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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Yeah, I don't have that issue here for awhile yet, but when I do I will be ready. It is only 20 degrees F here right now, and only 5 to 8 degrees above zero at night still. But it is supposed to warm up to the 30's this week.
  2. Just since yesterday, they have gotten redder, and they are really exploring the tank. So far, all seem healthy, and doing great. Will at The Shrimp Tank is the place to get CRS for sure. All of them are SSS grade and a couple of them are exceptional grade. I tried to give them just a little food today, but they did not seem interested. A few took some bites of a Shrimp King ring sample that H4N sent me with the awesome moss I bought from him, but after a little bit, I took it back out, it doesn't seem like they are very hungry, and I am sure there is plenty to eat in the tank just as it has been cycling for two months. I took all fish out of the tank and did a big water change. So far the water quality is great, and what it should be all the way around. I am thinking about putting the two ottos back in the tank with the CRS though. The ottos are very small right now. Tiny in fact.
  3. Small ottos are very hard to find. When they don't want to be seen, they can hide really, really well. Some, you can put them in your hand, and it won't even bother them. On some if you are trying to pick something out of your tank and the otto is besides it or even on it. They will stay there until you physically move them out of the way. They don't spook easily once they are used to you and the noised in your home.
  4. Just got my CRS shrimp order today. Man were they nice! I acclimated them very slowly, and tonight they are in their new home. They immediately started exploring the entire tank. They were all very frisky, and moving around a lot. I also got my plants and moss in just before I got the CRS, and I did a big water change, and make sure the water quality was perfect for them, Temp, TDS, PH, GH, KH, and no ammonia's, No nitrites, just a touch of nitrates, and crystal clear water. Thank you so much, The Shrimp Tank! Hope that is okay to say. Will's CRS are amazing. Tiny, but amazing. I knew CRS was tiny, but man, are they tiny. The fry must be really hard to see. I definitely see the importance of having mesh on your intakes. Thanks so much to H4N! I hope that is okay to say too. For plants and moss, he did an amazing job!
  5. No worries, maybe we can get a few more entries in. 1.Triton 2. Doc4PC2 3. Wicca32 4.Teruterubozu 5. Liberty1776
  6. Yes, it looks like the same size, the 200 is shaped different, and both have the slits on the top piece too, so both have to be covered.
  7. Okay, good stuff to know, because I had no idea. It just blew my mind. Maybe if it hadn't been a brand new tank with nothing in it, I could accept that. I guess I will be on the lookout for them and other critters. lol
  8. Yeah, I agree, I think it will be best to just keep one kind in one tank, maybe a different kind in another tank, and them maybe one tank that is mixed.
  9. There is no way, there isn't any moss in there yet, there isn't anything in there, because it is brand new, and nothing in the tank yet, that it could have hid in, and even if it did, it would have never survived my cleaning method. The whole thing is still very strange to me. I have also heard, that once you have one, you will then never be able to get rid of them. I sure hope that is not true. lol
  10. In my new tank, I found this very tiny snail today attached to the glass, just having a good old time. It is a new tank, and I scrub and clean everything before it goes in the tank with RO water. Nothing and I mean nothing gets into the tank without a scrubbing and cleaning with the RO water. I have no idea how it got in the tank. After all it is a new tank. Even when I added the substrate, I cleaned the crap out of it. I washed, stirred, rinsed, It about 50 times. The water was pure clear and clean. I have no idea if it could have survived in the substrate in the first place. It is just inert black gravel, and the bottom layer is black moon sand that I also washed, cleaned, rinsed, stirred, etc. There is nothing in the tank, that the little thing could come from. The whole thing really took me by surprise. The snail is alive and well. It looks like a typical normal snail. Any ideas on how it could have gotten in my tank. I went over every inch of the tank to see if there were anymore and did not find anymore. I checked all of my tanks and not a single one. Only the one I found today.
  11. That is what I need, a custom fitted mesh for two Bio Wheel 100 intakes and the Bio Wheel 200 intake. The have this split with the slits on the upper end and the bottom like it show in the upper left hand corner. That looks like it was made for that square intake.
  12. Can't wait! I got some moss and plants coming tomorrow, so I hope to get them all in and have their home all ready for them when they get here. I will acclimate them correctly, and slowly, and take my time and do it right.
  13. Me too, I have both a dual sponge filter and a HOB. (Plus I use a small UV sterilizer, and Powerhead with water polisher filter. Both to use probably about once a month. Run them for about 48 hours a month)
  14. I never heard of a ROAK before this, and I am on several forums and Facebook. lol I did post The Shrimp Spot name several times on other places and social networks. 1. Triton 2. Doc4PC2 3.
  15. I'm not sure yet, it will be shrimp for sure, but I want to landscape it a certain way with lawns, bridges, lamp posts, statue, forest at the back of tank, type of thing. I really like Will, he is great, very helpful, friendly, professional, and goes out of his way for his customers. I also bought the Volume one and Two of the magazine. I want their water quality to be perfect for them. I know they will be just fine in all kinds of water quality, but in order to get the highest quality, with the white color to be the whitest, and deep red, they have to have excellent quality water and food. In Europe, CRS is huge, and they pay big time for the best CRS, they even have CRS Championship shows all over Europe, and plan to bring a show here to Vegas if the US gets more interest into CRS, and Shrimp keeping and breeding. Of course I would have to win the lotto to even go to Vegas, but a guy can dream. lol
  16. I want the floor of half of the tank to look like a lawn, similar to the h4n photo, but with small bridge paths instead of rocks, and light poles at each corner of the lawn, and then make a large moss ball and cut it into King Neptune or something cool in the middle of the lawn.
  17. This is kind of how I want the moss and the bottom of my tank to look. This is awesome h4n. Hope you don't mind me using the photo. I will take it down, if you want. This is h4n's photo everyone. But this is kind of how I want the bottom of my tanks to look. I would think Shrimp would love this. Keeping it fan cooled in the summer would be critical, I would think.
  18. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Doc's Photos

    This is h4n's, and I will delete it off here, if you want h4n. I wanted to use it in a post.
  19. I'm excited. I just placed an order for some CRS. Two of my tanks are finally cycled and ready to go for them. The water quality is where everything should be, and the home is ready for them. I have some moss and plants on the way too. Hopefully, the plants will make it before the Shrimp, but it will be okay either way. I have lots of great quality food for them, and everything I need, plus I have backups on everything and one new tank that is cycling right now and will be a nice home for them when it is fully cycled. I could use some more plants and moss too for when it is cycled. I also picked up a good PH meter, as I just don't trust the test strips and the API kit. I am getting too many different readings. But the PH meter show 6.6 Can't wait......
  20. I bought the Marineland 10 gallon 10, with the Biowheel 100 HOB, a heater, cover with led light, and it has some flake food, a stick on thermometer, and a net in it for 59 bucks. Really, a pretty good deal. A 20 gallon would be better. Marineland glass tanks have a good reputation for quality, no leaks, and durability. I like the BioWheel. I added a little vasaline around the impeller, and it is as quiet as a mouse. I also put some aquarium seal around the plastic piece on the top lid, so that water or condensation does not get into the LED light. I have two of these tanks, and I like them. Add your substrate, and Salty Shrimp GH+, with RO water, some live plants, cycle it and you are ready for some shrimp. Be sure to put a filter, or foam, or stainless steel net, or something around the intake of the HOB so that fry don't get in, and put in a sponge filter. Overall you should probably think about spending about 150 to 200. You will want shrimp, or fish, and food too.
  21. Okay, where is the list? Or add me to the list please. I would love to win! LOL
  22. So, how do we get into the contest and what do we need to do?
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