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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Wow, that is great. Thanks everyone for your answers. That helps. I think they are okay, and will help keep the tank clean. I guess I will just have to keep an eye on them and if they start to get too many, I will take them out, one at a time. I guess. That is interesting what wicca32 said about putting a piece of lettuce in the tank, and by the next day, the snails are gone. I have not heard of that before. Are you talking about just a regular piece of lettuce? Have you tried this before wicca32?
  2. I recently got some plants, moss, etc and now I have lots of snails. Which is fine. There are al lot of tiny, tiny baby snails, but they grow very fast, and I am seeing more and more of them with my crystal red shrimp. What I want to know is how everyone feels about the snails that are shrimp keepers. Pros, cons, opinions, good, bad, helpful, problem issues with them, good things about them? Anything that can help me with the snails. Keeping them, leaving them be, get rid of them, help them, let them multiply, etc. I need as many opinions on them as I can get from shrimp keepers. Are there a lot of shrimp keepers that have snails? Help please, I need to make a decision on them. Thanks so much, Doc
  3. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Doc's Photos

  4. I don't understand why I can't copy and paste here? It must be something I am doing because I sure can't seem to?
  5. Han RAOK 1)Triton 2) Doc4PC2 - Rock On - on Facebook
  6. Yes, that is exactly what I did, I attached the xmas moss to the driftwood, and after soaking it in RO water overnight, which Shortgirl said I didn't need to do that, so I attached the xmas moss and put it in, and I added some miniature alder cones today, that had been soaking for about three days in RO water, and I planted a few plants too. I will put in an Indian Almond Leaf next and then I will leave them alone for awhile. The CRS are complaining that someone is always rearranging the house all the time. LOL (Other than 15% water changes every other week).
  7. I cannot believe how fast the snails grow. I could barely even see them, and wasn't even sure what they were, the were so tiny, but already, they are growing so fast, I am amazed. A couple of them are bigger than the CRS already.
  8. Got my winning from the RAOK from ShortGirl! It was awesome! It was a package full of goodies, lots of plants, driftwood, some tools. It was very cool. Thank you for much for running the contest! I still can't believe I won. Now, I have to learn about live plants, because I have been on a Shrimp binge research study, and not so much on plants. I guess I will have to go on a plant research study binge too.
  9. Today, I fed them. I always feed at the same time, same spot, once every two days, and today, they all gathered and ate what I gave them, which was a variety. They really like that Shrimp King protein sample. They all went for that big time, but this was the very first time they they actually ate anything I have given them. Wicca32 - Water is: Temp - 72.5 F TDS - 170 PH - 6.6 to 6.8 RO Water with BeeShrimp Mineral GH+ and nothing else Sponge filter HOB Moss on bottom floor some live plants Got them from Will - CRS at The Shrimp Tank - all SSS grade All of them are doing well, and have been exploring and seem to be fine, just would not eat until today.
  10. Hi, Ever since I have gotten my new CRS, they are not eating what I give them to eat. I only try to find them once every two days, and the only thing they actually ate a little bit of was some organic frozen spinach that I prepared and put in. But they still only ate a little of it. I have tried Shrimp King food, Mosura, Azoo, Shirakura, and a few other that are all well know and very qood quality food for shrimp. The tank that they went in, has been cycling for over 6 weeks, and the water quality was perfect for them, and the all look great, I have not lost a single shrimp. They seem to explore a lot. I keep the light on for 8 hours, then the night light on for three hours, then no light until I wake up and turn on the light. They seem to like this routine. I have checked water quality and parameters every day, and even their color looks great. Seems like they are getting more colorful everyday. but still not eating anything I give them. Is it because there is a lot to eat in the tank already? Or are they all starving themselves for some reason? Do they think they need to be slim and trim or what? lol
  11. Okay, the Banner is up and so is the write up at: http://TheEcigStop.com/sites.html I even put it 5th one down, so a good spot that my ecig companies would love to have, and pay for to get it. Check it out, and admin, if you don't like what I had to say, then write something up for me and I can change the text for you. Either way it is a very good back link for you to have, and in a very high traffic page, and will help you climb higher in the search engines and directories. Now, if we get anyone coming and signing up because it is there, I don't know. Only you will know if you keep track of where your traffic is coming from. The subjects are really different, but there may be lots of aquatic people out there that use ecigs too, so we will see. Either way, it is good thing and can't hurt. Doc
  12. Okay, as soon as I get some time I will put it up at my site which is http://TheEcigStop.com and I will put it on the sites pages at: http://TheEcigStop.com/sites.html So, I can put a short write up by the banner, or if admin wants something particular written, let me know, and I can put that besides the banner. You can see what the page is like and how wordy I get with each site. Cool, and I hope it will help. Like I said, last month, we hit 5.2 million hits for the month, and it looks like we will break that mark and hit 6 million this month.
  13. Okay, that is three for Yes, but I was kinda hoping for more than that, and who ever owns the forum, I would want a okay from for sure.
  14. Congrats MLK! Welcome to the forum, and sounds like you are off to a good start already. Can't wait to see your future in the Shrimp world!
  15. And that won't hurt the shrimp, that fenbenzadole? Isn't that for like dogs? It sounds familiar, I will have to look it up.
  16. Wow, they blew me away! The photography is amazing and it is full of information, and exciting stuff going in the Shrimp World. I got both volumes, and I am only half way through volume one. Exciting stuff, way worth the price. I hope they continue to put these out. Someone should start one in the US.
  17. Looks like a great home for your animals! Congratulations! I love it!
  18. Man, I hope I don't get that planaria. Those sound like they are very hard to get rid of. The "No Planaria" Stuff you can only order from overseas. I thought maybe snails would be a bad thing to have in your tanks, because of some much negativity I have read about them, but now I am not so sure about snails. Sounds like the Malaysia Trumpet snail is a good thing to have with your shrimp. Snail period seem to be a good thing to keep with your shrimp, as long as you don't let the populations take over. They really clean up well after your Shrimp, although the "No Planaria" stuff would kill your snails.
  19. Yeah, I am doing some design work with my tanks, so when I have them finished, I will put up some nice pics. I am so pumped! I can't wait to see all of the goodies!
  20. I know this is not on the same subject, but I bought the two magazines from The Shrimp Tank on Breeder and Shrimp Keepers Magazine. Volume one and two. Wow, I was blown away. The photography is amazing in the magazines and there is a ton of information on shrimp. They are big magazines, but the photos are just awesome. They are worth the price by far.
  21. Is this why shrimp keepers keep ottos in their tanks with shrimp, because of planaria? Do the ottos keep the planaria away?
  22. yes, as far as I know, ottos are the only fish that is supposed to be 100% safe with shrimp and fry. But, I have not proven that myself, personally yet. There are some other fish that are supposed to be safe with fish, and I have read that lots of shrimp owners have some fish and different types with their shrimp and the shrimp are fine. But, everything I have read says, that ottos are the only true safe, 100% will not hurt or eat the Shrimp, fish there is. Because of the price of CRS, I would still say it is probably a very slight risk, especially with fry, but to me, there would still be a risk and trial to be sure. That answer probably did not help you much. lol
  23. Hi, For admin, site owner, moderators, opinions. My site averages over 5.2 million hits a month, every month, and growing, and I thought I would put The Shrimp Spot banner on one of my websites. I can't put it on the home page, but I can put in on a page that is third most traffic page of the site. But.....the subject matter is not even close. My network is all about electronic cigarettes. I don't sell any, but we do reviews, how to information, videos, photography, Top 10 lists, Top 10 sites, huge giveaways, and tons of information on everything that has to do with ecigs. So, I wanted to ask before I put the banner up. I would put it on the sites page with the banner and a short write up next to the banner and the link. But, because the subjects are so different, One, I have no idea if it will do the forum any good, although, it is a good back link to have because I am on top in all of the search engines when it comes to ecigs. Two, I don't want to do anything without approval, as I only want to help the forum. But, It would put the banner in front of a lot of traffic, although they are there for a different reason. Since ecigs are just water vapor, no smell, no fire, no ash, no residue, the vapor dissipates faster than steam, and ecigs are way healthier than smoking, it would be good for aquatic owners to be vaping ecigs, rather than smoking. The technology is really good now, and improving every day. So, if the owner, admin, moderators, and others will post their opinion, and let me know if I should put up the banner and a small write up on my site, that would be great. You can be " For or Against it". Plus, our social network pages, subscribers, YouTube subscribers, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Live Vape TV shows, and ecig forum pages have a lot of people signed up with us, and connected with us too, so even though it is two different things entirely, a lot of people would see it, and maybe even get some people posting, chatting, and talking about The Shrimp Spot Forum. So, Yes, or No? Thanks, Doc
  24. Wow! Thank you so much, This is amazing, I can't believe I actually won. I never win anything. This will help so much, especially will all of my new tanks. Thank you so much for running the RAOK! And Thank you The Shrimp Spot Forum! I will also try to get away with posting that I won on other forums mentioning our forum name to see if it helps. It should be okay to post as long I just do it casually. It is a good thing to post. I am a Happy Doc!
  25. That's true, you could just have two of them, slide one up, and put another on the bottom piece, or take the top piece off entirely. You can do that on the BioWheel 200 for sure.
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