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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Doc4PC2

    Website building

    We use iPage for our hosting. It is unlimited everything. Unlimited traffic, unlimited usage, file sizes, videos, photos, with full database, ecommerce, shopping cart, etc. You name it, they have it. And you never have to worry about going over on traffic or file size or how large your site is. You can pay once a year, or once a month payments, and they are the best, as far as I am concerned. We have several of our sites on iPage. Usually you can get a good deal for the first year, like 40 bucks for the year, and then after that, it is 145 a year. Which is reasonable, because everything is unlimited, emails, security, support. They have both email and call in support, and anytime I have had to use support, they have been excellent. One of our largest sites is ProShineClean.com and it also has the ProShineclean.mobi with it. One account can have several domains and sites hooked to it, and it doesn't cost anything extra. Your domain name costs, but you can have four different sites being managed from the same web tools and file management, and ftp, and still only pay the one price per year. So, just my opinion as a Webmaster and I manage several websites, but I haven't found a single host that is as good as iPage.com. GoDaddy, is good, but you have so many extras that you have to pay, you end up paying close to 500 a year if you need anything extra. The so called Free hosts do not have the tools you need to have a professional site up and running consistently, and search engines ignore websites on them, you can't get on the first page. You end up on page 20, so no one can find your site. When someone searches for shrimp, pet shrimp, TB's, neos, keywords like that, you want your site to come up on the first page of search, and as your traffic grows, you, you get there, but it take some marketing and time. Just my opinion.
  2. I think it's worth exploring, for sure.
  3. I guess, if we could figure out where the most shrimp people are at, then we could put on a show. If we could find enough shrimp keepers in one area, and those that are within a 100 miles of that area, we could try to get everyone involved into making a show. We would have to know where everyone is from and the place that has the most shrimp keepers would be where to put on a show and go from there.
  4. For me, I just like the shadow mosura. I am not into this to make money. I am doing this for My own personal hobby like my other aquatics. If I were to sell some, it would just go right Back into what I want with my shrimp. I am not doing this to make a business, I just Like the hobby. I want to raise certain breeds for myself and my own tanks, not to sell. But I would like to see some Shrimp shows here in the US like what they do in Europe, So you could bring in your best shrimp and show them off. That would be fun, and You could show off your best breed shrimp.
  5. That is what it did too was I got a Mr. Aqua Mat with my 12 gallon Mr. Aqua tank
  6. Things like the patches or tank stickers that are unique and the only place to get them is by belonging to the forum. They would have to be very unique and even numbered, something that so they can't be duplicated, and you can only get one by belonging to the forum.
  7. My answer is: When you put the filters back in, you didn't put them down all the way, so the water was not going through the filter media, it was just going back into the tank without going through the media.
  8. Dude Steve , Tigger is badass. What kind of bunny? I want one so bad..! Han, Tigger is a Dwarf Dutch bunny. They are very hard to find, the ones that are show quality and stay little. One like Tigger looks like a baby all of their life and stays small.
  9. Welcome, we're glad u decided to join the great gang here!
  10. 1. Soothing Shrimp 2. Metageologist 3. Greenteam 4. Duff0712 5. USCGJay 6. James Aquatics 7. Poopians 8. MN Shrimping 9. Miwu 10. H4n 11. Featherblue 12.Xtratech 13. Pika 14. ShortGirl 15. Elo500 16. DETAquarium 17. davesays 18. Archie1208 19. swissian 20. high5's 21. Doc4PC2
  11. That's a good idea, or we could do different judges each month too, so the judges are never the same each month.
  12. My name is Steve, and everyone calls me Doc, and has for a long time now. Live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. Love, Aquatics, and animals, music, photography, computers, martial arts, football, sports, and spending time with my family and friends. I am single and love being independent doing the things that I want to do when and how I want to do them. I am new to Shrimp Keeping, but am finding out that I really enjoy it. - Me in my back yard - Me at my desk - My Dog named Shadow (She is an excellent Dog about 8 years old) - My Show Bunny Named Tigger - Some of my interests and hobbies - I am a Peyton Manning Fan, #18 - I go where my QB goes - Some of my Shrimp - Album and more about me
  13. Doc4PC2

    Me, my pets, hobbies,and interests

    Me and my pets, hobbies, and interests.
  14. Doc4PC2

    My shrimp

    From the album: Me, my pets, hobbies,and interests

    Some of my shrimp, plus I have the TB tank now too, and I have some Panda Loaches that I will try to breed.
  15. From the album: Me, my pets, hobbies,and interests

    I am a Peyton Manning Fan. #18, I have followed his career since he was in High School in New Orleans. Followed him to Tenn. in College, then to the Colts, and now at Denver. I go where my QB goes.
  16. Doc4PC2

    250x250 Me

    From the album: Me, my pets, hobbies,and interests

    Me and some of my interests - Love Music, I play several instruments and write and produce my own music, I love Photography, Videography, Martial Arts, Computers, Football, Sports, Bikes, working out, Aquatics. Everyone calls me Doc and has for years now. My name is Steve
  17. From the album: Me, my pets, hobbies,and interests

    My Show Bunny, named Tigger - 3 years old and also very smart. Does tricks, runs obstacle courses, is box trained, and can sit, shake, lie down, roll over, play dead, fetch, and balance stuff.
  18. Doc4PC2


    From the album: Me, my pets, hobbies,and interests

    My Dog named Shadow - She is half Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua - She is 8 years old and a great dog. Extremely smart and a love.
  19. Doc4PC2

    Doc 1a

    From the album: Me, my pets, hobbies,and interests

    Me in my back yard
  20. I have never tried their liquids, but I have tried their leaves, Cappa Bark, Indian Almond Leaves, Mulberry Leaves. They are vacuumed sealed, and packed right. Organic, and good quality. My shrimp love the Mulberry leaves from Tantora. It is without a doubt their favorite food. But I have never tried their liquids like above, but I would say their quality is pretty good.
  21. Yeah, those are the ones I like too with the flower head pattern on it's head, so I guess I will have just experiment and selective breed. Maybe start with a Blue Bolt and SSS CBS, or a Blue Bolt and Blue Panda. So even if you have a male and female Shadow Mosura, you would not want to breed them together, to get more? You would need to breed them with Blue Bolts or SSS CBS?
  22. Wow, so it can go all the way back to a CRS / CBS cross, and be Blue Bolt and Panda? That must be why they are expensive and hard to find.
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