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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. From the album: Doc's Photos

    This is a heavy duty cabinet with plenty of space under it for storage of all aquatics that I will need to have on hand and will be easy to get to. Back has waterproof electrical strips all along the back. That is the led light sitting on the top there. It is 48" Long by 16" wide and is 24" tall. There is two shelves above it for air pumps and accessories, and lines with holes drilled for lines to go straight down and behind the lighthouse photo strip. The tank is 48" long, and 8" wide X 8" tall with a 10" middle area where there will be no shrimp or animals. It will house the HOB, UV sterilizer, Air, water polisher, pump, moving water filter, heater, peat pellets, borneo balls, and other media. It will also have the etched glass logo in the middle of the tank facing the front. There are two dividers on both sides of the middle section for shrimp. I have three other 10 gallon tanks that have all been cycled, and I have stocked them with plants, xmas moss, Malaysia drift wood, alder cones, and other things, so that the new tank will cycle fast. I will only allow one otto with each section, and no other fish, only shrimp. It will house the BioWheel 200 HOB in the middle section, and one Biowheel 100 on each end. H4N is making the xmas moss sheets for me. Each section will have a back wall of xmas moss, and half the floor with xmas moss. There will only be one plant in each section, the rest will only be xmas moss, and the only moss in the tank will be xmas moss. Each section, will have it's own individual lid, so I can easily get into any section, although I may have to suspend the led light, or I will have to deal with it each time. The light will be on a timer. Sponge filters in each section, air stone, shrimp cave, alder cones, Malaysia drift wood, fallen oak leaf, and Indian Almond Leaf. Substrate will be bottom layer of Fluval Shrimp Stratum, and top layer of black moon sand, so they can dig some and play. I like the ideal of the floating moss balls, and may have to get four of them. I am trying to use only Malaysian Trumpet snails in the tank, and no other kinds of snails. There is a window above it, but I blocked it with thick, insulated curtain, a blind, and then a hunter green curtains on top of that, so no sun will be getting in. The area should be consistent in temp, all year, as I have AC in the room in the summer. I have photo daylights and white umbrellas on both sides, so that I will have good lighting to take photos and videos, and a three drawer cabinet next to it that is on wheels to bring water back and forth easily, and everything I need stocked underneath the cabinet to be ready for anything. Plus the backups of the three ten gallon tanks, in case of any emergency. One 10 gallon will house shrimp, one will have tetras and ottos to keep it cycled and useable, and one will be a planted tank for growing xmas moss the one plant that I like. so, this is start of my journal with my new tank that arrived tomorrow, May 5th, 2014, and I will update, and take photos and videos along the way. Any help, comments, and your thoughts are appreciated, as I am still very new at this, but I am learning as much as I can, as fast as I can, and I am sure will have plenty of trial and errors to learn, some I am sure the hard way, but will try to avoid those as much as possible. lol
  2. It seems like my shrimp really love it when I blanch a small slice of organic zucchini, or organic spinach leaf. I just boil it for three minutes, let it cool, and them put it in, and they seem to swarm to the veggies. I also feed the powered, so that I know they are all getting some food, and a mix of good quality food like Shrimp King and a few others. They also love the snowflake food. I also use a little Borneo Wild Shrimp Shield too when I do water changes.
  3. Doc4PC2


    Welcome, and this is a great forum for lots of help and info!
  4. Some amazing shrimps at that site for sure.
  5. I found my first berried shrimp today. It is a Crystal Red Shrimp. I may also have a Yellow Neon that is berried, but I still haven't managed to snap a photo of her yet. The album has the photos of my first berried shrimp. Color me excited!
  6. I would love to get some of these. They are expensive, and the water has to be just right, but they are very cool! They are both freshwater.
  7. All of my shrimps are doing fine, I have no deaths, not a single one. But, I do have a very large tank that will be here next week. It is 48 inches long, and has 7 sections, so I can separate the species, and get more specific on water parameters. I have not paid, what you think I paid, for my shrimps, and even though I am new, I assure you, I research and learn and have spent countless hours before setting up the three tanks I have now. It is just the shrimp lingo, that I am not familiar with, like Neos, or bees. Everyone uses appreviations for everything, so I am not familiar with all of the shrimp lingo, but I assure you, I do my homework, I own both versions of the shrimp keepers magazines, that has a ton of info, but I like getting opinions from people that have been successfully raising, and keeping them, like on this forum. I talked to people like H4N, Will at the Shrimp Tank, Dave at invert obsessions, and a few others on the phone at length being nice enough to let me pick their brains. My point is, I did not just jump in, buy a bunch of shrimp, throw them in a tank, without spending hours, days, weeks, doing research and talking to successful keepers before I set up my first tank. I also have been keeping tropical fish for years, but never shrimp. I will use Fluval Shrimp Substrate and black moon sand in the new tank, and only xmas moss, and one plant in each section. I have the design, needs, water parameters and everything I need for my new larger sectioned tank. I have drawings setup for each section, and species showing how each section will be set up right to the fallen oak leaf. The middle section will house the filters, hob, uv sterilizer, water polisher, heater, moving bed filter, etc, plus each section will have their own sponge filter, Malaysia drift wood, alder cones, indian almond leaf, xmas moss, shrimp cave, air stone, and everything is planned, purchased, and ready for when the tank gets here. I setup a special place for the tank, with top shelves, lighthouse wallpaper, heavy duty and reinforced cabinet and stand, power stations, and even a autographed copy of favorite show called "Tanked". I have stated a journal, and will photograph, and video each step as I go, to get help, opinions, and to inspire others to join in the shrimp life, which will be on my website called: TheShrimpLife.com - and is being built as we speak, but will take some time before it is online. I have noticed their is a lot of different opinions on TDS, PH, RO water, Minerals, species, breeding, keeping what with what, temps, etc, so I take the best info i can get, and live and learn like everyone else. Some lessons, I am sure, I will learn the hard way, but as long as i enjoy the journey along the way, so be it. I just enjoy them, have fun, and appreciate this forum for sure! TheShrimpLife is new and exciting, and I am learning and meeting some awesome people along the way.
  8. I like the blue bolts more than the blue velvets.
  9. have you seen the freshwater Harlinquins? They are very cool.
  10. Being as new as I am, I don't know what you are calling a Neo? or a Taiwan Bee? Are crystal reds, and blacks, bees? or neos? We need a vocabulary list for newbies like me.
  11. So, does everyone that keeps shrimp try to keep their TDS around 125? The TDS of 165 that I have been keeping it at, is too high?
  12. My GH is 5 to 6, and 0 KH. because I only use RO water and the bee shrimp mineral GH+, and nothing else in the water. My temp never goes over 73F. It stays pretty steady from 72 to 73, but never over 73F. Should I keep the temp lower? like around 70F? I can lower the TDS, no problem. I have heard some many people say to use a TDS of 190 to 210, and them some say 150. So I split it and keep my TDS at 165, but lowering it to 125 would be easy to do, although I would probably lower a little bit at a time until I got to 125. Right now, all of my shrimp are all together in a 10 gallon tank. I have a new 48" Long tank coming next week that will give me the ability to make 6 dividers and split them up, but right now, they are all in the same tank, and seem to be doing just fine. All different sizes too.
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