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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Well, if it helps anyone else make up their mind. To each their own, some people just swear by them, some people hate them.
  2. Can't wait to get my new moss! It will help and look awesome!
  3. Is it very light or does it blow around much? It is fairly cheap too, and looks nice, some really black and shiny, that I could put on top of the moon sand?
  4. I've been telling everyone I know about this forum. We need to get some growth here, as there are tons of aquatic folks out there that not only need help, but love chatting about the subject. Like me. lol Maybe someone could donate say 5 shrimp or something like that to get people to sign up and post. Say they have to post at least 5 times to be eligible for the drawing. Run it for like a month, and then hold a drawing with everyone that has at least 5 posts or even 10 post to get into the drawing. Then draw and winner and post the winner on all kinds of aquatic forums. You don't want to push the forum on another forum, but just something like: "Congrats to our lucky winner of 5 SSS Crystal Red Shrimps at The Shrimp Spot Forum. Congrats John Doe of Calif, and Thanks everyone for getting into the contest. We will have some more soon. Congrats John Doe from The Shrimp Spot Forum." Something like that. It shouldn't upset the other forums because you are announcing the winner, and getting our forum name out. Just a idea.
  5. Let me know if he can make them fit the Penguin 150 filter. If it fits that, then it should fit the Penguin Bio Wheel 100 Filter intake too. Maybe I could pick up a couple of them from him too.
  6. I have some great moss and plants coming, so after I get those in, I will post some photos of all three tanks. It's too bad, I had to put some black inert substrate on top of the moon sand, because the moon sand is gorgeous! Shiny, sparkly, black, black, and looks awesome. But it is still very light, and with the shrimp moving it around and digging some, it would kick up and get into the filters and eventually grind down the mechanical filter parts, but man does the moon sand look great!
  7. I got two of the four fans I ordered off Amazon today. One of them run on USB and AAA batteries, and the other runs on USB. I have a lot of usb plug in adapters because I vape ecigs instead of cigarettes. Ecigs are just water vapor, no smell, no fire, no ash, no residue. It is just like steam that dissipates as fast as it comes out and does not leave any smell or residue. The one fan flips up and has a stand and cost 7 bucks. It runs on batteries and USB. When plugged into a USB adapter, it is more powerful, but it is okay on batteries too. It fans plenty of air and would be easy to clip to the tank and blow across the water. The other fan is a USB only fan, and cost 5 bucks. It too moves plenty of air, both are very quiet. Way more quiet than I thought they would be and both put out way more air than I thought they would. For the price, you can't beat either of them. I like the one that runs on USB and batteries better than the other. The quality is better, and it moves more air than the 5 buck usb fan. So I guess for the extra two bucks it is worth it. Both would be fine and enough air to make the Redneck Air Conditioner work well. I have two more coming, and I'll let you know about them too.
  8. True, no place to go but up. lol But I think they would be okay with that size of tank.
  9. I got my new order of Bee Shrimp Salty GH+ today. Thank you and the other is out the door tomorrow. In the new 10 gallon tank. I filled it with RO water, and used Colony which does not effect the TDS, GH, or KH. I used the Salty Shrimp to get a reading of 109 TDS. I will leave it there to see if the TDS goes up a little by itself. I also noticed that the Tetra Safe Start does not affect the TDS, GH, or KH. I did not use it, but I tried it with some RO Water, and Salty Shrimp. The RO water TDS was .001, and even when I put in the Tetra Safe Start, the TDS was still .001. So in the new Tank: Temp is: 71 degrees F TDS is: 109 GH is: 3 to 4 KH is: zero to 1 PH is: 6.4 to 6.6 Substrate is Black Moon Sand on the bottom and a layer of Black inert Gravel It has a dual Sponge Filter, and a Bio Wheel 100 HOB It has a air stone, and side air tube, both are only on just a little It has a piece of drift wood that is in a semi circle. Round on top, flat on the middle and a small rock cave on the side. Once I can get my hands on some moss, then the left side will be a moss lawn to cover almost half of one side of the floor of the tank. The Salty Shrimp GH+ minerals dissolved right away, it has a little measuring spoon inside the container. It looks like sugar, only a touch smaller in grain size. I only used a 1/8 of a teaspoon at a time. Put in a 1/8 of a teaspoon, waited, put in an 1/8, waited, put in 1/8, waited, put in 1/8 and waited. Waited an hour, put in 1/8 waited, put in 1/8 and waited an hour. I checked the TDS each time when I put an 1/8 in, and after waiting 15 to 20 minutes. Finally I got to a TDS reading of 105, I waited an hour, and got a TDS reading of 109. I waited two hours, and the TDS is still reading 109. I'll check every day for about a week or two to see how stable it is or it if rises on it's own. Otherwise I will take the TDS up to about 165 and try to keep it stable there. It will have some plants at the back of the tank with the moss eventually, and will house Crystal Red Shrimp, and Crystal Black Shrimp, and maybe a very tiny otto or two.
  10. From what I know, I think it will be okay, because you have a large enough tank. If the tank was 10 gallons, then they would fight for territory. But with the 30 gallon, they should be just fine. My opinion anyway.
  11. Yeah, they sound perfect, and you can't beat the price. But they won't fit my Bio Wheel 100 intake, plus the intake is square. I put the white filter media bag over it with these very small clear bands, that you can't even see, and it looks good and works well. The bio wheel is spinning the water is flowing great, and there is no way a fry could get in.
  12. Yeah, me too. I have the four different fans coming, so later in the summer, I think I will borrow Soothing Shrimp's idea, and make three Redneck Coolers. I think the frozen bottles in the cooler will last longer than bag of ice, maybe? Or throw a block of ice in?
  13. Amazon sells the stainless steel tubes that fit right over the intakes and look nice, but they are kind of spendy.
  14. Yeah, talk about cost effective. You could probably make the Redneck AC Unit and sell them for $12 bucks.
  15. lol, that would be cool. I guess since I am keeping CRS, I may have to switch to SF or Atlanta? Nah.... lol
  16. A clip on fan, blowing across the top of the water should be enough, is what I have heard. I bought four of them at Amazon. I bought four different types of small fans that are USB and battery powered. I have lot of usb power adapters as I use ecigs, so I figure I can just plug in the fans into the USB power adapters, and then clip them so they can fan across the top of the tank water in the summer. All four of the fans were from $5 bucks to $8 bucks each, so I'll let you know which fan out of the four different models is the best. I have read on quite a few difference fish places and forums that a small fan blowing across the top of the tank is plenty to keep the water stable at 73 degrees. That is only what I read. Now, it that is true or not, I don't know, but I am going to find out. lol
  17. I still haven't gotten the new Salty Shrimp GH+ yet, but I am hoping it gets here tomorrow. More like praying it gets here tomorrow.....
  18. Good idea to keep a journal, I basically have been doing that on a calendar by my tank, but maybe I will change that do a more detailed journal, so I don't repeat mistakes over and over again. With my memory, that could be a good thing....... What were we talking about?........
  19. Sorry, They are named Peyton, and Demarius for Denver. lol
  20. Yeah, I like the stainless steel mesh over the intakes. I also use a media filter bag over the intake. They are easy to put on and take off. If you get like the aqua 30 to 50 white media bags, they are light, and you can just tie it on the intakes or cut them and put them over intakes or anything else so fry don't get in.
  21. I think Christmas moss would work. I would have to tie it to a large sheet of stainless steel mesh. One that was about the size of half of the tank, and then trim the moss to make it look short like a lawn, so the CRS could play horseshoes, and miniature golf. lol
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