you, but what if they don't know if the food is there or not? Say, some are on the

    other side of the tank, and never really know the food is on the other side? Or will in the space

    of 3 hours, find it eventually? I usually feed at the same time, same place, in a feeder dish, trying

    to get them to know that is where the food is. But I wonder if I should be spreading it around the

    tank some?


    I only keep xmas moss in the tanks, but there is quite a bit of it, half of the floor is xmas moss, and going up one

    side is xmas moss. I have a small piece of Malaysia Wood, and one Indian Almond leaf, and a small cluster

    of miniature alder cones. The dual sponge filter, and couple of small caves, but not a lot of decorations.


    There are about 35 to 40 shrimp in the tank of varying sizes.

  5. Seems like the shrimp just haven't been too excited about what I feed them, so I haven't been feeding them too much.

    But today, I put in a blanched slice of organic Zucchini, and every shrimp wanted some. I let them eat off it for about three

    hours and then took it out, and only left a very small piece. They were all still trying to finish off the tiny piece I left. They

    went at this, like they haven't seen food for years. I was taken by surprise, and now I am not sure if I am feeding them

    enough for not?


    The question that I have is, how often do you feed your shrimp?


    It seem like you shouldn't ever leave food in the tank for more than three hours, if it is not all eaten, from what I have

    read, but I get so many opinions on how often to feed them. Some say, every day, some say every other day, some

    say, only twice a week. I have even seen twice a day?  Either way, I need people to answer that have been successfully

    raising their shrimp for awhile to know what is right, or at least point me in the right direction.


    Thanks! Doc

  6. Since I did a major clean up, boiled everything, cleaned everything all around the tanks, etc. I have not seen a single one return. I have no idea where they come from.

    I have been meticulous with the third tanks, so that was a major surprise. Plus I am one of those weird clean and organized type of person in my home. The only

    thing I put in the third tank was xmas moss, but that was in the tank for about 5 days before this happened. I can't imagine they being on the xmas moss. They would

    have had to hatch under water after 5 days, so I doubt that would be even possible. Plus the person that I buy the xmas moss from is just an incredible person,

    who is highly detailed and does excellent work. They were white flies, tiny, tiny, tiny, white flies. I hope I never see them again. 


    But, so far, everything looks great, and every inch around the tank, you could eat off, wall, tables, knick knacks, carpet, shelves. You name it, I sterilized it. So, I don't

    think they will be back whatever they heck they are.

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