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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. I like the Ocean Blue Velvets. Especially with their color. Fits to me. The Soothing Blues sound good too.
  2. Yeah, same for me, I don't seem to lose much in evaporation with my HMF in like I have it. But I do have a sliding glass top on mine.
  3. 1. ANBU 2. forumsnow 3. Featherblue 4. Metageologist 5. Doc4PC2
  4. I've noticed now that I can take out the small media bag of peat pellets from behind the HMF and my PH has still been holding steady at 6.4. I have a small cup of alder cones in the tank and added some small pieces of dried organic Mulberry branches. So far the PH has remained steady at 6.4 for about 4 to 5 days now. So, I think I can get away with not using the Peat Pellets anymore. The shrimp love the Mulberry sticks. I boiled them for 10 minutes, and let them sit in RO water for a day, and then put them in the tank. I also have oak leaves, Indian Almond leaves, Mulberry leaves, and stinging needle leaves in my leaf dish. Although they eat up the stinging needle leaves and Mulberry leaves pretty fast. I'll keep testing to see if I can get away with no using the peat pellets behind the HMF Filter.
  5. 1. ShrimpSageMode 2. James Aquatics 3. USCGJay 4. Featherblue 5. swissian 6. MN Shrimping 7. Soothing Shrimp 8. Countryboy12484 9. Poopians 10. Duff0712 11. Allicat 12. r45t4m4n 13. Nick_R 14. Greenteam 15. High5's 16. Kribensislover 17. ANBU 18. Jesseter 19. Mayphly 20. Mrbluepanda 21. Archie1208 22. Doc4PC2
  6. I'll enter too, and help with whatever I can.
  7. That is great that they continue to do these shows and contest though. It will help and get to the US eventually. The more they do, the better, and the better for shrimpers everywhere.
  8. Welcome, great people here, great help and information. Glad you could join us!
  9. I have a small bag of peat pellets behind my HMF filter and it helps keep the PH steady, and it will lower the Ph too. But you have to start with just a little bit at a time. It you use too much, it can lower your PH too much at once. I have got to point where I can use just a small media bag about 1/4 full of peat pellets and it keeps my PH at 6.4 steady. It also has some water flow going through the media bag too.
  10. I tried a ton of heaters, trying to find one that would be consistent and keep the temp steady and the only one that I have found that has done that is the Ehiem heaters. I recently tried a new one called the Colbolt Neo-Therm and it is a very good heater, easy to use, keeps the temp consistent, in my 12 gallon Mr Aqua tank. It was kind of expensive, but it does do the job, and is as good as the Ehiem heaters, if not better.
  11. jumpsmasher, how do those jet lifter tubes work? Do you have a photo of one showing the jet lifter tube and how it works? Thanks!
  12. So, what does everyone think is the best foam to use for your HMF? and where do you get it? and Thanks! lol It's not that big of a deal if they get through to the other side. On the other side of the HMF is a 3" wide X 9" X 9" area with a Tom's mini canister, the HMF sponge filter part, and a media bag of ceramics, bio balls, and AK1's, so there is plenty of bio film for them to eat in that area. I guess is they can get in there, they can get back to the other side of the tank too, if they get hungry enough. If I see them in there, I net them and put them back in the big side of the tank.
  13. I don't have any idea what the foam is. I will have to check out what you are using though. Where do you usually get yours?
  14. It's hard to believe, but the fry can make it through the HMF filter. I keep finding the babies that are new born on the other side of the HMF Filter. I have the HMF Filter on the left side of the tank that blocks from top to bottom and side to side. There is no way to get over the top, the only way is to go through, and that is what the little ones do. I watch them, they kind of tunnel in through the HMF filter and I have to net them and put them back in the right side. lol Shrimp are such explorers. They love to check out every single nook and cranny in the tank. They check out every single thing in the tank from one end to the other. If something is in there, they know it, and will check it out and know what it is. Every 32th inch of it or smaller. lol I just can believe they are getting through the HMF filter, the little buggers.
  15. Doc4PC2

    HMF Filter

    From the album: New Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon Tank

    This is the HMF Filter I am using on the left hand side of the tank.
  16. I just use my regular standing house fan, and just slide open the top, and move the fan closer to the tank and let it oscillate back and forth until it cools the tank down when I need to. With my heating and cooling system in my house, I am pretty lucky, and my temp stays fairly steady at 72 to 72.5 degrees. But by just using a regular fan and opening the top, it will cool the tank down pretty fast.
  17. I've tried several ph meters, and have yet to find one that works correctly and consistently, even after being calibrated several times. The API master kit and even test strips give me more accurate results than the meters I have tried. A couple of them were very expensive, but I just don't trust it.
  18. Welcome, I already saw your stock and price list. Impressive.
  19. Is there a valve that fits those, chibikaie? Is the valve called something special, or are you talking about like the same one that is on the top of the sponge filter?
  20. Thanks fishyd. I will check them out. They are close, so maybe shipping would be reasonable and fast.
  21. Hi, I have a HMF Filter on the left side of my tank. See my Mr. Aqua journal in my gallery. But, that is only thing that makes bubble noise in the tank. If it wasn't for the HMF, you wouldn't even know the tank was there, sound wise. Does anyone know of a way to not get the bubble noise so much from my HMF? It is the same as the sponge filters, same parts, same depth, and they don't make any bubble noise at all. The flow is the same as my dual sponge filters and like I said, they don't make any noise, so it's strange that the HMF with the same parts as the dual sponge filters makes so much bubble noise? It really doesn't bother me at all, but like I said, the tank is so quiet, if it wasn't for the HMF, you wouldn't even know it was there.
  22. Does anyone know where I can get some Panda Loaches, that doesn't cost an arm and leg to ship? Tommy is all out. I am trying to find at least four or more of them. I live in 59701 area code, - Montana Thanks, Doc
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