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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. From the album: Journal

  2. From the album: Journal

  3. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Journal

  4. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Journal

  5. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Journal

  6. I haven't heard about this, but on all 3 of my ten gallons, I have the led light almost right on the glass top. They have handles on each end, so they are about a half an inch right above the glass, and I haven't had any problems. I leave it on the day lights 10 hours, then on the Blue night lights 6 hours, and 8 hours off at night. But I have only had them this way for about 4 months.
  7. Love the photos! Keep them coming, everyone!....
  8. My shrimp did not eat the ones that died. I wonder if I am over feeding? I feed every other day, and never leave any food for over three hours. If they haven't eaten it all in 3 hours, I take what is left out.
  9. I tried the lettuce trick a couple of times, and didn't get a single snail, so for some reason, it just didn't work for me. I went with Malaysian Trumpet Snails in with the shrimp, and the ramshorns with the fish aquarium.
  10. They look awesome! It is tough to get things stable. I am still working on it, and now doing a new tank on top of it. I know what I want the water parameters to be, it's just trying to get them to be stable all of the time, and then not to panic when anything changes.
  11. Yeah, that is a good one to look at for sure.
  12. Awesome, I wish you much success with them, and hope they will be fruitful, flourish, multiply, and be healthy.
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