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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. For sure, I have been on a learning and research binge for about 6 weeks now, taking in everything I can about Shrimp.

    There are a lot of differences in opinions out there, but I try to take from the experts and people that have been at it for awhile

    and that have successful tanks. Take the best and leave the rest.  lol

  2. Hi,

     It seems like my PH is about 6.0 to 6.2 in my tanks when I am using

    RO water and Shrimp Supplement and nothing else. My tanks

    water conditions are:


    Temp - 73 degrees F

    PH - 6.0 - 6.2

    GH - 6

    KH - 3

    TDS - 170


    So my tanks are cycled now, and I have two fish in each tank to keep it cycled until the

    tanks are CRS Shrimp only tanks.


    So, are my water conditions right? I am concerned about the PH level of 6.0 to 6.2

    Is it too low for CRS? I could put in a small bag of crushed coral to bring it up some,

    if I need to. My substrate is inert black substrate, and I have mainly moss and a couple

    of plants in my tanks.

  3. Hi,

     I have the API Gh / KH kit, and I see other people that have Crystal Red Shrimp say that I want a


    GH of 4 - 8, and a KH of 04 for CRS


    I don't know how you are getting this reading or GH 4 - 8? Is that the number of drops to achieve the color?


    Same with KH, is the number of drops I use to achieve the right color in the test what I am looking for.


    The test shows It took 6 drops to turn from orange to Green on GH

    and 3 drops to go from blue to yellow on KH.


    Is my Gh / KH alright then for CRS?


    Because I don't understand how or what you are reading to get the range you are talking. There is no

    4-8 range or 0 - 3 range on the test except the number of drops.


    Then it says, if my GH took 6 drops, my ppm GH /KH  is 107.4

                         if my KH took 3 drops,  my ppm GH /KH is 53.7


    Either way I have no idea if I have the right water conditions for CRS when it comes to GH / KH

  4. I wonder how everyone feels about Under Gravel Filters (UGF)?


    Do you use a UGF with a Reverse Flow Power Head on one side, cap the

    other side, and leave off the charcoal filter attachment? (or on)



    Or run the UGF regular with the charcoal filters attached?



    Or run the UGF regular without the charcoal filters attached?



    Or use the UGF with No charcoal filters, No air stones, No power head,

    and just use the UGF as Plenum?



    Do you use the charcoal filters attached when you are doing a fishless cycle?



    I want to get everyone's opinion on the subject of UGF's, both pro and con.


    Thanks! Doc



  5. Yeah, I appreciate the thinking, but I probably won't use snails for cycling or even algae cleaning, it

    just seems like when you get them, you have them for life. I'll just stick to a couple of ottos for cycling

    as ottos are the only proven fish that will leave shrimp alone and they do not scare or stress the shrimp.


    I like the debate though. I wonder how everyone feels about Reverse Flow Under Gravel Filters, or

    even for a Plenum?  Should you use the charcoal filter that you attach to the end of each UGF?

    or put a reverse flow power head on one side, and cap the other side and leave off the

    charcoal filter?


    Or should you just cap the tops, leave off the Charcoal Filter, with no air flow, no power head, and

    just use the UGF as a Plenum?


    Curious to see how everyone feels.  (I'll post it in a new topic)



  6. I just got my order of Salty Shrimp GH / KH + Mineral Supplement today. It say on the directions to use

    one level spoon (that is included) about 2g to 10 Liters of RO water. So, 10 Liters equals 2.64 gallons

    or 42.26 cups. But it doesn't say, to get what TDS reading?


    If anyone has some experience using this, let me know. I want to have a TDS reading of 190 to 210

    for Crystal Red Shrimp, with a Low GH and KH.


    It is for a 10 Gallon Tank that has a couple of plants, some moss, and two moss balls in it. It has

    a sponge filter, a Bio - Wheel 100 back filter with stainless steel mesh on the intake, and water

    temp of 73 degrees F.


    I have a small 2.5 gallon with RO water and Fluval Shrimp Supplement and nothing else that

    gives me a reading of 200 TDS.


    But, I have never used the Salty Shrimp GH / KH+ before, but I bought some because everyone

    said it was the best and I guess a lot of Shrimp owners use it, so anyone that is using it with

    RO water, can you tell me about how much to use for a 10 gallon tank, it would be appreciated.



  7. Hi, I am new to this forum, and the Shrimp world, but I am going into anyway!  I am setup and

    ready to get my first shipment of CRS next week and go from there. My tank is cycled and

    setup for a CRS only tank and I think I have the water quality right and their new home

    good to go. Bring on the Shrimp!

  8. Good information, Thanks danielt! 


    I have a small 2.5 gallon tank with a sponge filter in it, heater, and very small back filter that is cycled. Today I changed the water, used Tetra Safe Start, RO Water,

    and a little Stress Zyme. I mixed it and waited a little while, then I did a 50% water change with just RO water and some Fluval Shrimp Mineral Supplement, and I

    get a TDS of 198.


    The PH is 6.5, 

    Ammonia - .2

    GH - 8

    KH - 3

    Nitrite - 1

    Nitrate - 5

    Temp 74 degrees F


    There is a moss ball and nothing else in the tank right now. I will have to ammonia dose it every day until I put something in it.

    I was thinking about getting a dwarf Blue Electric Crayfish.  What do you think?  or maybe some Tiger Shrimp by themselves.

  9. danielt,  Won't that make my TDS high is I use Tetra Safe Start, or one of the others? When I take reading with Tetra Safe Start, and RO Water and nothing else at all, I get a TDS reading of 500.


    Everyone has been saying don't use "anything" But, RO Water and Salty Shrimp GH+, and that's it. So, I get a reading of 190 to 210 TDS.


    Isn't this what the CRS (Crystal Red Shrimp) want is a: TDS:            190 to 210,

                                                                                                  Temp:          73 degrees F,

                                                                                                   PH:              6.8 to 7.2,

                                                                                                   Low:            GH - 4 - 8

                                                                                                   Low:            KH -  1- 2

                                                                                                   Use:             RO Water, and Shrimp mineral supplement


    *Sponge filtration,       *dark substrate,       *some moss, and some hiding places,         *weekly small water changes,         *monitor water quality regularly,          *8 to 10 hours of good led lighting a day,  

    *if a person uses a back filter, to put sponge over the intake,               *be a Shrimp only tank,                    *Feed good quality Shrimp food from companies like Mosura, and Shirakura, and,    

    *maybe once a week, put in small piece of organic Frozen spinach - take out any leftovers after 3 hours that they haven't eaten,               * make sure no food, or plant fertilizer has NO copper in it,

    * Do not overfeed,                             


    Above is all that I know about keeping and raising Crystal Red Shrimp, Black Crystal Red Shrimp, Yellow Neon Shrimp, Blue Velvet Shrimp, and a couple of others.


    So is all of this right? Or am I off base on any of it?  And, again, Thanks for everyone's help, time and answers.

  10. Water does not contain the nitrifying bacteria, you can change all of the water in the tank without fear of decycling it. SaltyShrimp is what I also use. Also I use bacteria suplements, the usual ones recommended for starting up the cycle. Like Sera Nitrivec, Tetra SafeStart, or the EasyLife one with each water change. It will replenish the bacteria in your tank and also provide enzymes for them to feed as shrimp will consume the biofilm they can get at.

    After introducing the shrimp, test for nitrites and do water changes if the test picks up even trace amounts the first couple of days.

    Avoid feeding them animal protein. Vegetal protein is ok. Like soya beans, hemp flour and seeds. These contain good vegetal protein.

    Avoid doing more than 10% water changes. Introduce the water slowly. I use an air tube to put the fresh water back.

    Daniels, won,t that make my TDS high if I use something like tetra safe start ? When I take a TDS reading with RO water and safe start and nothing else, I get a TDS reading of 500? Shouldn,t the TDS for CRS be around 190 to 210?

  11. I don't have a choice right now except to use what I have which is RO water and the Fluval Shrimp Mineral Supplement which was recommended by a lot of CRS keepers, but that doesn't matter, it is what I have for now, and my shrimp are coming next week, so I can't get Salty Shrimp GH+ fastest enough, but it is ordered. In the meantime, I need to know, if you think I should do a 90% water change? I did take 5 cups of RO water and added 1/4 teaspoon Fluval Shrimp Supplement and it gave me a reading of 200 TDS, which is perfect. So I figure, I have about 9.5 gallons in my 10 gallon tank which is 152 cups, so I need to add approx. 7 teaspoons of supplement for a 10 gallon tank to get a TDS of 190 to 210. But I will have to take into account if I do a 90% water change, the 10% of what is left and what that will do that to my TDS reading.

    When I use the API test strips, and test my RO water by itself, I get 130 GH, 10 KH, 6.5 PH with the temp at 70 degrees, when I add the supplement and nothing else, I get a 200 TDS.

    Again, Thanks for any help, I don't want my CRS to get here and die.


  12. Thanks everyone for the advice. That is good stuff!  So, if I just use RO water with the minerals and nothing else, I can achieve the 190 to 210 TDS.

    So should I do a 90% water change then? and them just refill it with RO water and minerals and nothing else with a TDS of 190 to 210?


    So, it would be:


    Temp: 72 degrees

    TDS - 190 to 200

    PH - 6.8 - 7.2

    Zero Nitrites, Zero Nitrates, Zero Ammonia,

    Cycled Tank

    Sponge Filter,

    I have a back filter with the intake covered with a sponge

    I have two moss balls, and moss on the left side of the tank, about a 6" X 6" size, and plenty of hiding places for them, This will be a shrimp only tank


    What do you think?  And Thanks for everyone's help. I am glad I found this forum.



  13. Hi,

     I am not sure, but when I use RO water and take a TDS reading. I get    ( 0001 )


    When I add API Stress Coat, and API Stress Zyme, I get a reading of      ( 500 )


    When I add Shrimp Mineral supplement, I get a reading of                        ( 125 - 10x )


    I am trying to get the TDS to 190 to 200 for Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS)



    My tap water TDS reading is   089



    I use RO Water for my tank, I add Stress Coat to get rid of any chlorine, and

    Stress Zyme to add bacteria.


    I have Fluval Shrimp Mineral Supplement.


    My PH is 6.8 to 7.2


    I am using a HM Digital TDS Meter - model TDS-EZ that is new.  I have moss, moss balls, sponge filters, black substrate, and my shrimp are coming next week. I am

    trying to get their home perfect for them. It is a new tank that was setup 6 weeks ago, with a fishless cycle, using pure ammonia, and a little fish food. I have zero

    ammonia, zero nitrites, zero nitrates, and 74 degree water temp. But this TDS  thing is driving me crazy. I hope I am not getting a 500 TDS reading before I even

    add any Shrimp mineral supplement?  How am supposed to get to a 190 to 210 ready for CRS


    Any good help from someone who really knows their stuff would be great and much appreciated!     Thanks!

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