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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  2. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  3. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  4. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  5. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  6. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  7. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  8. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  9. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  10. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  11. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  12. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  13. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  14. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  15. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Srhimp Photos

  16. I love "Tanked" on Friday nights, if you like aquatics. These guys are custom tank designers and do some amazing work.
  17. oh yeah, I am watching her closely!
  18. Congrats! I would love to see some photos of the babies. That would be tough to get good pics of. lol
  19. Yeah, I'll would definitely be careful handling the stinging needle leafs. After you boil them, then they can't sting anymore. It will be good to grow my own, then I know they are all natural, with no pesticides or anything else. The boiling takes all of that away, but it's just better knowing when you grow it yourself. Now, if I can successfully grow it, that will be the question. lol
  20. I just ordered some organic stinging nettle leaf seeds online, and I am about to plant them, in a pot inside for now, and then move them outside to a very large pot when it is warmer.
  21. Wow, no kidding, I actually could afford some Cardinals at the 10 - 12 price. lol
  22. From the album: Journal

    This is a heavy duty cabinet that will hold the new tank and had plenty of storage underneath the cover there, so that I will have easy access to whatever I need at the time. The black strip on top if just the Led light that I will be using. The cabinet is 50" long, X 16" Wide, and is 24" tall. There are two shelves above it to house the air pumps, and lines, with holes drilled to go straight down, and go behind the Lighthouse strip that you see there. There are waterproof electrical strips that go along the back. Above the cabinet is a window, but I blocked it with heavy duty insulated material, and then a blind on top of that, and then insulated heavy curtains on top of that, so no light will be getting through the window. The temp should be fairly consistent, as I have AC in this room in the summer too. There is a cabinet on wheels besides it, so I can bring water back and forth easily. There is also two photo daylights on both sides, and white umbrellas, so I will have good lighting for taking photos and videos when I want to. Plus I have everything I need stocked up in the cabinet. The tank coming tomorrow is 48" long X 8" wide X 8" tall. It has a 10" middle section that will not house any shrimp or animals, and only will have the HOB, media, heater, moving water bed filter, peat pellets, bio balls, borneo balls, air stones, UV sterilizers, Aqua Water pump with water polisher, and other media, plus a etched glass logo for the front of the tank. There are sections on both sides of the middle area for shrimp. H4N is making me the xmas moss sheets. Each section will have the back wall a xmas moss, and half of the floor will be xmas moss, and one plant that I like. xmas moss will be the only moss I will use in the tank. Each section will have a Malaysia drift wood, air stone, shrimp cave, dual sponge filter, fallen oak leaf, small Indian Almond Leaf, and alder cones. The substrate will be one bottom layer of Fluval Shrimp Stratum, and one top layer of black moon sand, so they can dig and play. I like the idea of the floating moss ball, and may have to buy some of them. Each section will have one otto and that will be the only fish allowed in the tank. I am trying to only use Malaysia Trumpet snails only in the tank, and no other kinds of snails. There is a individual lid on each section, so I can get into any section I want, although I may have to suspend the led light somehow or I will have to deal with it each time. The led light is on a timer. I have three 10 gallon tanks that will serve as backups and emergencies to the main tank. One will have shrimp in it, the other will have tiny tetras, and ottos in it to keep it cycled, and the other will be planted to grow xmas moss, and the one kind of plant that I like. There will be the one Biowheel 200 in the middle section and one Biowheel 100's on each end. So, this is the start of the journal of the new tank, and I will try to keep up with photos, videos, text, etc, as time allows. I appreciate any comments, questions, advice, help, as I am still very new at this. I am learning as much as I can, as fast as I can, and I am sure I will learn a lot of lessons along the way, some the hard way, but I will try to avoid those. lol Thanks for reading!
  23. My new tank is supposed to be here tomorrow, so I will start a journal with it, and try to take photos and videos along the way, and keep the journal as time will allow me to do it. The area is ready for the tank, and I have everything that I need except a couple of little things that I want, but aren't necessities.
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