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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Hi, I am not sure, but when I use RO water and take a TDS reading. I get ( 0001 ) When I add API Stress Coat, and API Stress Zyme, I get a reading of ( 500 ) When I add Shrimp Mineral supplement, I get a reading of ( 125 - 10x ) I am trying to get the TDS to 190 to 200 for Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS) My tap water TDS reading is 089 I use RO Water for my tank, I add Stress Coat to get rid of any chlorine, and Stress Zyme to add bacteria. I have Fluval Shrimp Mineral Supplement. My PH is 6.8 to 7.2 I am using a HM Digital TDS Meter - model TDS-EZ that is new. I have moss, moss balls, sponge filters, black substrate, and my shrimp are coming next week. I am trying to get their home perfect for them. It is a new tank that was setup 6 weeks ago, with a fishless cycle, using pure ammonia, and a little fish food. I have zero ammonia, zero nitrites, zero nitrates, and 74 degree water temp. But this TDS thing is driving me crazy. I hope I am not getting a 500 TDS reading before I even add any Shrimp mineral supplement? How am supposed to get to a 190 to 210 ready for CRS? Any good help from someone who really knows their stuff would be great and much appreciated! Thanks!
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